battle practice

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Zak's pov------

I woke up in the middle of the night and for some reason I felt warm. I could feel a pair arms wrapped around me but I was too tired to turn around. Suddenly, I remembered shlatt I got scared maybe that person was gonna kill me. I could feel my diamond patches growing and my body shrinking. I shrunk into my full diamond form. I felt so small, in a world that was so big. It felt frightening. As soon as I was in my full diamond form the person woke up. Why was there a stranger in my bed? "Skeppy? Where did that muffinhead go??" I heard Bad's voice my fears of someone wanting to kill me disappear instantly. "B-bad?" but my voice was still shaking. "Are you ok skeppy? W-where are you?" He got off the bed and I could tell he was about to turn into his demon form. "I'm fine" I could only see him as a black figure the moon was not that bright tonight. "Skeppy where- oh" I could see a blue light but I wasn't actually paying attention to it. "You are glowing is this normal?" I looked at my hands.

"I don't know bad, is turning into a glowing diamond-human thing normal to you" I stood up in the bed still as small as half of bad's demon hands. "What an attitude" He comes closer to me and pets my head. I close my eyes and sat down "Bad stop I'm not a child" he laugh making my heart beat faster. I turn my human form, which had a bright red face. Bad kept patting my head, making the red go redder. He giggled at me and sat basically right on me. His face and body was so close to mine. At this moment my mind thinking, why did he choose me. What if I was a spoiled brat who got off "Daddy's money"... How would bad treat me then? I rested my head on his shoulder, almost immediately he rested his head on my head.

 I smiled softly and began to feel sleepy. I wanted to ask something but my mind shut off and made me go to sleep. I felt warmness all over. I wanted to stay like this, in this position, in happiness and warmth. "Bad...?" I heard my voice weaver. " Yes skeppy?" His voice sounded syrupy, like the void again. I felt a small shiver run down my spine. He wrapped his arms around me and started carefully rubbing my back. I smiled softly.. " I lov..." I didn't finish my word, my voice gave out and I gave in to my tiredness. The warmth never left, so I slept unusually better, and longer.

-------- the next day

I woke up to the warmness still being there, and my face pressed against Bad's chest. He was gently running his hands through my hair, being careful to not wake me but I was already awake. I sat up as fast as a bullet after noticing I was sleeping in Bad's chest. "Oh, you are awake, how did you sleep?" I opened my mouth to answer but closed it again once I saw Bad's sleepy face. I looked the other way. I could tell I was blushing because my face was heated up. "I slept well" He softly smiled and sat up. He looked like he didn't sleep at all. I scooted closer to him and grabbed his hand. His face turned a light shade of pink but he didn't pull away.

 "Bad" I was blushing and so was he. "Yes, ske-" someone knocks at my door once again interrupting me from confessing to Bad. I looked at Bad and let go of his hand, walked towards the door and opened it half way. "Zak prince of diamond kingdom, I technoblade have been assigned to train you" I was confused. "Train me for what exactly?" He took out a sword and handed it to me. "Battle" He smiles "Bring someone with you, your mother doesn't trust me enough to leave you alone." He turns around and walks away.

 I looked at Bad who was now looking at me. "I could have trained you, Skeppy, I'm actually the number one guard in this kingdom." I could see he was worried. "Bad my mom doesn't see you as a guard anymore" He looked to the balcony, 'he is overprotective' I thought to myself. "Well, they did say I could bring someone with me" Bad smile and got out of bed. He turned into a half demon and spawned a diamond sword out of nowhere. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go," He said, turning human again. He held my hand and walked with me to the guard training arena. "You trained here Bad? Its a little messed up there are no trees or... there is nothing just dust." He smiles and grabs some of the 'dust' then shows it to me. "Geppy, it's not dust, it's sand" I looked at his eyes and he handed me a sword. "He said he was gonna be here in a little bit why don't we start training." I nodded and he backed away.

 "I will try not to hurt you ok?" I just nodded again. He lunges at me giving me little time to react. I blocked the first one, the second time I dodged it and the third time was so close to my hand I backed away and fell down. "HOW are you so FAST," I exclaimed. He gave me his hand to help me up. I got up and saw techno approaching us. "Oh, he is here" I could see Bad rolling his eyes but I decided to ignore it. "Hey, thanks for waiting. Well, let's begin," He takes out his sword. "You could sit down while I teach him umm" Bad response immediately. "Darryl my name is Darryl,'' techno nods and looks at me. Bad walks for about 3 meters and sits down in the sand. He looked angry, just a second ago he was smiling and his eyes were sparkling.

 Techno told me to focus and made fun of my battle pose. I had trouble at first but I was doing well. The fact that these swords were not sharp made it less stressful. Even though I would love to practice with Bad, my mother had picked techno to help me. I could feel Bad's eyes on me at all times, but I didn't lose focus to look at Bad. Techno started to speed up. I lost focus for a second and I was now losing. I tripped again and fell to the sand "Ok you win" I could see bad standing up walking towards us. "You did great Zak" he gave me a warm smile. "Thanks, Darryl" I returned a smile. "Stop flirting in the training lesson." we both look in different directions, blushing. "Technoblade I want to challenge you" that took me by surprise.

 I didn't even know his full name. Techno nods, but this time he didn't have the unsharpen swords. They were sharp enough to cut a human in half with only one swing. "Hey, my mom must be worried I told her that me and Darryl were gonna go eat with her." I laugh awkwardly. "Sk-Zak just tell your mother I will be there ok" I nod and look at techno whose smile was wide. "Maybe he won't" I got out of there the tension was killing me.

1254 words :3 

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