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The feeling of creasing was drowning her skin. She was stiff, couldn't feel her back and her mouth was dry. Both her mind and senses were awake, but she didn't move a muscle. She felt the cozy warmth of the room and the silks and wools that covered her body embracing her in a soft hug. There were some people in the room, but her brain couldn't put together the voices.

Arline decided it was time to open her eyes and move a little to loosen up her body. When she was slowly lifting her torso from the side, a strong hand gently grabbed her shoulder "Take it easy Arline" it was Merrick and he sounded surprised maybe because she was awake after a long time "Good morning" he pulled away when he was sure she could handle her own weight, then he sat across her.

Arline yawned, rubbed her eyes and stretched her shoulders, she was certainly stiff. Only when her eyes focused the room, she looked at Merrick "Good morning Merrick" her voice was raspy and her throat hurt from how dry it was.

He passed her a cup of water, she nodded in thanks. He was examining her carefully, attentive to anything that might look out of place. Arline felt uncomfortable and started detangling her hair when the heavy door burst open, making her flinch. Only to reveal Pauline getting inside the room with a silver trail filled with food.

"Well, well, good morning miss, glad to see you are awake and well" she sang while putting down the trail carefully on the small table in between Arline and Merrick.

"I'm feeling very well Pauline, thank you" Arline had to smile at how relieved she looked.

"I hope you are hungry" Merrick softly said to her once Pauline made Arline look more presentable.

"I am" her stomach was eating itself if she was being fair, but tried keep it together and not throw herself into the delights placed in front of her.

Merrick's eyes softened at the view of her eating slowly. Despite him not being verbal about it, he got worried after she passed out, so watching her awake and healthy made him relaxed. Arline had grown on him faster than he would've liked. And he was even more intrigued now considering everything she had to go through to get to where she was.

"You can eat too if you want" she offered after sipping from her cup of tea. A small, childish smirk formed on his face.

"Don't worry about me Arline, I'm all right" he said while pouring himself a cup of tea "But I'll gladly take one of these" he picked a coal, black cookie and took a small bite, clearly enjoying it.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, accommodating himself in a more straight position.

"Way better than the last time I was awake" she confessed putting the still warm cup in the trail "Which I don't know when it was".

"Three days ago, and you look stronger"

Arline was processing the fact that she spent the last 3 days peacefully and carelessly sleeping. She actually believed everything that had happened until now was a very crazy dream.

"What happened?" her eyes finally met Merrick's gaze. His eyes were a deep shade of brown, opaque but shiny "And please go straight to the point" she looked away, nervous.

"Don't worry, it's quite a short story" he smiled to himself "You were taken over by a water demon, Zeroun and I pulled it out and you passed out"

She touched her neck, trying to remember piece by piece. The scar felt lumpy, that feeling was masked by the soreness and slight pain on that area.

"It's a foggy memory and embarrassing"

"You shouldn't be" he looked at her as if she was joking "But you did have a fever and tried cracking a joke" She shut down her eyes at that comment, now for sure she felt embarrassed and her face lit up.

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