~ chapter 10 ~

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Pig. That's the first word that comes to mind when I look at King Foltest. He's scoffing down the meat in front of him like there's a contest going on called 'who can choke on his meat first?'.

"Miss Merigold, you were dispatched to settle a family affair, not to enlist a mutant mercenary and his whore for a game of sleuthing."

If looks could kill - this Captain would be dead. Who was he calling a whore? Did I look like a whore? Maybe, but it's rude of him to assume... A quick glance over to Geralt showed his knuckles white from clenching his fists. Good, he was uncomfortable. But family affair - what family affair?

"This is no game, Captain. Tonight is a full moon, and Geralt and Antea have already proved themselves invaluable. We believe we can cure the creature." Triss stated.

"You say she's a girl. You will refer to her as Her Royal Highness."

Was this man serious? Talking about a monster as if it were a child simply roaming the streets. 'Her Royal Highness' had killed multiple people and he was treating it like it was nothing.

"Segelin, I believe urgency warrants flexibility in court decorum." The man from the mines spoke up, approaching the captain.

The Captain argued that Geralt's theory was nonsense,stating she was an angel of sorts, "Who'd wish to murder her?"

"What about her lover?" Geralt put forward.

I noticed the King shift uncomfortably, and pause from his eating. Who would have thought it possible? His people dying did not disgust him, but the mention of Adda's lover caused him tension?

"Seditious rumours. Idle courtesans trading out of boredom for jealousy." The Captain spoke.

"Perhaps if you called off your guards - if we were able to search the abandoned castle, we would find clues as to who cursed her." Triss suggested,

"Except this Witcher would kill the Princess as she sleeps, and collect the miners coin."

"Call her a Princess. Call her a unicorn if you'd like." I fought to hide a chuckle as Geralt spoke, "She grew inside Adda, feeding on her petrified womb."

"Have you no respect?" The Captain spat.

"Mutating." Geralt continued as he approached the Captain, and put his hand on the hilt of his sword, "Growing for years, till she got so hungry she was forced to slither out... Rotten muscle... Bent bones... Two spidery legs and claws dragging in the dirt. An overgrown abortion."

I grimaced at Geralt's lack of empathy, but my eyes quickly met the King's face, which was nearly pure white listening to the Wictcher's words.

"Enough." he spoke.

"Your Highness?"

"Leave." Foltest growled.

We all began to walk toward the double doors leading out of the dining room, and Geralt held them open as the guards and Triss walked in front of us. He suddenly gripped my and pulled me back into the room, slamming and locking the doors behind us.

I stood and watched as Geralt walked towards the shaking King, leaning against a chair and asking,
"Who is the princesses' father?"

"My men will kill you both, Witcher."

I couldn't bite back my smirk as Geralt donned a smug look and approached Foltest further,
"Hmm" he smirked, "It's funny. You learn that your sister was murdered, and you didn't even flinch - but the moment I mention the girl's father..." I noticed the King tense. So Geralt had noticed his reactions. Maybe he wasn't completely useless after all.
"Why were you never married?"

Geralt was half sitting, half standing against a cupboard as King Foltest leaned back in his chair slowly. I took the opportunity to take a handful of grapes from the table and sit in the free chair, placing my legs on the table. Foltest gaped at me open mouthed.

"You are in the presence of a King, lady." he directed toward me.

"Exactly my point." Geralt interrupted, "Why not produce your own heir? Why not kill the striga and avoid this revolt? Why drag this all out?"

Even I could hear the King's heart beating out of his chest, it must have been so easy for Geralt to figure it all out.

"I remember hearing stories about Witcher's when I was a child." The King spoke as he stood. "Is it true what they say? That the mutations that grant your abilities also erase your emotions? Must be." Foltest walked toward Geralt, as he gave me a sad look.
"'Cause only a man devoid of all heart could accuse a brother of bedding his murdered sister while urging him to kill her."

I wondered if the king had a point. At times, Geralt had seemed so sweet to me, so kind and caring. He surely had a soul, one that knew kindness and passion - but was his heart broken? Maybe he did have no emotion, only showing what he felt others wanted to experience - but isn't that in itself selflessness? Caring for others? I know that he feels anger, sadness - but what of the others? The mystery of the White Wolf continues for me.

The doors burst open and I was grabbed by my hair, dragged from my seat. I let out a yell and Geralt's eyes met mine. The guard placed a sword to my throat and I could see the fire in Geralt's eyes.

King Foltest raised a hand. "Leave Temeria. Never return."

The guard dropped his sword and pushed me towards Geralt as he began to walk to the door. I fell into his chest and he caught me with strong arms. I composed myself and his my face - my cheeks were surely crimson. Geralt pushed me out of the room by the small of my back and I felt my face heat up.

"C'mon." He said lowly.

"Where are we going?" I asked, looking up to the tall man.

He paused and met my eyes with a smirk.
"To the castle."

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