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Zak's pov.

I'm pretty sure Bad didn't understand what I meant. He just looked at me confused. I rolled my eyes back to the baby- what was it again. Bad was still trying to figure out what I meant by 'I wish I could have a baby' and that was making me nervous so I tried to change the subject. "Hey Bad, is there any other animal that is as calm as the s-str-strider???" I struggled to say the name but Bad didn't correct me. Bad looks around. "Not really the others are not really any other calm animal. Let's say the others are the opposite of the strider" I wanted to touch the lava even if I knew it was a bad idea, but it did look soft.

 "Bad can demons touch lava?" that came out of nowhere I could tell he was confused by my random question but he responded. "Well skeppy, I could of course. Even pigmen can, but the fact that we live in a place full of lava makes it an easy question" He responded in a sarcastic way, I rolled my eyes. "OK, don't have to call me dumbass" Bad picked me up and flew until we were about 20 meters up in the air. I shiver went down my spine and I started trembling once again. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Put me down! I hate heights!" I closed my eyes. "Oh, ok I can let go if you want" I shook my head rapidly, shaking harder.

 I felt his grip loosen on me and he repeated "Are you sure you want down?" I didn't think about what to say, I just said what I thought. "NO YOU IDIOT, I'M TERRIFIED RIGHT NOW, FOR THE LAST TIME. PLE-" I screamed in fear, shaking harder. My voice broke. My shaking stopped. I felt dizzy for a moment " b....bad..." I managed to whisper before I saw my world go dark. In a muffled tone, I heard Bad worriedly say "SKEPPY!?"

-------½ hour later

I faded back into consciousness, immediately bombarded by the heat. I started coughing, that's when I realized, Bad wasn't in the room, or in sight. When I finally kinda cooled, I stood up to attempt to get off the bed, that's when bad slammed into the room. He looked terrified, as he ran up to me, inspecting me. His breathing was rigid and looked panicked. His eyes scanned every bit of me, seeing something. It was awkward so I shifted my weight from one foot to the other. He let out a shaky breath as he dropped his head.

 "Geppy....I'm so sorry...I should've listened to you... you fainted because of my ignora-." His voice broke off into cries. I went up to him and awkwardly gave him a hug, trying to help. He hugged me, obviously being careful, because again, he thought I got hurt or even hated him. It was quite the opposite. I love bad, and I could never despise him no matter what he ever does. I pressed into the hug further, basically turning it into an embrace.

 "Bad....I passed out to my fears, not because of you." He dropped onto his knees, dragging me along with him. His cries turned down, he was sobbing now. The fact that I fated made him feel so useless. I just imagine how he felt when I was in a coma. He tightened the embrace, like he was afraid I was going to float away or something. He was finally calming down. Maybe he needed this? Was he bottling up his emotions? He relaxed his head on mine "I'm sorry Geppy, I should've listened to you when you said put me down..." I snuggled more into his chest. "I forgive you...it isn't a big deal" He let out a small chuckle.

 I blushed. God everything about him is cute... hours past and we just hugged. Bad fell asleep half an hour ago and I didn't move because he looked comfortable. My fingers going in circles around his back. I slightly shifted, to stop my knees from going numb. That woke him up a little. I buried my head back into his chest, fake sleeping. He went back to sleep but this time he was hugging me. When I thought he was deep asleep I took his hands off me and sat down on his belly. This made me blush immediately and I tried to ignore the position I was in. I got off Bad who didn't even flinch and sat on the floor next to him.

 "I wish things weren't so complicated for us" his expression changed. I could tell he was awake but I ignored it. I had a better plan in mind, something that will make his expression change even more. "If only we could have a child, maybe his parents would want us to stay together." He blushed a little now I knew he was awake but of course I continued, "But of course I am not a woman I can't give us a baby" I started fake sobbing. That's when Bad opened his eyes, turned half-demon and hugged me once again. "Skeppy, would you be ok if you could get pregnant?" That specific question made me a blushing mess.

 I actually didn't think he was gonna respond like that or respond that way. "I don't think that is possible. Bad even if I could, wouldn't it be dangerous because you know I am a male" Bad noded. "Yes, yes it would" then he shook his head "Never mind I would never put your life at risk". He started to stand up but I stopped him "B-Bad" I looked down and continued, "You- could you- I mean I don't know if you could but if you can- can you-" I touched my belly and looked up. Bad had no idea what I meant that made it harder for me. "G-get me pregnant" of course it was a joke but it took him a while to realize what I said. However, when he did I swear he turned about 6 different shades of red.

 "Wha- no no no I would never put your life at risk" he stopped talking because of a knock on the door. "Bad, you should really consider my offer. I would really be the best you could try" Bad and I decided to ignore her. My trolling didn't go well. I could tell Bad was gonna ignore that topic as much as he could. "Come on Bad it was a joke, wanna back?" He nodded but his expression looked sad or disappointed. He opened a portal, "Don't get sick" I giggled remembering the first time I went through. I jumped once again to the portal. Of course when I got to the other side I felt less sick than the first time. 

2 in one day because I haven't post

(1151 words) ;-;

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