01 | ring pops and rejections

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The scorching bright rays of the sun hinder my vision slightly as they shine directly into my eyes, but I don't bother to move. It feels nice to finally have warmth on my skin after being cooped up in my room for a few days, though I know it will only be a while before I find myself back in my apartment once more.

I can already hear the voices of my flatmates begging for me to come out and spend time with them now that finals are finally over, which is why I find myself sitting on the bleachers with them the day after our last paper. Ironically though, the extrovert of our group doesn't seem to be having as much of a great time as us two introverts.

"This is so boring!" Chaerin whines dramatically.

"It's not that bad," Sera mumbles, narrowing her eyes at our roommate slightly. The sound of a whistle manages to direct her attention back to the field, her lips curving into a small smile as she let out a whoop, waving a handmade banner in the air.

You're my world, Na Jaemin, it says.

Sera had woken us up at two in the morning last night in a state of panic, claiming that she had forgotten all about the annual Business School Sports Day event that her boyfriend would be participating in today, and being the good roommates that we were, Chaerin and I had helped her put together a (half-hearted) banner for Na Jaemin, albeit begrudgingly.

"Remind me why we're helping you, again?" Chaerin grumbled as she glued a star onto the paper with a bit too much force. "He's your boyfriend, not ours."

"He's literally your brother!"

The two had continued to bicker into the wee hours of the morning, which might explain why Chaerin is in such a bad mood. Not Sera, though. Based off the twinkle in her eyes at the sight of her approaching boyfriend, I assume she's doing just fine.

"Hi, baby." Na Jaemin flopped on the empty seat next to his girlfriend, offering her a chaste kiss on her temple.

I don't miss Chaerin's gag before she turns her attention back to the field, presumably to avoid the sight of her roommate and step-brother being all lovey-dovey.

"Good game, Na-Jaem," I say to the boy, him offering me a lopsided grin in return.

"Fancy seeing you here, Na-Ye. I thought vampires couldn't stand being in the sun."

I glare at him. "Choke."

Jaemin lets out a cackle, Sera telling him to be nice.

Like Chaerin, I decide I've had enough of the couple as I divert my attention back to the field, taking in the sight of twenty-something year olds scurry aimlessly around the field. I never understood the concept of a Sports Day— having so many games go on at once on the same patch of grass kind of seems like a safety hazard, no?

"You know, it wouldn't even be half bad if there are cute guys around," Chaerin sighs, resting her chin on her hand. "Business school sucks! Why aren't there any cute guys?!"

"I'm cute!" Jaemin calls out, only to receive a dismissive wave by his step-sister.

"You know, I bet Spider-Man is cute," Chaerin mumbles suddenly, and I turn to look at her. "What?" She asks, raising her hands defensively. "I'm back in my phase, okay..."

The news of the known masked vigilante (affectionately nicknamed Spider-Man, because of the Spider-looking suit he dons) has been circling around the news once more, though it really isn't anything new considering I remember his first appearance being a few months ago.

His name used to be all over the news back then, and all I know is that the police aren't really fond of him despite his help in fighting rampant crimes.

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