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Wayne carefully watched Laurie's reaction, as Amy and Fred sat back in their seat. He didn't like seeing him so happy, and with that smile on his face. There was an obvious fight between the two. He waited for the right time, waited as everyone continue their cheerful chatter and congratulations to the new couple. He waited until he couldn't anymore.

"We too have news," Wayne spoke for the first time other than sneering and glaring at anything and everything he found. "W-We do?" Catherine answered when no one did, it came out like a question but everyone noticed it was more of a nervous banter hoping Wayne to keep hushed.

"Yes, of course, darling." Wayne caressed Catherine's concerned face. This action made Laurie clutch his fork tightly as he bites his inner cheek to stop himself. "A wonderful news that is!" Wayne was so upbeat and smiling so wide that it scared most of them. "What would that be then," Beth asked, trying to be as nice as she could to the man.

"Well, after being betrothed for so long..." Wayne drags his speech. His priority was to get Laurie's feelings crushed but seeing Catherine had caught on to him and gripping his thigh while subtly shaking her head 'no', he found it very much amusing. "It's been decided."

Catherine mutters under her breath, knowing she could no longer stop the man. She simply places down her utensil and faked a smile to match Wayne. The man was pleased to see that she was obeying him as he pulled her closer by her waist, "We're getting married by the end of the month... A soon Mr and Mrs Dunn."

Wayne purposely spoke the last words to taunt Laurie and it worked as the man was scowling in despise at the sound of Catherine being a Dunn. Especially, a wife to the man before him. "B-But that's in a few days," Meg and Amy spoke in sync with their concern. They were hoping something were to happen to stop this marriage as the original plan was that Catherine and Wayne to be married by the end of the month.

Everyone turned to Catherine who have been silent about all this, waiting for her to deny it. Wayne notice this, he gripped Catherine's waist so tight that she let out a soft whimper as he threatens her, muttering against her ears for all of them to hear.

"W-Well," Catherine glanced at everyone in the room. Every single one, even Hannah and Mr. Brooke. When it went to Wayne she had flinched and avoided eyes with his dominant angry ones. She couldn't play any more excuses and there was nothing that she could deny now as it's true Aunt March have concluded the day.

"We c-couldn't bear to wait too long," Catherine gave a tight-lipped smile, it almost wavers when she made eye contact with Laurie whose eyes were watering and red now as he chews his lip hard to deny everything being said. Catherine was hesitant to say more but did when Wayne hissed at her ears to continue, "... It's always been a dream to get married to Wayne. It's going to come true, now."

"... I'm happy," Catherine ended her sentence there, looking at Beth and her father lastly before no longer finding the energy or confidence to look up nor anyone else. It grew silent, a contrasting reaction to Fred and Amy's. Merely Wayne was smiling, pleased, and amused with everything.

Suddenly, a crash. The soup bowl clatters to the floor as Beth's fever is high and she knocked everything off the table from being dizzy and seeing blur.

Laurie was about to help the girl since he was the closest but Catherine was quicker and flies to her side, feeling her forehead, calling for Beth to focus on her. As everyone paced around to help the sick March. Laurie couldn't help but scoff as he mutters, "Always helping others and not yourself."


It was the middle of the night now, and Laurie found himself awake. The March insisted that he, Fred, Mr. Brooke, and Mr. Laurence stay the night like old times' sake. Wayne was invited too, no matter how much everyone disagrees and hates the man, Wayne was still someone Catherine will be married to too. So, might as well be nice now, but the idiot would never choose to sleep on the floor or couch.

Laurie carefully not to wake up the others, moved to exit the house to get some cold air after everything that happened today. He expected to be alone, but no.

Far over closer to the lake and under that huge tree, sat Catherin whose wrapped in a scarf to shield herself from the cold. Laurie waited to let the girl be, but he found himself each step closer to her, and with each step he notices tears following down the girl's cheek.

"It's been a while since I last saw you cry." Laurie had spoken out of habit to get the girl's attention, he curses at himself when Catherine was shocked and immodestly stood up to face him. "I-I." Laurie didn't know what else to say, he didn't intend to even start a conversation here. So, he watches as Catherine gathers herself, wiping those tears but they kept falling no matter what.

Laurie notice how she cried a lot, implying to him that Catherine must have held it so long that it was gushing down. Whereas seeing this fragile and broken Catherine, made him smile. Happy that she was being true before him and not hiding her emotions and feeling.

That night, Laurie stood beside Catherine while the girl let every ounce of feeling out. Once she called down and left sniffing was when Laurie was able to find his words, "Are you truly happy being married to him?"

"Can we not talk about that? I prefer someone else asking and not you-"

"You're avoiding again!"

"Why are you raising your voice at me!"

Laurie bites back his next words, surprised at Cathy raising her voice at him despite him doing it first. He didn't mean it but he hated that Catherine always avoided the important things to be questioned and put herself last as if she was the least important.

"You're getting married in two days," Laurie let out his frustration, "And your concern is that I raised my voice at you! W-When you're about to be betrothed to a guy that sleeps with other-!" Catherine didn't want to hear it, especially from Laurie. She pushed him to return home but Laurie kept blocking her and speaking louder at each step she took, "He cheated on you! He abuses you! And your concern is my tone! You're getting married, Catherine! You're. Not. Happy!"

"AND WHY DOES THAT MATTER!" Catherine had broken every single wall she had built all those years. She jabbed her finger on Laurie's chest with each word coming out of her mouth, her tears reappearing like a waterfall as her lip quivered. "WHY?! WHO ARE YOU TO STOP ME!"

"GOD! DON'T YOU SEE!" Laurie screamed out in frustration, both were screaming at each other to get their point through. With them raising their voice they failed to notice Mr. Laurence at the door concerned about the yelling and he wasn't alone. Feeling a presence behind him, he sees Beth there, sick and pale but a look of worried flashed her whole face.

"I HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU THE MOMENT I MEET YOU AFTER SOO LONG!" Laurie tried to get Catherin to look at him, but the girl kept shaking her head and denying him and repeating 'no, no,'


𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 - Theodore Laurence ✅Where stories live. Discover now