Just Magnificent - Chapter 3

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"No." Ink said as he ate a spoon full of soup.

I pouted and stayed there not looking at him but there on his left where he had previously sat that resulted in him moving, we both stayed quiet till he finish his meal. He stood up with his bowl and went to the kitchen, I followed him of course cause from what Henry told me Ink is the only free one today and he knows all of the best spots.

I kept following him till we almost made it to his room then he stopped and turned to me.

"Your gonna keep following me are you?" He said with a plain face.

"Yep!" I said and he sighed. "Henry said you know all of the best places" I grinned.

"Fine, I'll be ready in five just wait here," He said as he walked into his room.

I waited for longer than five then knocked, no answer I knocked a few more times still no answer. I then called out and then I opened the door, I then saw that there was an open window, I looked out the window and saw that Ink was walking around on the ground not too far. 

I let out a huff and remembered that I go thru gymnastics with that I jumped out of the window, held onto the wall, and climbed down slowly. I then landed and looked around and found Ink like a sore thumb from everyone in the public. 

I wanted to walk to him but the road was very crowded and he was on the other side, I looked at the lamp and wanted to climb it when I step on the box that was below the lamp and it broke, my feet first.

As I stumble to take my foot out I yanked something out, a grappling hook, weird but it's more practical than leaping from lamp to lamp. I saw that there was a roof for Ink's window, I shoot my grappling hook into the frame of the window and caught it, I steady myself and started to pull myself up. It worked and then I saw that there was a pull mechanism, I grabbed it more tightly and then pressed the button to pull me up, and then I was flung to the sky.

I freaked out and fall onto some bushes, I tried a few more times till I got a hang of it and then I realized that I have lost track of Ink, I let out a big sigh and shoot my grappling hook onto some random roof and looked around and found him again. 

I slowly walked to the other edge which was closed and planned a way to get to him, while looking around I saw that my surrounding was so beautiful. 

The way every little thing has lines with different strokes and how the way it was drawn was mesmerizing, each stroke of the line was so unique different thickness and thinness, the colors sure weren't colorfully like in the real world but it wasn't exactly boring either.

The subtle lights illuminated some parts and some were just broken, how it seemed to be placed and broken at the perfect places was incredible, and how the sun seemed so close you can touch it was magnificent. My mouth was gapped open in awe.

I then remembered why I got up here in the first place, I immediately looked at the ground again to search for him again but to no avail, I sighed and sat down giving up on searching and catching up to him. 

I laid down on my back on the roof, weirdly enough it wasn't hard to lie on it was actually comforting, and not long after I felt empty... I realized that there were still people waiting for my update, maybe even my family for some reason, or even my online friends... A sigh left my mouth again this time sad.

I turn to my side and stare into the empty abyss, remembering the real world and how there were different kinds of food than soup, food bar, and a few more snacks but that was it. I thought about the colors we all could see in the real world and how less plain it was than this world. I just thought about all of the things I miss about the real world.

All of a sudden I saw something climbing up from the corner of my eye, I shifted my head a little and saw that Ink was the one climbing. I sat up and he just sat next to me.

"I know it's not much but I wanted to get you some new clothes so you don't stick out too much from the others," He said handing me a plastic bag filled with 1900s-style outfits. "Go and change I'll wait down here and don't worry I won't leave you again this time." He then jumped off the edge. 

I furrowed my eyebrow and questioned his thinking, I slowly stood and peeked my head on the edge of the roof to look at Ink and he was indeed waiting for me.

"Ummm aren't I supposed to go down to change?" He looked at me with a plain face.

"No one can see you from down here and there's just no one or thing that can see you up there either way so there's nothing you should be worried about" I sighed and just cautiously changed my outfit.

I took the outfit out first and take a good look, somehow he knew my size and got it all perfectly. I took my shirt off and put on the new one, then I changed my pants to the black ones that Ink just bought for me. 

I put my old clothes in the bag and then shoot my grappling hook on the other side's roof then swing down. I perfectly landed and turn to look at Ink who turned into his human form which again looks fine as hel- NO! No, Y/N, not an inky monster that is treating you like you're nothing but a burden okay? we've gone thru many therapies and the internet to know that That is not healthy-

"So are you ready to go?" Ink's voice woke me up from my thoughts.

"Oh yeah! I'm ready" I said with a smile and confidence.

We go to different small shops and many little shows like mimes, a little stage for musicals, and dancing animals? technically yes, and some basic music. And then my feet started to give up, I slowed down a little and get left behind by Ink for a second.

"Are you tired? Do we need to rest for a while? I know a great place to rest" He said turning to me and bending down to see my face to face.

"If I'm honest? Yes, I'm kinda tireeeed!!" Out of nowhere Ink picked me up and started to jump from roof to roof. "What are you doing?!?!?" I screamed holding his vest for dear life. 

As he just looks ahead I admire his face. He was pale, his jawline was flawless, and his eyes were serious but it felt like if you know him for long enough you could see the caring side of them, his lips were silky smooth and if you squint your eyes a little you could see that he has few scars on his face. 

He finally stopped and just stared into the sunset, by then it is already afternoon and the view from the rooftop was beautiful, he didn't let me go and so I just nudged him a little and then he ran again. 

I didn't realize but he turned into his ink form again and devoured my whole body leaving my head out so I was able to see. He jumped and climbed a wall while my head was at his back looking at the sunset. 

We made it and Ink let me out of him, it feels funny as ink let go of me it feels like little soft things crawled off my skin very gently. He returned to his human form and sat down looking at the sunset, I followed him and sat not too far from him. As the wind blew it made a few strands of Ink's hair move gracefully I just stare in awe but turned away to not seem too creepy.

Ink's POV

I walked to my room after showing Y/N's room, I then flopped down on my bed breathing in the dust on my pillow and sheets coughing not long after. I then stared at my ceiling. 

"What's so special about them?" I asked myself. "I mean everyone who went in here has some connection with the oldest members of the group but why them all of a sudden, after all these years" I closed my eyes and let myself fall into the eternal abyss of ink and darkness.

I woke up and looked in the mirror I have in my room, as I stare into my teeth out for display, I hated it, I Hated It, I wished that I could just rip myself apart. Especially after seeing everyone's reaction to this form. I turned into my human form, he slightly looked better than his other form but... not really the best I feel like he can look better and nicer, right now he looks so dead on the inside. 

I then remembered Their reaction to this form of him, the way they stared a bit too long at my face and appearance was weird. Do I look ugly? I mean, who would think that I, me look even the slightest good looking, I sigh and went on with my human form. 

As I made my way to the cartoons room I heard Bendy and the gang call out to me, I thought it was weird since they never called me to talk to them but went to them anyways. As I made my way I can see that Boris was terrified and wanted Bendy not to say whatever he was gonna say while Alice sat there eating her food like nothing is happening. 

"Hey Ink~~~" Bendy greeted and I just nod. "So~ What's with the new look? I mean I thought you don't like this form" He paused. "Huh! Don't tell me that our giant and fearless Ink Demon has fallen in love~~~" I felt my whole body heat up, I grabbed him by the collar and whispered into his ear. 

"Say that name and say that I have a crush on Y/N again and you are dead" I then dropped him and walked away to my table when Bendy spoke again.

"So you Do! have a crush and it is on Y/N~~~!!!" I turned around to him already walking to the "Creator's Room" where Y/N is probably eating.

I quickly ran to catch him but since he was made a troublemaker he ran quickly, I kept chasing him until finally, he stopped near the door and we could hear someone singing from the inside. I recognized it was Y/N's and just stood there listening, while I was enjoying their singing voice bendy ran off and went back on chasing him. 

After a while I caught him and we wrestle for a while against some random door when finally the door broke down from our wrestling, I fell forward but catch myself before I squish the little fella. I stood up quickly as I saw that everyone was staring, Bendy followed and fixed his outfit.

"Why good morning everyone!" Bendy said and we all just said hi. "I am here to inform you that-" Before Bendy could finish I just grabbed him with my ink hand and threw him out.

"I apologize in advance, please continue your breakfast" I grabbed the door below me and placed it carefully into the slots, and grabbed Bendy before he can recover from the flight.

I made my way to the "Cartoon" with Bendy in my hand and my mind racing at the fact that I just showed Y/N my more aggressive side. I threw Bendy to his chair and stare him down and said "Dare to tell them and I will end you" with that I sat on my chair and peacefully eat my soup.

To Be Continued 

2045 words

I hope you guys like this chapter :) Thanks for the 139 views on the book really appreciated it! 

Again if you'd like you can vote for the chapters, please remember to take care and I'll see you guys in the next chapter! <3

Sorry that I didn't update last week had a huge writer's block lol but I will be back as fast as I can and byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Inky Love (Human! Ink Demon x Reader) BATIMWhere stories live. Discover now