That Moment With You

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Someone was breathing heavily, running away, her legs hurt and she felt like her lungs would explode at any moment, but the most eye-catching thing was the fact that she had a kid on her back.

What trailed behind her was a gigantic Honkai Beast, clad in white and with pink highlights, the woman ran for her and the kid's life. But, of course, every human has a limit, she felt her feet slow down because of her low stamina.

But she didn't give up, she kept on running, driven by fear asking for anybody to help her out. The honkai beast was directly behind her. The honkai beast raised its claws, but as soon as he could swipe it, the honkai beast suddenly exploded into rubble.

There appeared a greatsword, what followed soon after was a deafening blast and a cloud of dust temporarily blinding the woman. There stood an expressionless boy, snow-white hair and pink eyes, although one thing about him was the strange patterns on his hand reaching to the sides of his face.

The boy held the greatsword and pulled it out despite his small structure. Before the woman could ever speak, the boy disappeared into a cloud of dust and a small crater.

After that, the woman could hear thousands of explosions afterwards. Signifying that the boy's enemies are already being slaughtered, no one can stop him, his enemies shall be destroyed in his wake.

After all that was the whole purpose of his life, his duty, and the very thing that he was created for. The duty to kill his own creator, his parent, The Will Of Honkai.

In an unknown location, a man was looking at the screen, his emerald eyes smiling at the picture of the same boy who had slaughtered the Honkai beasts. His long blonde-hair was swaying. "Judgement class Honkai beast. Orchid Malevolent. Now things have gotten interesting."

After saying that the man, Otto Apocalypse suddenly frowned, he turned around from the screen and as if on cue the screen turned off. "Although it will be quite hard to get you as an asset, after all, you are stronger than any of the 13 Herrschers. Even now you willingly seal your power just to not destroy the world by every slash with that greatsword you make." Otto said while walking to the darkness.

"What a foolish kid you are, Orchid."


The boy could only remember a few fragments before he was born. He was born in the middle of hell. Destruction and fire was all that he could see, the boy was confused. He saw thousands of beasts pass over him while he sat there looking at the smoke and fire that the disaster had caused.

He stood up, he felt so tired, he didn't even know who he was. After he had taken a few steps, he suddenly heard something. The voices of the beasts, and the voice of the Honkai itself.

He suddenly got a headache, he covered his ears begging for the sounds to go away. Although he could only decipher a bit, the most gut-wrenching thing he could hear was...


"Mom, help me!!"

"I'm scared!"


The boy had his eyes widened, why is this happening, why is he hearing all this, why is he so afraid to take a step forward. The boy knew one thing, this place was something that he hates, so he has to take a step forward, to leave this place.

Suddenly he heard a voice before those gut-wrenching sentences and words that scrambled on his mind stopped.

"Kill me." The boy felt a connection to whoever possessed this voice, the voice was choppy, but it was gentle and kind, but it was begging me for something, to destroy him. The boy felt the entire world change.

Orchids bloom (Oc x HonkaiImpact)Where stories live. Discover now