04 | awesome donut

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Another Friday comes around, and despite my lack of friends in my Psychology class, I find myself looking forward to it every time.

Professor Qian is a great lecturer, a refreshing contrast to my other business lecturers who are old and cranky. As boring as psychology sounds, I enjoy his lessons and I try to convince myself that it isn't merely because he's hot and funny.

"You guys might hate me for this, but," he begins dramatically right after he wraps up today's lesson. "Now that we're a few weeks into our module, I believe it's time for us to move on to our first project— pair, project."

A chorus of groans echoes in the auditorium as Professor Qian nods sympathetically. "I know, I know. Trust me, I hate them just as much as you guys. But because I like you guys so much, I'll let you choose your partners."

That doesn't make it any better, I think, and as my classmates all begin to move around the auditorium, I find myself rooted to my seat.

I scan the auditorium for someone who looks like they haven't gotten a partner yet, and my eyes land on the familiar head of dark hair sitting only a few rows in front of me.

Like myself, Mark stays stationary in his spot as he fiddles with his pen, seemingly not bothered to move to find a partner either.

There is absolutely no way in hell I would walk up to Mark Lee just to ask him to be my partner. Look, it's not like I have anything against the guy— I just think working with someone whom I don't share an awkward purgatory-type relationship-thing would work out better in my favour.

I see Professor Qian walk up to Mark and before I could look away, Professor Qian mutters something to him and points to me, causing Mark to turn around to look— directly at me.

My eyes widen, and the first thing that comes to mind was for me to avert my gaze.

You know, like an idiot.

"Jeez," I hear someone chuckle softly as they approach me a few moments after. "Am I really that bad to work with?"

I squeeze my eyes shut momentarily, uttering to myself a small curse for being so obvious. As soon as I open my eyes, I am met with Mark Lee, who is standing rather awkwardly next to me with his black Jansport bag slung over his shoulder.

"No, no!" I try to convince him, letting out a laugh though I'm sure it comes off as strained. I hastily clear my stuff which embarrassingly takes up the empty seat next to mine as a way to distract myself from the burning heat that is slowly spreading through my cheeks. "Ha, of course not. What?"

"Yeah..." Mark trails off as he flops on the seat next to me, settling his bag on the floor. "Sorry. Professor Qian made me come here."

"Yeah. I know," I answer softly, looking towards the front to see Professor Qian give me a cheeky thumbs up. I return his gesture with a half-smile.

"So... you remember me, right? It'll be awkward if you don't. It's Mark."

"Yeah, I know who you are," I mumble, turning to face him so as to avoid being rude. "We met at the notice board the other day. I'm Yena."

Mark raised a brow before scoffing slightly. "Uhuh. So you don't remember me."

And there it is, folks. I feel my heart stutter in my chest and I pray to God that it isn't what I think it is.

"What, have we met before?" I feign ignorance.

"Dude, we literally went to school together. You proposed to me with a ringpop in kindergarten! You stole my first-"

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