35 | where the hell is Mark?

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I wake up to an incessant beeping noise, greeted by a bright, white ceiling.

I would have believed that I was in heaven if I hadn't seen Jaemin seated to my right.

"Yena! Babe, she's awake!" Jaemin nudges his sleeping girlfriend, who instantly stirs awake to his voice. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit," I croak. "I can't feel anything, but weirdly, I kinda feel everything."

Jaemin nods. "I'll go call a doctor."

Sera shifts her chair closer to my bed, taking my hand into hers. "I'm so happy you're awake! We've been worried sick," she says before frowning. "Oh, crap. Chaerin's gonna be mad when she finds out she wasn't here when you woke up."

Before I could ask where Chaerin even is, a man in a long, white coat walks in, introducing himself as Dr. Kim before he proceeds to check my vitals.

The process doesn't take very long, and soon he leaves me alone with my friends, not before telling me that I would need to stay here for a few more days for the hospital to keep an eye on me while I recover back to health.

Chaerin rushes in a short while after Dr. Kim leaves, eyes wide as they land on me. "Fuck! I knew I shouldn't have left you to visit that dumbass Donghyuck."

The mention of his name makes me smile— at least I know that he is okay.

Mark, on the other hand...

"W-What about Mark?" I ask, suddenly feeling panic rise within me. "He's okay, right?"

"Yena, calm down." Jaemin stands up, pressing my shoulders gently to make sure I continue lying down. "Mark is fine. Don't worry."

"We know, you know," Sera speaks up, and I turn to look at her. "It's all over the news."

I sigh. Figures— something this big would definitely have made its way to the media, and I know there's no use continuing my lie any longer.

"I guess there's no use hiding it anymore."

"Not to us, no," Chaerin says. "As far as the general public is concerned, Spider-Man was only there to help with the drug bust, not because his two friends were in danger. We wouldn't have known either, but the fact that you and Donghyuck were involved gave it away."

I nod. "I'm sorry for not telling you guys."

"Hey, that's not on you. We're just glad you're safe. Still, I can't believe that Spider-Man has been Lee Mark all along. Like... what the hell? Who would have thought?"

Chaerin's words make me chuckle, but my mind dwells on the question playing at the back of my head begging to be asked before I finally give in. "Where is he?"

Chaerin and Sera share a look, Sera ultimately being the first to reply. "We don't know. We're waiting for the detectives to drop by so maybe then we'll find out."

I can't seem to stop the sinking feeling of my gut.

I clear my throat, not wanting to dwell on my relationship with Mark at the moment. "I wanna go see Haechan."

"Yena, c'mon," Chaerin starts, her tone stern like it always is whenever she doesn't agree with me on something. "You need to rest-"

"I'm fine. I've rested enough," I insist, and that seems to shut her up.

"Fine," she gives in. "I'll take you."

Sera shares a look with Jaemin before they stands up. "We'll go get some food."

After bidding the couple goodbye, I find myself being wheeled to the fifth floor with Chaerin, the girl insistent on me being in a wheelchair because I'm 'not fully recovered yet. I know arguing with Chaerin would only get me nowhere, and that includes Haechan's ward, and so I let her be.

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