31 | call me baby

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"That's all for today's class. Remember to submit your assignments through the online portal by next Friday!" Professor Qian announces, closing his textbook shut on the podium.

The chatter in the auditorium dies out as quick as it empties, soon only leaving Mark and I with our professor as I take my time to pack my stuff, in no hurry to leave.

I sling my bag over my shoulder, Mark next to me as I go down the steps towards the exit.

"Oh, Yena!" Professor Qian calls out just as I walk past the small stage, and I halt to face him.

"Yeah, Prof?" I ask, giving Mark a small glance to which he replies with a nod towards the door, signalling that he'd wait for me outside.

"Good work on your last assignment." He gives me a smile, tucking his book and laptop in his arm as he steps down from the stage. "I'm really impressed with your paper. I know Psychology isn't something you would want to pursue in the future, but out of everyone in this class I believe you have the most potential." He takes out a flimsy piece of paper from the middle of his textbook, handing it to me. "I have a ticket to a seminar this coming weekend hosted by Oh Ilsung, head psychologist at Seoul National University Hospital. I'm unable to make it, so I would appreciate if you could attend in my stead."

I accept the ticket from him, letting my fingers roam the smooth paper. Contrary to what he believed, I know for a fact that I wouldn't like it, but it's the least I could do after receiving his praise, so I find myself saying:

"Of course, Prof. Thank you so much for this opportunity." I bow slightly, and Professor Qian gives me a warm smile.

"Since this event would take up your weekend, I'll be sure to give you some extra credit. I hope you're able to learn something from his seminar."

I nod, thanking him once again before exiting the lecture hall, seeing Mark wait for me just outside the door.

Mark senses my arrival, pushing himself off the wall as I approach him. "What did Prof want?"

I wave my ticket at him. "He gave me a ticket for a seminar this weekend. Said I deserve it more than anyone else in class," I boast, giving Mark an arrogant smile before stuffing the ticket in my back pocket.

Despite my banter, Mark seems genuinely excited for my achievement as he grins widely. "He said that? Dude, I'm so proud of you. My baby's a genius." He pinches my cheek before reaching for my hand to start walking.

The nicknames catches me off-guard and causes me to stay rooted to my spot, and Mark notices as he turns back around to look at me. "Yena?"

"W-What did you just call me?" I ask him, wide-eyed.

"Uh, Yena?" He answers, clearly confused as he steps towards me. Our hands are still loosely intertwined, none of us bothering to let go.

"No! Before that," I insist, and Mark tilts his head.

"Oh. A genius?"

"No, Mark," I groan. "Nevermind. C'mon." This time, I pull his hand, leading him out of the passing crowd as he mumbles out a confused huh? from behind me.

I don't know if Mark is just plain stupid or just pretending to be stupid, but either way, his slip-up unleashes a mass of flustered butterflies in my stomach.

At this point in our relationship you would think that I'd get used to his antics, but I still find myself blushing every now and then at every little thing he does, be it intentionally or not.

"Baby, slow down," Mark chuckles from behind me, and I almost stumble over my own two feet at the way he so casually said it again.

I turn to him, and Mark only stares back at me with a lopsided smile on his face. I bring up a fist to punch his forearm, finally realising that he had been pulling my leg all this while.

Supernerd! MARKOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz