Christmas Special!

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This is canon! This chapter was supposed to be released more early, but I got into an accident and broke 3 of my fingers. Now I had to type this with one hand, it was hard but I managed. 

Orchid saw thousands of lights around the city, thousands of reindeers with gigantic red big nose. And then sculptures of a white-bearded man. "Christmas?" What's that? By looking at it right now, isn't it some type of... Event? 

He continued to look around, while jumping from building to building. He tilted his head. "Gifts?" He saw a man giving some type of wrapped thing to a woman, they both smiled before making a kiss each other. "Why do it in the middle of the street?" He shrugged before jumping once more. 

He scratched his head. Should he ask Kiana about it? He was quite lost. 

He pouted subconsciously while looking around. He sat on the edge of one of the buildings. Suddenly a lightbulb appeared on top of Orchid's head. He took out this thing called a "phone." that Kiana gave him.

He searched the internet about Christmas. Looking through the results. A day of giving kindness and celebrating the birth of Jesus. Jesus the savior? The internet said that usually they give gifts to the people that they are close with.

Family, friends, classmates, teachers. Orchid then thought of one thing. "What does Kiana like?" Stars? No, it's not like he can take a star out of the sky. What should he do? He put the phone back on his pocket while making a thinking pose. 

"Err..." He hummed while looking at the sky. A gift? A gift. Kiana. Ummm... He then took out the phone again searching 'What does an idiot like for Christmas.' After looking at the results for already five minutes, he got... no answers. 

Isn't gifts usually a surprise. Orchid thought while thinking of Kiana's face. "No no, I can't ask Kiana what she likes. I have to... figure it out myself." He said with an oddly determined face. 

He got up form where he stood and placed the phone on the ground before jumping away. 

Oh, he forgot his phone. He jumped back to where he usually was and grabbed his phone before jumping away once more. He looked around looking for clues. Something that Kiana would like??????? 

Chocolates? Umm, she doesn't seem childish. She can be childish, just that most of the time she does act more like a big sister to him. She seems serious about all that's beautiful in the world? So something beautiful? 

No no, wrong. But it may work, she said that people's hopes gathered into one place... Suddenly Orchid got an idea. He clutched his hand and then a bright pink glow seeped through the small spaces from Orchid's hand. 

He then opened his hand, and there was a white object. An object that was diamond shaped, and in the middle of the diamond a small ball that was colored magenta was there. It was simple what this object was.

A Honkai tear. An object that was a tear from the Honkai itself. Although the description isn't true, only the small ball in the middle was made of pure Honkai energy. And since Orchid is a Honkai beast, he could extract his white armor into anything he wishes, it's just that it takes a lot of time and focus to do so. 

Orchid held into the object as he gracefully leaped from the building he stood on.  Also doing a frontflip just to look cool. Come on, if you could do parkour like this, you would try to look cool to right? 


Orchid arrived at the secret base, but before he did that he looked to the window to see Kiana stuttering and blushing while frantically looking around. She held a small gift that was wrapped in small red dots. 

She seemed stress? Orchid opened the door and saw Kiana looking at him in the doorway smiling, although this time she wasn't quite stressed anymore? He raised his eyebrow and Kiana tilted her head. 

Orchid shrugged before smiling back. "Merry... Christmas." Orchid said which made Kiana widened her eyes, she smiled. 

"Merry Christmas to you too, Orchid." She then stood up and approached him. "I got a gift for you! You should go open it!" Kiana said while placing on his arms a cube that was wrapped in some paper that had small red dots, and a ribbon. 

"O-okay." Orchid opened the gift, and he saw a small box after he opened it. He then opened the box and saw a pair of earrings. 

Orchid looked over to Kiana who was now playing with her hair, twirling the stands of hair and blushing. "I-I thought it would look good on you so..." 

"Thank you..." Orchid said with an ethereal tone, he smiled while looking at the pair of earrings. "I also have a gift for you, it's a simple charm really." Orchid took out the small object that he had on his hand.

"Oh..." Kiana had her mouth opened by the beauty of the object. "Where did you get this?" Orchid placed the charm on her hands and Kiana looked at it with amazement. 

"I created it... It's a charm that always reminds you that no matter how far we are form each other, I'm always here for you." Orchid raised his hand and scratched his cheek while averting his eyes away from Kiana.

"Ahh... Oohhh!!!! You!!!" Kiana raised both of her hand and started to rub his hair "Heheheh...!" She started to laugh while playing with his hair, then she suddenly stopped and looked at the charm. "It's beautiful, like a star. It's like you, beautiful.

"What was that last part?" 

"N-NOTHING!" Kiana shouted. "Anyways, I'll take care of this, I promise!" Kiana promised inside her that she would hold turn this into a pendant and wear it even while taking a bath, sleeping, eating and everything! EVERYTHING! 

"I'm glad you like it."

"It's the thought that matters Orchid." She smiled, she then wrapped her arms around Orchid's shoulders and rested her head above Orchid's head, considering that he was shorter than her. She placed him in a warm embrace.

Orchid was about to hug back but he couldn't as Kiana held his shoulders. Although why is she pushing him into her chest? He could feel the boing boing of it? 


Somewhere in Hyperion. 

"LUCKY BASTARD!" Mei screamed with a demonic voice. 

Orchids bloom (Oc x HonkaiImpact)Where stories live. Discover now