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----Zak's pov.

I walked out to see my mother who was gonna start teaching me how to become a real king. My face was heating up more and more by the thought of it. I was young just like bad said but the thought of marrying him was all over my head. I got to the room my mom told me to wait for someone. There was no one there so I decided to sit down in one of the two chairs. I waited at least 20 minutes before someone appeared.

 Of course, it was a fu*king teacher this was gonna be boring. "Hey there prince Zak, my name is Philza but you can call me Phil" He sits down in the other chair in front of me. "I have never heard of you Phil," He was looking through his books. "Well Prince Zak, I will be teaching you, as I have been hired by your mother, to do so." He passes me a book. "You know how to read right. "Yes, I did have a teacher when I was little all the way until I reached 13" He nods and took another book. "Let's begin, go to page 300 because I'm pretty sure you know the basics" I nod and turn to the page he told me to be at.

 "The king is a ruler so think about the people not only you" I rolled my eyes "I know that my mom told me all the time." He shows me a picture that he had in his book. "Well, Prince, I will give you 30 minutes to solve a problem and talk it out to me like I'm all the people of the kingdom" I nodded not saying a word. He continued, "Ok, the problem is about food and water, all the water in the kingdom is contaminated due to a broken pipe and all the food is diminishing quicker then we can get food, the people are begging for advice from the king, you. What is the solution? You got 30 minutes." This is harder than math, what the f- am I supposed to do? He gave me a paper and pencil to write and left the room to give me time to think.

 10 minutes had passed and I had a solution for the water but what about the food. He came in to take one of the books he left and walked out again. Bad could help me, isn't he gonna be king too? "Philza!" He enters the room in no time "Yes, Zak having trouble?" I nodded but before he could respond I interrupted "Phil, if I am gonna marry a man he would be a king as well right?" he nodded as a response. "Then you should give both of us classes right?" He puts his book in the table. "Well if you put it that way yea" I stood up.

 "Could I go get him then?" he nodded once again and I left the room. I saw Cara walking "Hey, have you seen Bad?" She pointed at my room. "I saw him going in your room" I waved her goodbye and went to my room. I knocked before coming in "Bad are you there?" I can hear him in my room but I kinda felt myself blush remembering what happened a while ago. He opens the door "Hey, Geppy'' the nickname, "What are you doing here I thought you were gonna study." I grabbed his hand and dragged him along. I knew he was confused but he didn't question it. We got to the studying room. "Hey, boys, are you both ready to respond?" the 30 minutes were gone and I just had an answer for the water. "Oh, what is this about? '' Bad was still confused, of course I forgot to tell him.

 Philza responded "if there was a problem with food and water, all the water in the kingdom is contaminated due to a broken pipe and all the food is diminishing quicker then we can get food" I looked at Bad who for some reason was ready to answer. "Well, yes you may answer" Bad stands up "Well if the food is wasting, if it was me I would probably try to claim more land to plant and also trading with other kingdoms would be one of the best options. For water well if they boil the water it would be safe for them to drink. It will continue until the problem gets fixed." Philza was actually surprised and so was I.

 "I don't think he needs classes, Zak" what Phil said was true. Bad knew how to solve a problem in less than 30 minutes. "Why am I here anyways?" Phil smiles while getting one of his books "Well Zak told me that you are one of the future kings and he wanted me to teach you as well" I put my head on the table but I could feel Bad's stares piercing through my skin like he was sterling right at my soul. My ears were burning up. Why did he have to say that!? I felt embarrassed even when I used to flirt with him. "Oh, he did?" for some reason after he said that I got redder and I covered my face even if it was already on the table. "Zak, are you ok? Do you have a fever or something" He puts his head up, "No, I-am fine" He smiles but I could see something was wrong. "Have you been crying?" He looked surprised but nodded. "O-oh, no is that... well I... I was gonna tell you but I..." he looked at Philza who immediately left. "Geppy..." he started crying again, "I don't wanna leave you b-" I grabbed his face. "What do you mean you don't wanna leave me-" I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.

 "You... YOU CAN'T LEAVe me" I lost my words I couldn't hold my tears, and sobs they didn't stop. "Geppy, you didn't let me explain," he hugged me. "You see, well I- I am prince of the nether and well if I-" He looked down at me. I was surprised- no no I was shocked I couldn't actually believe that but the fact that he was a demon made more sense. "My mother wants to talk to me about well... me not being married at my age" my eyes were still wide open and when he said that I knew exactly what he meant.

 "Y- you have me Bad" I tried to smile but I couldn't, just thinking about the fact that I could actually lose him to some random girl made me sad. "I- was gonna tell you if you wanted to come with me" I was shocked once again...going to the nether? Was it a good idea? Well no but it is better than losing Bad. "I would love to!" I exclaimed as I hugged him tighter. "Well get ready, I have to leave in 12 hours." I nodded and ran to my room.


1180 words

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