Together - Chapter 6

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We both got out of the room giggling to ourselves and went to the city to have a stroll, as we walked out of the elevator the cold breeze hit me. I shivered from the contact and hugged myself trying to warm up when I felt fabric incapsulating me, I turned slightly to see Ink looking forward and keeping a straight face, I slightly blush at the kind gesture and let Ink guide me thru the night.

Once again we spend the whole night just wandering around, messing with each other, and just being there for each other. Ink offered his hand I took it while bowing slightly when he picked me up all of a sudden, we flew into the sky and landed on the roof of his room. 

He put me down and told me to wait for a while which I did stay after some minutes Ink came back with a few blankets, a basket full of little pastries, a candle lantern, and a violin. I sat in awe at the sight of the violin, it was so pretty.

It had a gold lining, swirls, and flowers embossed in it. It looked used and old but that's what makes it more beautiful, knowing it was used by great hands was incredible. Ink sat next to me and put everything down around us, I kept looking at the violin and Ink saw it so he let me hold it as he set everything up.

I didn't know how long has it been since I stare at the violin but Ink tapped on my shoulder and asked me. "Do you play anything? I could you something if you want" I thought about it and remembered that I never learned how to play anything, I shook my head no and he sat.

He sat up straight and slowly begin to play, he looked at me, and surprisingly enough it was a song I know that went viral a while back ago. Earlier I told him about old songs that went viral or got heard again in my time and I guess he remembered my favorite one. I hummed and then started to sway from side to side till it was finished. 

"Now, I showed you something I like to do now you tell me something you like" Ink suddenly said turning to me with a grin.

"Wahh? Are we trading information then?" I said dramatically.

"I guess we are. Now, tell me anything about you" I tilted my head a little. 

"Guess he really is curious," I thought about what to talk about then remembered my most favorite thing. "Well," And whatever happened next was a blur, I went on for hours ranting about it non-stop he kept asking me questions when I skip a few things cause they were spoilers which meant he paid attention. 

I was munching on the pastries that Ink bring when Ink told me heartbreaking news. "We have to go to bed it's probably one or two now..." He sigh and I pouted. "No... we're grown-ups and we can sleep whenever," I said looking away from refusing to stop our talking session.

Ink lifted me up and as I try to break free from his tight hold on me he wrapped me in the blanket making me a burrito blanket, I tried to wiggle myself out again but to no result. I stopped trying and let him burrito blanket me back to my room. 

He let me out (finally) and I turned to look at him again for one last time for tonight. "Thanks for the room, by the way, I don't really know why you did it but I appreciate it" I smiled sleepily at him, and that when I realize how sleepy I was. 

I yawned and stretch and just crash on my bed, I peeked a little and saw that Ink crouching and looked directly into my covered face.

"Good night love~ I had fun today" He got closer and placed a kiss on top of my head. 

He then stood and got out of my room, I rolled over and curled up into a ball facing the wall. I then proceed to squirm until I was tired again, I took a deep breath and decided to just sleep for an exciting day tomorrow. I woke up to someones face looking directly into my soul, I jumped and hit her face also. 

"I am so sorry," I said racing out to them. 

"It's alright dear, I should be the one apologizing for my indecency but I was concerned when you did not answer my calls" I cleared my vision and saw that it was Alice Angel. "Henry and the others are preparing the stage for all of us to practice on come on let's go and eat quickly before we are late" Angel took my hand and we went to the cafeteria of the Cartoon.

I looked around as we made our way to the main four's table for Ink but he was not where he would usually seat nor anywhere really, I sat and someone tried to grab my attention.

"You must be searching for Ink" I looked at the voice and it was Bendy. "Well, too bad you just missed he was called by Joe to help set the stage," He said eating his pancake. "So, did you have fun last night~?" Bendy gave me a smirky face, it took me a second to realize what he meant.

"We didn't do anything!!!" I yelled turning red and realizing I just yelled I sheepishly smiled at the entire room and then turned back to Bendy. "We did not do Anything weird okay?" 

"Did I say you two did something weird?" He smirked at me. "I just asked if you had fun together~" He gave me a devilish like his saying 'boom I caught you' and I just witch my eyes.

"Stop teasing them Bendy," Alice said next to me. "Here" She gave me a plate of pancakes. "I mean you should treat our next script writer with respect, I heard from Henry they wrote something really good for both of the main characters~" She gave me a slight nudge and a wink.

