Chapter Two

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(Picture of Kimberly above. Definitely not a FaceApp gender swap of Kurt)

AN: Obviously Glee was on from 2009-2015, and some stuff has not aged well, for example, New Directions performing a Kanye song. I do not like anything that Kanye has done as of recent and or in the past. Please do not come at me as this was part of the original show. 

Another day of me standing by not being able to do anything whilst the football players were getting ready to throw Kurt in the dumpster again.

"Morning, Hummels," Mr. Schue said as he walked past us.

"Buenos nachos, Mr. Schue," Puck said.

"Hey. Let's go, Titans."

"Yeah," Puck said before turning to the players. "Come on."

"Wait," Kurt said as they tried to grab him before throwing his bag at me before looking back at the players. "One day you'll all work for me."

They threw him in laughing before one of them turned to me as they started walking off, "Kimberly, I got a nice PB&J if you want one during lunch."

"Go to hell," I said as he laughed.

* * * * *

"Ah, freak out!" We sang as we rehearsed "Le Freak" in Glee Club that afternoon. "Le freak, c'est chic. Freak out!"

"Energy guys. It's disco," Mr. Schue said.

"Le freak, c'est chic. Freak out!"

"Good with the hands. John Travolta hands."

"Le freak, c'est chic."

"We're freaking out. Let's go."
"Freak out. Le freak, c'est chic."

"And up and out, you go down and . . ."

"Have you heard about the new dance craze?"

"Good, guys."

"Listen to us, I'm sure you'll be amazed. Big fun!"

"Whoa, whoa. Hell to the nah," Mercedes said after Rachel almost kicked her. "First, you try to bust my face again, and I will cut you. And also, this song is terrible."

"It's not the song. You guys need to get into it," Mr. Schue said.

"No, it's the song. It's really gay," Kurt said.

"We need modern music," I said.

"I'm sorry, guys. We don't have time to discuss this. We're doing this at the pep assembly," Mr. Schue said.

"In front of the whole school?" Tina asked.


"They're gonna throw fruit at us! And I just had a facial," my brother said.

"I'll press charges if that happens," Rachel said.

"Guys. I can't express how important this assembly is. We need recruits. There are seven of you. We need twelve to qualify for regionals. We have no choice, or the club is over," Mr. Schue said. "I know you guys don't like this song, but we took nationals back in '93 with 'Freak Out'. It's a crowd-pleaser. Trust me. From the top."

Finn scoffed, "I'm dead."

* * * * *

"Kimberly, favorite brand of peanut-butter?" Karofsky, one of the football players, asked as me and Kurt walked to the car after school.

Don't Stop Believin': Book One of the Kimberly Hummel SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now