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Everything around them was dead silent. The night was cold and calm, the fire had consumed itself hours ago, leaving only the ashes to provide some sort of light. The dark sky complemented the water, only distinguishable for the stars that ended where the horizon touched the sea.

The four of them where submerged in a deep sleep, when Arline felt a big, rough hand covering her mouth, almost slapping her. She opened her eyes and saw a tough man, dark red hair with a bushy beard of the same color. It was one of the hunters she saw the day she arrived on the island.

She tried to scream but his hand muffled the noise. Thankfully, Calix had a light sleep and woke up instantly, being too fast and grabbing his knife. Then he analyzed the situation, and it wasn't looking like a joke.

"Let her go" Calix loudly demanded, causing his friends to wake up.

"I told you" the man holding Arline said "We have unwanted visitors in our lands"

Arline was as terrified as the rest, it just happened that the boys were better at hiding it.

"Nothing to fear beautiful" one of the other hunters brushed one of his fingers against her cheek, she violently moved her head and the boys tensed, filled with disgust and fear.

"These are free lands gentlemen" Larsin stood up carefully "Just return our friend and we'll leave somewhere else" he was bargaining, trying to keep them calm as long as he could.

"I think you'll just leave and let us take care of your little friend" the big man chuckled "That sounds better". The boys didn't find it funny and Arline was growing desperate. She started to move and try to escape his hold, but he was way too strong for her and his temper started to get worse.

Tears of fear started forming on the corner of her eyes. Suddenly she felt the tight grip loosening and finally letting her go. Before she could turn around, someone grabbed her arm, making her get up and directed her to the woods "It's me Arline, don't worry, we're safe" Zeroun assured her, but they were running away.

"For now" Calix let out.

"We need to get into the mountain, it'll be harder for them to follow us" Larsin advised.

They kept running. Jumping above fallen, rotting logs and avoiding sharp branches. The base of the mountain seemed hundreds of kilometers away.

They heard a gun shut fly past them. They stopped and covered behind some thick bushes.

"What are you doing?"Arline asked Larsin in a whisper. He didn't respond and just placed his index finger in the middle of his lips and smirked.

The hunters weren't far away and were sneaking in between them, but couldn't see them. Larsin positioned himself, taking a wide stance and shot an arrow aiming for one of the hunter's chest. She couldn't tell if it hit him or not because they continued running.

When they arrived, they were exhausted. They heard another gunshot and a few other voices "Oh please, don't tell me they brought the whole group" Calix was furious and exasperated "Let me end this Zeroun" he begged his friend.

"Don't you dare" Zeroun shook his head and signaled to continue their path, Calix just rolled his eyes.

How could he end this?. She was confused but didn't have the time, energy nor oxygen to debate this. She'll ask him later if they made it out.

They held an advantage over the hunters, very slim. When they reached the top, their legs were cramped but had enough energy left to turn right and get inside a cave.

"Great, we are trapped" Larsin finally spoke.

"I'm done with the attitude" Zeroun shouted.

Arline was calming her breathing and took a moment to look at the cave with the first rays of sunlight appearing in the sky. It had, what she assumed, runes all carved around the walls. Some were as simple as water drops or stars, but others were more complicated. But she did recognize one, it translated to either "home" or "refuge".

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