14 | panic! at the bonfire

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Saturday rolls around, and I wake up to the sound of people bickering in the living room

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Saturday rolls around, and I wake up to the sound of people bickering in the living room.

I don't question why Jaemin is in our apartment at ten in the morning, rather brushing it off seeing as the boy walks in and out of our home like it's his own place anyways. I let out a yawn as I open the refrigerator, looking for something to fill my empty stomach.

"Good morning, Yena!" Sera chirps as she appears beside me, albeit the arguing coming from the step-siblings from behind us.

"Hey." I turn to her, seeing that she is already fully dressed. "Where are you going?"

"Seo Industries is hosting a tour of their building today, and Mark sunbae managed to snag spots for the science club. He interns there, so it's probably how he got us the tickets. He's so cool, Yena."

I hum mindlessly. It's funny how the mention of Mark's internship at one of the top companies of Seoul is suddenly being brought up one too many times recently, though now that I think about it, Sera has mentioned it before in passing.

"Ready to go?" Jaemin is seemingly done with his argument with Chaerin as he steps into the kitchen, looking at his girlfriend adoringly. "You look so pretty, baby. My little scientist."

Sera nods as she grins, and I can vaguely hear Chaerin in the background asking them to go be in love somewhere else.

"Bye, guys! See you at the bonfire!"

Right. So that's today.

I tend to forget that Jaemin is literally roommates with Lee Jeno, who is in turn best friends with Lee Haechan. Our friendship venn diagram is now one circle.

I had no intention of going to the bonfire in the first place, and no, it's not only because Mark is going to be there. Just imagining the way my hair would be clinging to my neck the entire time and the feeling of sand in my shoes is enough to make me cringe.

Unless Mark Lee shows up with a flimsy cardboard picnic mat, of course.

I chuckle at my own internal joke, causing Chaerin to look at me weirdly.

I clear my throat. "Excited for the bonfire?"

"Ugh," Chaerin groans as she buries her head on our breakfast counter. "I don't wanna go."

"You never give up free booze," I say, though I can already guess the actual reason behind her reluctance. "It's Jeno, isn't it?"

"No, its..." Chaerin sighs deeply. "Nevermind."

Before I could prompt her to just tell me, Chaerin sits up straight, turning to face me. "Forget about me. What are you going to do about Lee Mark?"

I raise my brows. "What are you talking about?"

"I mean, about the giant crush you have on him. Are you gonna tell him?"

"W-What?" I sputter, standing up from my seat. "I don't like him."

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