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Today was December 24th, also known as Christmas Eve. Frostina thought it was a good idea to invite people over for a christmas party, and John agreed. Frostina was cooking stuff for the party, and John was out getting last christmas stuff. 

And the others were sort of doing stuff too. Cirlus and Leafthia were doing last minute shopping as well, Alexander and Robbie decided to go ice skating, And Shawn was making a mess in the kitchen by baking several things.

''Look at all this.'' Earlia said, stepping over piles of flour that were on the ground. ''How in the world do you make this big of a mess?'''

Shawn  grabbed a paper towel to wipe the counter.

''Let's just say... there was a slip up.'' he said. ''And if you don't get what i mean, i slipped on water on the floor.''

Earlia sighed. ''okay.. but may i ask what you're even making?''

Shawn smiled. ''Of course. I'm making a special holiday themed cake.'' he said. ''Other things are being made,but the cake is the main thing..''

''Interesting..'' she said. ''Well, uh, enjoy making a mess i guess..''

''You going anywhere today?'' Shawn said. ''If so, be careful and try not to get sick.''

Earlia rolled her eyes. ''I'm not going to get sick, Shawn.'' she said. ''I'm just going for a quick walk for some..alone time.''

''oh, then have fun.'' Shawn said.

Earlia nodded, and headed out. She walked on the icy sidewalk in the town, cold wind blowing her hair all over the place.

As she was walking, she saw a black figure by a snowy tree. She moved strands of her hair out of the way to see if she was seeing things, but she wasn't. It was actually there.

''Isn't that the same thing i saw when i was at the bookstore..?'' she asked herself. The black figure disappeared and she sort of sighed in relief.

But something gripped onto her arm tightly, and she quickly turned around. 

And it was Eternity.

"Hello.'' they said.

Earlia gulped. it was them. it was them again. 

''Oh, you don't need to look so frightened.'' Eternity said. ''I'm not here to hurt you....unless i change my mind.''

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