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Jo, in her and Meg's room, places a pretty cover page on top of the novel she has written. She lovingly writes "For Father," Catherine is by her side, presenting a proud smile at her older sister that will undoubtedly boost Jo's pride. I believe that's the best work you did. I can't wait for your stories to go worldwide."

Jo giggles like a child, it was only with Catherine that Jo found herself acting less maturely. She could be as silly and childish as she wanted, and Catherine would never tease her. It didn't matter that she was older, Catherine always made it clear that she would always have Jo's back.

She turns to her sister, her arms outstretched in eagerness to be held, but Catherine is already beside her, her arms wrapping around Jo's middle in a warm embrace. Their moment was caught short when Amy yelled upon them from below, "Cathy! Cathy, where are you? I can't find my other glove!" Before Catherine could respond, Jo being in a good mood did for her, "TAKE MINE!"

Jane puts her novel carefully in a drawer that is filled with her completed writing, and carefully closes it. Catherine is hot on her trail as they walk down the staircase to their family. Catherine decided to wait by the stair as she watches the chaos occurring among her siblings.

"Jo we're going to be late!"

"Where are you going?"

"You're not invited."

Beth had made her way to Catherine, suspecting that this might turn heated when Amy is not invited, especially anything to do with the famous topic amongst the siblings -- Laurie.

"You are going somewhere with Laurie, I know it!" Meg and Jo choose to ignore her outburst, and Amy tends to act like a spoiled child. Amy puffed out her cheeks, shaking her eyes to Catherine for help, but the girl simply gave an apologetic smile.

When Amy found out they were going to the theatre it caused more of her whining and begging to go. Meg being the motherly type denied her request kindly while Jo went harsh on Amy about being a baby. "I've been shut up in here and I never get to go anywhere. Beth has her piano but I'm so lonely!" Amy stomp her feet repeatedly while the eldest two in hurry wear their coats.

Meg point her finger the Catherine as she spoke, "That's why Cathy's denied the ticket to stay by your side. You're not lonely." Amy wasn't pleased with that response, as much as she loved her sister Cathy more than anyone, when it comes to love and theatre the girl can throw a fit, "I want to go to the theatre!"

Catherine let out a sigh, slightly pitting her sister when Meg and Jo went off into their conversation about Mr. Brooke. Caressing Beth's head as she signals her to go play her piano, Catherine went up to Amy who imminently broke down in her arms.

"I want to go! I want to! I'll behave, promise. I'll pay for myself even!" Amy's grip was tight around Catherine's waist as she buries her face in her chest knowing she might break down in tears after another rejection, specifically from Jo.

"You will not come" / "I'm sorry, my sweet, but Jo is right. Next time."

Jo rolled her eyes at the scene before her, seeing how spoiled and annoying Amy could be. Placing her hand on Meg's wrist to leave, "Come, Meg, stop petting her!" Jo gave Catherine a sweet 'good luck' smile before the door closes behind them.

"Maybe, tomorrow I'll bring you and Beth to the theatre? It's been a while since we three-" Catherine attempted to calm down her sister's raging temper and find a solution that could benefit all. But Amy was hearing nothing due to seeing red and hating Jo currently.

"You'll be sorry for this Jo March! You will! You'll regret this!" Catherine watched as Amy hissed at the door, stomping off somewhere, and before she could follow, Beth spoke up, "It is best to leave her alone when she is angry, for her words can be quite cruel."

She softly nodded her head; Beth can see how badly Catherine wanted to comfort her younger sister but stick to her advice instead."Would you like me to leave you alone with your piano?" Catherine smiled at Beth with a knowing smile, understanding just how much the girl loved her alone time with the music. Beth nodded her head eagerly.

With that, Catherine gave one last look up the stair, believing Amy would be in hers, Beth's, and Amy's shared room and would likely need some space. With a shawl draped over her shoulder, Catherine stepped out into the snow, "I won't be far if anything just yells."


Hours later, Catherine has not yet returned home, merely seating herself by the frozen lake as she fiddles with the frayed end of her shawl. Her mind is full of things that someone her age should not have to worry about.

Unknown to her, Laurie slowly sauntered his way to her, being quite mindful of his steps in light of the fact that Catherine was in her comfort zone. He then sat beside her on a small pile of rocks, watching as the girl played with her scarf.

The moment he sat down, Catherine's fingers stopped their activities. Her head turned to him in slight surprise, "Laurie? Is the play already over?" Catherine didn't wait for a reply as her head had moved to her house, seeing the brightest of lights in all places -- indicating that Meg and Jo are home.

"How was-" / "I was disappointed when Jo told me you wouldn't come. Why so?" Catherine giggles at how Laurie cut her sentence to speak his question about her lack of presence in the theatre. She was also surprised that he was so persistent with her.

"Well, Beth and Amy would be left alone," Catherine moved her view back in front of her, seeing the bright moon, "I didn't like the thought of that."

Laurie's eyes inadvertently glanced and traveled to Catherine's profile. Seeing her soft features and sweet smile at the thought of her sisters. It made him feel a type way knowing that she cared so much. He wondered if her sister were like that back to her, but frown when Catherine's name was barely mentioned in the family.

"Please tell your parents that I'm sending them my sincerest gratitude for raising such a wonderful daughter." Catherine burst out in laughter at Laurie's response, her face was red from embarrassment. Seeing that he was serious. The girl knew he meant every word he said, but she continue to take it as a joke.

"I will do just that, and I'm sure they will be pleased to hear that it's from you." Catherine beams her beautiful smile at him while laying her head on her knee to the side to face him, which made Laurie's eyes fall on her lips, "In fact, anyone in my family would. You are so loved by the March."

Laurie nodded his head slightly, not knowing what to say but glad that she was happy. His mind was already going to other places though, one of which was that he wanted to know more about her and the circumstances that have led her to be the person she was.

He wanted to know what made her so special and why he couldn't stop thinking about her. But that wasn't happening when a horrid yell reach both their ears.


"Oh no," Catherine stood up quickly, with Laurie's help. They both stood still for a moment, gazing into each other's eyes before Catherine spoke up, "You should go, it's late."

𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 - Theodore Laurence ✅Where stories live. Discover now