*chapter 21*

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"Drop your trousers!" The lord demanded and Jaskier tried to scramble away only to find himself backed against a wall. "I didn't get a proper look at the little shit's face, but that pimply arse I'd remember anywhere."

Geralt was nearing the group, his fists balled ready to solve problems any way he could. Antea noticed his tense shoulders and rushed past him and stood before the group,

"Is something the matter, my lord?" Antea asked, smiling sweetly, gazing through her long lashes. "Has my cousin offended you? I'm so terribly sorry, sometimes he's too cheeky for his own good!" She giggled, placing her arm on the mans shoulder.

The man leaned into her touch, and Geralt's face hardened. The lord turned to point at Jaskier accusingly;

"This man has bed my wife my lady. He must be dealt with." He gruffed, and Jaskier whimpered. 

Geralt stood forward  now, and the men's gazes drifted up to his tall figure. "Forgive me, my lord." He said earnestly. "This happens all the time... It's true, he has the face of a cad and a coward," Geralt sighed, making Antea hide her smirk and Jaskier scowl. 

The lord took one more look at Jaskier and raised his eyebrows, nodding in agreement. This time Antea really struggled not to laugh.

"But," Geralt continued, "Truth be told, he was kicked in the balls by an ox as a child." 

A snort of laughter escaped Antea's lips and she quickly disguised it as a cough, not before Geralt got a quick smile in her direction. She blushed.

"Excuse me, my lords, my throat has become quite dry suddenly." She curtsied and exited swiftly.

"Well, that's - that's tr-true..." Jaskier blubbered, and the lords face became quite concerned.

"Apologies..." He said solemnly, pulling out a coin and tossing at Jaskier. "Here. Drown your sorrows on me, eunuch." The lord left awkwardly.

"Geralt??!!" Jaskier excalimed.


She was in the middle of pouring herself another cup of wine when she felt a presence come up behind her. As she turned, she was met with the kind eyes of Mousesack.

"Antea, is it?" He asked.

Antea nodded curtly with a polite smile, quickly scanning the room for Geralt, but he was still helping Jaskier's 'lord situation'. She sipped her mead before returning her attention to Mousesack.

"So, Antea, what is it you do?" Mousesack questioned.

What? What do I do? What kind of a question is that? She thought.

"I, um, I'm a barmaid, usually. But I've taken some time off to travel - and I ran into my cousin and his new friend, so I've been accompanying them." She answered. Okay, it wasn't the whole truth, but it wasn't a lie, either.

"Ah, right." He said quietly, before eyeing her once more. "So, how does Geralt feel about travelling with a mage?"

Antea froze. 

"Ah... Does he even know?" 

"He knows. He's perfectly fine with it." She answered sharply, before narrowing her eyes and peering at him suspiciously. "But how did you know?"

He chuckled. Well, it was more like a scoff.

"My dear, I knew it from the moment I laid eyes on you. I, too am a controller of chaos, you see." He smiled briefly.

A confused look grew on Antea's face, her eyebrows scrunched as she asked; "Chaos?"

Mousesack stared at her, his mouth gaping. After a few blinks, he continued:

"Chaos, love. Your magic?..." He looked as she raised her hands, looked at them, and shrugged.

"Nobody told me about that. I just always... felt a part of it. I don't struggle with it." She smiled slightly and lowered her hands, reaching one towards a bouquet of flowers near them. She twirled her hand slightly and all of the buds bloomed, growing taller, becoming more vibrant. The fruit on the platters surrounding them grew slightly and became their ripest.

Mousesack was in awe, before ripping his eyes away from the scene before him to look at the girl. One of her eyes  glowing a  bright green. 

"Excuse me, my dear." He coughed out awkwardly, as he bowed slightly and backed away swiftly.

Antea was slightly confused, but smiled nonetheless, feeling more herself now as she took a flower she had grown from the vase and watched as it curled around her hand.

She felt someone place a hand on the small of her back, and the body it belonged to come around her side. 

"Beautiful." He said, as his hand rose to her waist. 

The man was handsome, but averagely so. He had plain brown hair, and dull blue eyes. His build was strong, but not breathtakingly so. He had a scruffy beard which had some crumbs scattered throughout, and he reeked of ale. 

"Thank you, sir." She bowed her head slightly as a thanks. "Enjoy the feast." 

She curtsied slightly and began to walk away, but his grip on her waist tightened, and he pulled her closer. She let out a breath, and pulled away again, only to have him place his other hand firmly on her rear.

"Sir! I insist you let go!" Antea gasped, outraged. 

"C'mon, honey. Let's go to the gardens for a spell, shall we?" He purred, and squeezed her tighter, making Antea panic. 

Suddenly, someone reached over his shoulder and dragged him away from her, pulling him to the ground. A blur of fists and spatters of blood were all that Antea saw as Jaskier rushed to her and embraced her tightly. 

Geralt didn't stop hitting the man until he made certain a lesson was learned. That is, until he saw the crowd, and decided not to make too big of a scene. The whole room had grown quiet. The only sounds were the groans of the man lying beneath him, and the sobs of the woman in Jaskier's arms.

Some had seen what occurred with the drunk, and defended Geralt's actions - thankfully. A few guards dragged the drunk outside, and the party resumed.

Geralt made his way over to Antea, and took her from Jaskier's embrace, replacing it with his own. She hugged him tightly, as he shushed her calmly. 

She broke the hug, and looked up at her witcher with teary eyes, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. He stood still, allowing her to latch her arms around him once more. There was a small audience who had seemed to notice the action of affection. Geralt suddenly drew his attention to Jaskier, who was cradling his hand slightly. 

"Jaskier?" Geralt asked, and Antea turned to face her ' cousin', still having one arm around Geralt's waist.

"Ah - it's nothing, really. I just somehow managed to cut my hand on something. Not my playing hand - don't worry! My music shall remain fabulous." He laughed, and walked away to find his lute.

Geralt thought for a moment, and looked down to Antea, noticing the flower she had wrapped around her hand. 

"Show me your hand." He said,

Puzzled, she showed him her hand, and their eyes widened in unison. The stem of her once beautiful flower had grown thick and long thorns, and the anther was spewing a type of smoke.

Geralt chuckled, and Antea looked up to him with confused eyes. 

"What is it?" She questioned.

"It tried to protect you..." He smiled gently, and cupped her face with his free hand, sending flutters through both of their bodies.

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