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It all hits her with heat and a mass that she is unprepared for. She hastily excuses herself and goes outside. Weeping, but also in a panic, Jo ran the fastest she could, through the woods and crowd of people judging her state. Jo was in clear denial, she wasn't going to stay and mourn for her sister, feeling scared that she might never see her again.

Jo needed to at least try, try and get her sister back from Aunt March.

Within a moment, she reached her designated location. Panting and tears still lingering in her eyes. Without a spare moment to care, she bangs her fist against the wooden double door as hard as she could as she yelled, "Mr Laurence! Mr Laurence! Answer please!"

Second, later someone opened the door but it wasn't the old man. It was Laurie. "Jo- What's wrong?" Laurie had a hopeful tone at the call of his best friend, thinking maybe there might be a chance after yesterday's confession. But his tone changed drastically, the moment she notices her swell eyes, and terrible state, he grew into concern that something had happened.

Jo would be glad that Laurie and she were on a somewhat good term that Laurie could easily greet her and ask in such a concerned tone but right now, wasn't the time. She hastily pushed past her friend, as she chaotically roams around the floor ground of Laurence's Mansion. Laurie followed behind silently in concern as he simply watches Jo scream out for his grandfather.

Laurie notice a letter in Jo's hand, she was clutching it so badly that Laurie swear that it might be torn in pieces by it. "What is it, my dear?" Jo and Laurie stop at the bottom of the stairway, staring at Mr. Laurence, who spoke up between Jo's pleas.

Mr. Laurence walks down the stair the fastest he could for his age, once he reaches the bottom. Everyone gasped in shock as Jo went down on her knees, grabbing the poor old man's leg as she mumbles, begging for something. "Please," was the only word Laurie could detect.

As Laurie went to help Jo stand back up, carefully muttering comfort words as Jo broke down in actual tears. Mr. Laurence was more attentive to a piece of paper on his marble floor that Jo had released from her grip. Picking up the scrunched-up paper, he carefully reads the letter by Aunt March.

"Please, you can save her right?! Please, Mr Laurence, I would do anything!" Jo wailed, her arms around Laurie who is trying to keep her on her feet. "My sister! She's gone!" Laurie glances at Jo in confusion as he tries to mix the puzzle while maintaining his hold on her. He glances at his grandfather in question.

And with simple words to create a sentence, Mr. Laurence broke the news to him, "Dear Catherine will be wedded off..."

Just like that Laurie lost his strength, he had forgotten his hold on Jo who had a drop back down on the floor, crying her heart out. Laurie had rudely ripped the paper from Mr. Laurence, who didn't seem angry by his action but instead had an understanding look before he helped the poor March girl.

Laurie's eyes move from the top of the paper to the bottom multiple time. At least five times did he repeat reading some letters over and over again, in hope that in each turn the words had changed but nothing did. It informs everything Laurie never knew would be a nightmare to him.

Catherine is gone, and to another man that was.

"Whe- When-" Laurie had muttered, he panicked tone wanting to know when this letter was sent, but glancing back at Jo was enough information for everything. And Laurie froze for a moment, everything puzzling and suspicious about Catherine before was the clear proof of Aunt March's idea of the marriage. That beach day where she was practicing speeches like an interview with in-laws. Or her engagement ring that no one took care of, thinking of it as another Aunt March gift to her. Catherine was being obvious, she didn't try to hide most parts, yet they were the ones who never took interest in the littlest thing in her life.

Laurie plop himself on the stairs, the letter still in his hand as he brought his knees up. With his free hand, he massages his head, he felt his brain aching in pain but become obvious of his heart felt the worst. And it needed Catherine's disappearance for him to realize just how stupid and rude he was to his feelings, Catherine's feelings and his last words to her were starting to haunt him.

"P-Please save her, Mr Laurence," everyone turns their attention to Jo who had soothed down, other than her sniffling. She requests the old man beside her, knowing the power and title Mr. Laurence has, could save Catherine from this marriage. "Jo, I'm so-" / "No please, I know she does not want this! She forced! That wicked Aunt March! S-She's the reason-!"

Mr. Laurence put his hand on Jo's arm who calm down from screaming at him. But she felt like breaking into another pit of tears when Mr. Laurence had a clear and stern look. "I'm afraid marriage like this might not be based on love like your sister Meg and Mr Brookes." Mr. Laurence spoke softly to Jo, he did glance behind him at his grandson who had come to the realization of what he was going to say, "But marriage like this, especially with a double duke's son. It's based on agreement. On both sides."

"W-What," Jo gulp down, her voice choking as she had a terrible feeling but she wanted the words to be spoken clearly to her, "What do you mean?" Mr. Laurence let out a sigh, standing up as he places his hand on his pocket vest, giving an apologetic look to Jo and Laurie as he says,

"That I can't help you and interfere, my dear. It's an agreement in both, where dear Catherine has agreed to be wedded off too, I'm afraid."

𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 - Theodore Laurence ✅Where stories live. Discover now