Chapter Nine

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It felt like I was dragged against my will to the auditorium. Mr. Schue had invited the Glee Club from Jane Addams Academy to perform for us in our school. Why would I want to watch the competition before the event? It'll just stress me out.

"Okay, guys, so first of all, I want to welcome Miss. Hitchens and the Jane Addams Glee Club. We're all happy to have you here," Mr. Schue said. "So, we're gonna let you guys start us off. Let's see what you got."

Mr. Schue walked off the stage, coming into the audience with us. The girls from Jane Addams started to perform "Bootylicious" by Destiny's Child, and let's just say I was not digging it. They were just distracting from their okay singing by whipping their hair around and showing off their breasts and behinds.

Kurt and I kept looking at each other. What the hell were we watching?

"We need a spa night after this," I whispered to my brother as they finished.

"Definitely. Your eyebrows need to be re-shaped anyway," he replied.

We regrouped in the choir room the next day, all of us waiting for Mr. Schue until he finally walked in, "Hey, guys. I did some thinking last night. I think I found our new number for sectionals." He took out sheet music. "We're gonna do the title song from Hair. Now, this show started a revolution."

"Wait, did they have mohawks back then? Like in the twenties or something?" Puck asked.

"Yeah, if we're gonna do a song about hair, shouldn't we have more hair?" Finn asked.

"I'm one step ahead of you. Here are your wigs," Mr. Schue tossed a bag at the quarterback who started distributing them to the guys.

I started laughing as Kurt's got his on, which was an awful cliche long blonde wig that you see in every 2000s beach movie. The rest of the boys made me laugh as well.

The next day, on my way to Chemistry, Quinn ran up to me, "Hey, Kimberly can I pick your brain for a second?"

"Well, hey, Quinn. To what do I owe the honor? I do believe this is the first time you've ever spoken to me."

"Well, I'm sorry about that. I have a proposition to make. A makeover," she said as we turned a corner.

"I'm in. Makeovers are like crack to me," I looked her over. "My suggestion, Spanx. Or a double-knit camisole with a control top for the baby bump. Also, baby doll dresses? Dead giveaway."

"Not for me. For Rachel."

I laughed, "Now, why would I wanna do that? I'll admit I like a challenge as much as the next girl, but Rachel somehow manages to dress like a grandmother and a toddler at the same time."

"My point exactly. You're as concerned about the Glee Club succeeding as I am, and she's a distraction. Look at her, she's wearing a pantsuit."

I looked over at a row of lockers to see Rachel wearing a bright blue pantsuit, making me gag in disgust. It didn't even look good on her.

"Don't you think the judges are gonna take one look at her and maybe wanna knock her down a peg or two?" Quinn asked.

"And to think I thought you were a dumb blonde. I'm in."

* * * * *

Rachel groaned in pain as I ripped the strips off of her eyebrows as she sat at her vanity in her room.

I sighed, "The key is to never wax above the eyebrow. Always shape from below. Trust me. I get a lot of practice. Look at mine." I stood behind her, admiring my eyebrows in my mirror. "And my brother is just really talented at getting them just right and I learned a lot from him."

Don't Stop Believin': Book One of the Kimberly Hummel SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now