15 | into Mark's mind

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I lean against the wall behind me as I wait for Sera and Jaemin, yet to emerge from the Science block.

It's Friday, and Professor Qian had cancelled class at the very last minute which left me at school with nothing to do considering I have no other classes.

Jaemin's elective happens to end around the same time as Sera's science club, so they had asked me to join them for lunch after.

I'm not usually a fan of third-wheeling, but since I'm already out anyways with no food in my system, I agree. Plus, Jaemin always pays for our food and I'm not about to give up free food.

I gaze mindlessly at the bulletin board before me, posters and other notices pinned messily on the green fabric behind the glass. I even spot a purple brochure about an opening to join the science club, and to contact onyourmark@gmail.com for enquiries.

I snicker at the silly name, and again my mind goes back to thinking about the boy I've been trying to rid off my mind.

It's almost impossible, because everywhere I turn, he's there.

I push myself off the wall, deciding to go find a bench somewhere to wait for the couple instead. As I turn around, I almost crash into something— rather, someone, and I fortunately manage to catch myself before I could face-plant to the ground.

"Shit, sorry," Mark mumbles distractedly as he immediately side-steps, having not noticed me with his eyes focused on buttoning up his shirt.

"Mark?" My brows furrow at his dishevelled appearance today. His oversized outer shirt is wrongly buttoned, which probably explains why he's so focused on correcting it. His inner white tee is wrinkled, and he isn't sporting neither his usual beanie nor glasses today, his dark hair messily strewn atop his head.

He looks up with wide eyes. "Yena! Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. You alright?"

"Yeah, yeah." I frown. "Are you alright?"

Mark's lips part. "Huh?"

"You're looking a little rough."

"Oh, this?" An small chuckle escapes his mouth as he motions to his outfit. "I- I woke up late. We have science club today after psychology and I totally forgot. About both. I had a late night. You know, typical uni student stuff. Ha," he rambles before shaking his head. "What are you doing here?"

"Huh, you must have had a really late night, then. Isn't science club almost over?" I point to behind me with my thumb. "I'm waiting for Sera."

As if on cue, I hear my roommate calling out my name. I turn around to see Sera approaching us, hand-in-hand with Jaemin.

"Mark sunbae, what are you doing here? I thought you were out sick," she says she she approaches us.

"Yeaaah," Mark drawls, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "I feel better now, so I thought I'd just come by, but turns out I'm too late. Heh." He turns to me. "I fell sick because I had a late night," he explains.

"Um, okay." Obviously, he's lying, and I don't buy his terrible reason of an excuse one bit. I don't prod though, knowing it's none of my business.

"Soo... wanna join us for lunch?" Sera offers, glancing to Jaemin. "We're heading to the cafeteria."

Mark hesitates, his eyes shooting from Sera to me before he replies. "It's fine. There's something I need to do at the lab."

Sera shrugs. "Oh, okay. See you next week, sunbae!"

We bid him goodbye, but just as I move to walk away, I feel something wrap around my wrist, holding me back. Mark quickly lets me go when I turn around, and I don't miss the teasing look on Sera's face.

She tells me that she would wait for me at the entrance, and soon I am left alone with Mark Lee.

"You okay?" I ask him again. Mark is acting weird— very, very, weird, and I'm not sure why. He's always been an awkward person, as am I, but the air between us has never been this tense before.

We were fine just a few days ago— what happened?

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry, I'm just tired." Mark shuts his eyes as he shakes his head. "Are you working tonight?"

"Nope, I have the day off." I stare at him for a while more. "Hey, are you really okay? You shouldn't be here if you're sick. Have you eaten?"

I'm starting to feel guilty with the way I accused him earlier. While Mark doesn't look physically sick, he does look really burnt out now that I'm looking at him up close.

"Yeah, yeah," he brushes me off. "Anyways, you should go. Your friends are waiting for you."

I nod slowly, unconvinced. "Yeah. Um, don't stay too late."

At this, Mark grins sloppily, and while the usual glimmer in his eyes isn't here today, the sight of his smile does make me feel a little better.

I turn around to walk away, but Mark calls for me once more. "Yena!"


He stares at me for awhile. "Nothing." He takes a deep breath, nodding. "Just... stay safe."


While Sera chatters away about some experiment she conducted just now, I stare at my now-cold pasta, twirling it around aimlessly with my fork.

For some reason, I can't seem to forget of my encounter with Mark earlier, though I can't exactly seem to pinpoint why.

"You're worried."

I look up, Jaemin and Sera staring at me. Without me realising, their conversation had already come to a close.


"You're worried. About Lee Mark." Jaemin leans forward over the table where he is seated opposite me, studying my face. "Tsk. You don't even try to hide it," he scoffs as he leans back, throwing an arm around Sera's chair.

"I'm not. I'm just- I'm just kinda out of it today. Sorry," I lie helplessly.

"Uhuh. Look, just go, alright? I think it'll help to give you a peace of mind."

"I'm not going to go to Mark Lee, Jaems. You heard him— he has stuff to do at the lab."

"That doesn't change the fact that you want to see him," this time, Sera says. "I think he'd appreciate you being there. Poor sunbae. He always acts like nothing ever bothers him, but it's obvious how troubled he is sometimes. Maybe you can help him, who knows?"

I bite my lip as I weigh out my options. I'm not really sure I want to disturb Mark when he's working, but at the same time, Jaemin's right— I am worried, and visiting him would give me a peace of mind.

"Fine," I mutter, standing up as I take my bag. "But remember that I'm doing this only because I know you two want to be left alone."

Jaemin grins sloppily as Sera slaps his arm, telling me that she'll see me at home.

"Good luck!" She calls out as I walk away.

For some reason, I feel like I need it.

Mark is acting very odd, isn't he? What do you think is going to happen next? 👀

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