little dimond

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-----Bad's pov

I have been looking for Skeppy for a long time now. I kept on saying to myself he was ok. That he was only in the festival having a good time, but no matter where I went he was not there. I decided to stop being so overprotective and finish my experiment. I turned away from the festival straight to the forest. I was pretty close to the tree house when I smelled something familiar. Blood.


The smell got stronger. I recognize the smell of that blood. I smelled it before. I started walking toward the smell, turning slowly to my demon form. Who could it be? I got closer and closer and looked behind the tree. My eyes widen at the sight of this bloody diamond person. I picked it up. It was breathing just fine but it seemed hurt looking for someone or something to help. It was small. I could tell it was about 2'2 something really unusual. I remembered about my experiment, the diamond that I collected from a family that used to be poor and gave me some of it as a gift. Did someone use my diamond to create it? The little creature started to move side to side. It smells familiar. My thoughts got more aggressive about the smell. What if I can't find skeppy because this little creature killed him. 

"It looks too adorable to kill anything," I touched its forehead. Weird he looked familiar as well. It's Skeppy's blood. No, it can't be! Skeppy is at the festival! I know he is! I looked at the creature one more time. Its eyes opened and the pain started. I was not gonna heal it until it told me why he was covered in Skeppy's blood. It sat down and looked up to me but he wasn't scared or had the urge to run. That was actually something unexpected. It tried to talk but instead of a voice blood came out. Something was wrong. I could smell Skeppy blood right in front of me but I decided to stay by my side.

 If it couldn't talk it would have to tell me another way before I can heal him. "Where is skeppy? What did you do to him?" He acted surprised and looked at his hands. His eyes got wide once he saw his hands. He finally shocked out "Ba-" but he started coughing. I wasn't a mean demon like others. I really wanted to help him and that is what I ended up doing. I picked it up and sat him on a chair I had. It was kinda funny because the diamond was just as small as a medium rabbit. I started healing him and the cracks started to disappear.

 I cured him enough so he could talk but he looked at me with a tiny smile. "Thanks bad" I turn back to my mid-human form. "S-Skeppy!! Why are you like this? How did you turn into a literal diamond person?" He scratches his head and smiles. "Allergies?" I could see he was not joking about it. "Allergies do not turn you to diamond skeppy, you took my experimental diamond didn't you?" He looks at himself. "I found it outside sooo I basically didn't know" He smiled, I had to squint to even see his face. "SET ME DOWN!" He said loudly, I looked away and carefully set him down, as soon as I did he went into his "human" form, which was his normal height. "What? How did I do that?" he looked happy and all the blood he had drained. "Skeppy, are you completely healed?" he just nodded and hugged me. "Let's go back, the people will be worried if you don't show up." He nods and grabs my hand "Lets go Badboy" I went into my actual form, so people wouldn't notice. 

Skeppy was wildly happy, seeing everyone. We both got alot of free-stuff. I saw two people dancing together who looked really familiar. We got a tad closer and I noticed it was Paula and Yana. Paula must of noticed us because she raised her eyebrows and smirked. Yana shortly followed Paulas smirk with a smile and a wave. I smirked and laughed a little. I saw them crack up and look away. Skeppy poked my face bringing my attention back to him. " What where you lauggghiiiinnngg at??" He whined. I smirked followed with me saying " Nothing " He frowned at my lie. He shook his head " I know your lying! Tell me the truuuuutttthh!" I looked over to see Paula dragging Yana to us. I smirked and looked at skeppy. "PAULA GET YOUR LESBIAN HANDS OF ME!" Yana shrieked. I could hear Paula dying of laughter. "Hey paula and- yana?" Skeppy said and, Paula starts laughing even more.

 "Did I say something wrong?" he lookes at Yana that looked offended. "Oh, no is ok prince Zok" Yana mimicing skeppy's voice. Now not only Yana looked offended but Skeppy did too. "My name is not Zok its. Zak" Yana crossed her hands and looked the other way. "Well, I forgot," she continue "My name is not Yana but I like the name...Zok" She laughs. "If you can't tell, she's really...tipsy..If you know what I mean.." Paula chimed in as she started coughing, she smacked her own chest and stopped. That's when I noticed the bandage covering the mark she showed me. "PEOPLE PRINCE ZOK iS HERE!!" Yana exclaimed making everyone look up. Paula immediately smacked yanas mouth gently.

 "No he isn't! Sorry y'all she's a little drunk right now" She laughed awkwardly. "Am not drunk! I am just fine" Paula sighed and facepalmed. I looked at skeppy and he looked madder than mad. " Sk-skeppy calm down....we don't need people finding out.." He glared at me then went back to glaring at Yana. "zok zok zok zok zok zok" she kept on bothering maybe because she was tipsy or she got mad at him for no reason. Skeppy was turning to diamond again his hands were turning blue but not the tiny diamond I saw but his normal height.

 "Skeppy calm down she's tipsy just ignore it" Yana starters to say it louder "Zok Zok Zok Zok" Paula covered her mouth "stop" Yana kept getting louder and louder until skeppy was about to yell but paula beat him to it. On the top of her lungs Paula screamed "SHUT UP YANA, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!" Yana immediately shut up and started glaring at Paula. I could tell something was about to go down so I grabbed skeppys hand and made us both back away. "Don't yell at me-" she looked at paula "Ever." Skeppy looked worried now like he was the one that had all the fault. "Hey, hey are you guys ok" I tried to calm everyone down. "Yea, it's ok," paula said. I Knew we both could tell it wasn't ok.

 Paula crossed her arms "Or what? You're gonna attack me?" She sounded sarcastic and rude at the same time, which shook me because I've never seen this side of her. She rolled her eyes and laughed at Yana. "Maybe I will" she looked around there where a lot of people watching. "But you know I can't because of the people," this was getting out of control. I had to do something. "Hey, do you guys want to eat something" Yana and Paula looked at me and nod. Maybe they were hungry or something. Skeppy didn't look well, I could see he was struggling to control the diamond form. "Skeppy are you ok? Do you need anything?" He looks at his hand and back at me "Yea I'm ok just a little peace will help," I nod.

 There was this big building in town that had one of the best foods in the kingdom. Paula and Yana started eating as fast as the food got there but Skeppy was still struggling with his hand. He tried to calm down but he could not. I tried to calm him down by wrapping my tail around his leg, since we were in public I was careful. I gave him a smile and looked back at my food that looked delicious. I took a bite of the food skeppy ordered for me. He really wanted me to try it and as the flavor hit my sense I started to eat it faster.

 Finishing really fast. Skeppy was surprise and gave me a smile, "Do you want more food? I could buy you another plate," I shake my head. "No, is ok am not hungry an-" Before finishing that sentence my stomach started to make noises. I was hungry but I didn't want to waste Skeppys money. I shook my head once again "no no its ok." Skeppy didn't actually listen to me and bought me more food enough for an entire family. I was a demon though this was just as enough food as I needed for a day but I normally didn't get it.

 "Thanks skeppy" I blush. Skeppy waits till i'm done eating, I actually didn't take that long. Paula and Yana left after eating thanking skeppy for the food which skeppy just nodded at them and looked at me. I finished my food 5 minutes after they left meaning I had spend 30 minutes eating but I was full. Skeppy fell asleep on the table. I noticed my tail was still wrapped around Skeppys leg. I unwrapped it and hid it. He had already paid for all of it and carrying him to the castle was gonna be like a favor. I didn't want to wake him up. I carried him back to the castle and jumped up to his room. I put him in his bed and layed down next to him. He was warm. I like this.

1652 words 

Kings can fight for love 2 (skephalo)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن