Chapter Eight

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"Ballad," Mr. Schue said as he wrote the word on the board. "From Middle English 'balade'. Who knows what this word means?"

Kurt and I raised my hand as Brittany said, "It's a male duck."

Mr. Schue looked at her before looking at my brother, "Kurt."

"A ballad is a love song."

"Sometimes, but they don't always express love. Ballads are stories set to music which is why they're the perfect storm of self-expression. Stories and music are the way we express feelings that we can't get out any other way. Okay, now sectionals are in a few weeks. And there's a new rule this year. We have to perform . . . a ballad. So, here's our assignment for the week. I'm going to pair you off, and I want you to pick a ballad to sing to your partner. Look them right in the eye, find the emotion you want to express, and make them feel it."

"I pick Quinn," Finn said.
"No, no, no, no. Too easy. Your partners will be chosen by fate."

We all oohed as he walked over to a top hat that sat upside down on the piano, "'Ooh,' yeah. I put all your names in this hat. Whoever you choose is your partner."

"I bet that duck's in the hat," Brittany whispered.

"But Matt's out sick today. He had to go to the hospital because they found a spider in his ear," Santana said.

"And Rachel's doing a 'Broadway Tours Tour of the Midwest'. She's hitting up some shows in Cleveland, Columbus, and I think Detroit and Chicago are also on the list, too," I said.

"Oh, um, I guess I'll just have to put my name in the hat for now. Who's up first?" Mr. Schue said.

Puck went first and got Mercedes. Artie got Quinn. Finn got Kurt. Tina got Mike. And Santana got Brittany.

I stood up and started walking to our teacher, "I guess I get you, Mr. Schue."

"Uh, you know what? Maybe we should wait till either Rachel or Matt get back," he said.

"The Fates talked, Mr. Schue," Finn said, making people laugh.

Artie raised his hand, "Would you mind clarifying what songs you want us to sing?"

"Uh, how about me and Mr. Schue demonstrate?" I suggested before turning to our pianist. "Brad, 'Endless Love' in B-flat, please. It's one of my favorite duets."

"I really don't think that's an appropriate song, Kimberly," Mr. Schue said.

"Why? It's a great song and it's a perfect ballad."

"Yeah, I really like that song, Mr. Schue," Finn said with a smile, making some of my teammates laugh.

Mr. Schue:

My love

There's only you in my life

The only thing that's right


My first love

You're every breath that I take

You're every step I make

Mr. Schue (and Kimberly):

And I (Kimberly: I)

I want to share

(All my love with you)

No one else will do

Kimberly (Mr. Schue):

And your eyes (Your eyes, your eyes)


Don't Stop Believin': Book One of the Kimberly Hummel SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now