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Cathy thought for a while. She knew she can't run from everything forever, especially regarding the boy before her. Thinking about Beth, she can't help but remember her promise to her sister. 'To be happy?' those were very difficult things for Cathy, she never places her happiness before others. But she knew one for sure, that even her youth would die in happiness right now. If she sat down and talked with Laurie after everything.

Drying her hand carefully with the old rag, still, her eyes were hesitant to glance at the male beside her, awaiting her response. "... Let's," Just when Laurie taught that the stillness of the kitchen was a sign to give up, Cathy's petite voice filled his ears and his heart exploded as he couldn't hold his smile. "Later, however. I think family time is more important," Cathy quickly cut in, seeing Laurie open his mouth ready to spill all his thoughts.

"All right, family," Laurie had still a smile gleaming on his face. It was clear that he was in a better mood. Taking the tray filled with mugs from her, Cathy mutters a thank you before she followed beside him and back to the living room.

Upon entering, the two ignore the glances and hopeful eyes on them as Cathy passed out the mugs to the adults. Taking her seat beside Mr. Laurence once more, Laurie instead went beside Jo. Who imminently whispers, asking about what had happened but the boy simply smiles before shaking his head, "Nothing,"

Endless chatter was in the March house. This time, everyone was involved. In a conversation between Meg and John's family, to which Cathy offered to help with money but, of course, was rejected. In Amy and Fred's wedding planning, which was surprisingly not that Amy wanted her sisters to be her bride maids but Jo was stern about being the groom's man instead.

Hannah talked about a ball dance downtown happening in a few days, wondering if the children would attend to which Amy hastily agreed, causing her and Fred's stay to extend. Marmee and Mr. March, are open about traveling once in their life, only after they see their children in a great place in their life. Mr. Laurence was keen on building a music class in his mansion, inviting the children from town to come.

Everyone tried avoiding the topic of Cathy's life. Afraid about the marriage with Wayne was becoming too real as they all had hope that the girl would step up and be honest to her needs, while Laurie was patient and confident enough to peruse her.

Nonetheless, one thing everyone noticed was that. Laurie and Cathy were no longer shy about holding eye contact and laughing together about each other jokes. There was a great improvement from the first day at the March house, or maybe it was due to the lack of Wayne's presence.

By close to midnight, everyone had separated their ways. Marmee and Mr. March headed off to bed along with Hannah after cleaning a few dishes. Fred stayed in Cathy's room since Amy and Jo wanted to spend a sisterly sleepover together and catch up. Meg and John left too, carrying their children who have dozed off like a log.

That left, Mr. Laurence, Laurie, and Cathy. "Would you like to sleep at our place, dear?" Mr. Laurence spoke up between the three. His hand patting down his suit and vest, checking his pocket watch before smiling at Catherine. Cathy looked up and stared, Fred is staying in her room, and she would prefer not to spend her night with Wayne at the hotel.

"If..." She was hesitant. Glancing at Laurie who stood beside her, asking permission since it was to his house too that she would be at. "If that's-" / "You are always welcome, Cathy," Laurie chuckle, he picked up his coat, along with Cathy's shawl. Placing them carefully on her shoulder, to shelter her from the night's cold.

"Well, that settles that," Mr. Laurence reaches out, wrapping his arm around Cathy's as he tugs her to take the lead back home, "Why not company the old man? Laurie could handle himself like a big boy," The man gave his grandson a mischievous look as he made Laurie walk severely steps behind them. Cathy laughed at his childlike gesture while Laurie simply rolled his eyes, knowing later on he would have her undivided attention anyway.

Laurie who walked steps behind the two watches carefully at their interaction. He couldn't help but smile so brightly. Cathy and Mr. Laurence were leaning toward each other, laughing and chuckling about who knows what. But he had a feeling that the old man was talking about him just from Cathy's small peeks back at him before chortling.

Once that arrived home. Cathy followed after Mr. Laurence first, making sure the older man was headed straight to bed, conversely, not after telling Laurie. Anxious that the said boy would think she was running away from him. And anxious was what Laurie was. Those 20 minutes of waiting for Cathy below the stairways were so nerve-racking for him. Every second felt like he was walking on eggshells.

The moment his eyes fell on Cathy, walking down the stairs while holding the front of her dress. Laurie swears that everything just felt better with just her presence, out of instinct, he opens his hand for hers. He was sweating now when he grasped her slight hesitation to it.

This small gesture will be their first contact since their youth. One that wasn't with rage or force.

Cathy quickly intertwined their finger before Laurie could shy away. Holding back her smile when her ears caught his minor gasp as her cold hands collided with his warm ones. Letting him guide her wherever they simply kept silent between them. Getting comfortable and ready for what the night will prepare for them.

"Ironically," Laurie spoke up softly, "Do you know what day it is?" Laurie peeks beside him as Cathy wraps her arm around his. "Today? Well, isn't it Thursday?" Cathy's tone showed her genuine confusion and it made Laurie laugh before shaking his head.

"That is true. But what I'm implying is that..." He took a deep breath, "Tonight, it's the first night we meet, talked, dance..." He halts their moment right back to the entrance of the mansion, they were merely going in circles. He turned his body to give his full attention to her and see her reaction. "... And if I dare, fell for each other..." Seeing how Cathy's eyes had dilated scarcely showed, just enough for Laurie to see her feelings.

𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 - Theodore Laurence ✅Where stories live. Discover now