I just smiled knowing full well Henry hasn't told them about the ending where one of them died. I finished eating and we all chatted a little about how I have been liking the Cartoon World, we all then went to the theater and saw that most of the stage is almost done. The trio excuse themselves and went on stage, I looked around and then just sat at the seats there when I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, did you sleep well?" I was about to answer when I remember what he did when he thought I had already passed out. "You okay Y/N?" I turned red and looked down. "Are you having a fever?" He held me in place and lightly touch my forehead his face was so close to mine we were just a few centimeters apart. "What if after this you take some more rest huh?" He said making me sit down again and he sat next to me.

"No, don't worry! I'm fine just- just a little..." I paused and tried to make an excuse but couldn't find any. "Look, I'm fine trust me on it okay?" I gave him a reassuring smile and he sighed. 

"Fine but the moment you feel sick tell me okay? I don't want you to be sick" He then laid back on the seat. 

Not long after the show started, Alice of course played the main girl while Boris plays as the brother who died a few seconds later, I turned to look at Ink but he was gone. I then heard an evil laugh looking back at the stage again I saw that Ink was in his human form and was pretending as the villain. 

After a few whiles, I found myself invested in how Ink delivered the lines of the villain the way he moved his body so perfectly made me wonder what kind of life he had before now. I just sat there watching them all play the characters till eventually, Alice died which upsets Susie she stormed out of the room and I just continued to watch Ink cradle like she was his lover.

Eventually, it was done and everyone who watched cried while I was holding back so many laughs to not seem rude. As the actors on the stage get off Ink walked towards me, I stood and clapped then bowed. He laughed and just cross his arms in amusement, he then bowed to me. 

I acted shocked by the gesture and then saw Henry and Joe walk toward us, I stood straight and smiled at them. Joe put a hand on my shoulder congratulating me on my first success, he told everyone did well and told me that I have to make more while they keep reshowing this one and so on and so forth. 

It was dinner time and I was beginning to get hungry but didn't want to cut Joe from his babbling, I felt Ink nudging me and I looked at him with confusion, he gestured for us to go and I hesitated but Ink just pulled me. When we made it out of the theater and I just started to laugh Ink looked at me like I went nuts which I can't blame him I do act like one.

"Sorry it's just, the way he just started talking about the plans while we all just wanted to eat dinner" I then heard my belly rumble, and Ink started to laugh at me so I began to chase him.

I chased him till we made it to the elevator waiting room where he surrenders and I catch my breath as we waited for the elevator after we went up and the door opened Ink immediately ran again saying "Sorry not sorry!" With that, another chase happened until I gave up and sat next to him eating dinner. 

As we ate I couldn't help but think how will I get out of here, I mean I like it here yes everyone is very kind but there's no way I'm gonna stay here. I still have family and friends, well what's left of them and my fans who are probably waiting for an update from me.

I then felt Ink's hand asking me if I was okay and I just smiled at him nodding and he smiled at me. That was the first time he ever smiled at me, I felt my heart beat faster as he continues to smile, and we both realize that we'd been just staring at each other smiling so we just looked at our food and finished it in silence.

After that, we just went to my room and played music. He asked me to teach him my favorite song so he can play it for me, I told him that I couldn't play it but I can only sing it. He told me to sing it and he'll find the keys, as I sing he stared at me very intensely and wrote the possible notes for the parts. We then just chat about random things and then I asked him the question.

"Say why did some people say they're scared of you?" The room fell silent. "I'm sorry if you don't want to talk about it we don't have to-" He turned to me.

"No, it's fine it's just... kinda hard for me to talk about it since no one here doesn't know or wants to know" He stood and changed into his inkier form. "This is one of the reasons why... I also use to hunt anyone that's not a searcher I was blinded... by rage, hatred, loss, and sadness..." We both stayed silent.

Ink slowly turned into his human form but I stopped him I hugged him and he was shocked but hugged me back, we stayed like this for a good minute or two before I realized he had started to cry, I let go of him as he turned to me and I saw black ink flowing down his cheeks, I went to wipe them away but cupped my hand keeping it in place.

  To Be Continued

2049 words

Sorry I was late with the update! I had a few things going on that prevented me to write but yes I think it's safe to say this book will be updated every Saturday! 

Anyways as always, please take care and remember that you are valid. Happy Holidays!!!

Inky Love (Human! Ink Demon x Reader) BATIMOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora