49) h e a l e d

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When Miles sat there, witnessing one of his friends giving his wedding vows to the love of his life, his only regret was that he had waited for so long before cutting ties with his dad. He had believed there was no other world than the one his dad had built for him, but in the end it had been only one of the multitude of choices.

Miles' world wasn't galas and making an impression in his tailored suits and fine haircut. It wasn't to marry the daughter of a prosperous businessman or to work in his dad's company. His world was old records, bike dates, tea gatherings at Avi's, graphic design, dizzying amounts of energy drinks, friends and his love for Ash.

"Here we go." Eli dragged out the first word, grinning as he handed Miles a glass of champagne. He was keeping one for himself and lifted it while explaining: "Hubby said I'm allowed to have one, if you do too."

"Ugh, don't call me that." Benjamin grimaced and nudged Eli's shoulder. Eli gave him a wide grin, with dimples and all, and turned to look at Miles as if to ask for permission. 

Miles hesitated, studying the sparkling liquid in his glass. He no longer needed alcohol to get through unpleasant situations or to numb his emotions, but could he have a glass of champagne if it was to not make the bad easier to handle but to make something good feel even better? More festive and fun? 

"You don't have to, if you don't want to." Benjamin offered, reaching out his hand to take the glass from Miles. The look in his eyes said: I just hope it isn't because you still blame yourself for what happened to Eli.

"This occasion calls for a toast, don't you think?" Miles decided, keeping the champagne and raising his glass. He could feel a smile tucking up the corners of his mouth and warmth spreading inside his chest. He could do anything, so he could do this as well.

He was stronger, more assertive, now that Anthony was gone. He could do all these things without taking them too far, and it only made his trust in himself grow. He wasn't the spineless, no-good excuse of a son his dad had always insisted he was. What he was was resilient, adult enough to make his own choices.

"Whom are we toasting to?" Ash joined the conversation, holding a glass of champagne as well.

"I'd say to us, for still being alive and all that shit, but it's not our wedding, so.. To Jeremy Preston and Laurel?" Eli suggested, lifting an eyebrow. 

"To Laurel and Jeremy Preston." Benjamin lifted his glass and they echoed: "To love", which was kind of cheesy but fit the situation. If they were going to talk about love, what would have been a better occasion than a wedding?

The food was exceptional to the point Miles contemplated whether it was okay to open the button of his slacks against all the common courtesy. He didn't, though, but just leaned back on his seat and hoped his stomach wasn't going to explode. After that, against his better judgment, he just had to fit in a piece of butter cream cake as well.

"Eliiiii and Ash and the rest of you." Steven greeted them, plopping on the seat opposite Ash. He leaned on his elbows and whispered, so quietly it nearly drowned in the loud chatter around them: "Give it to me straight and square, I can take it. If I asked Brandon out for real, do you think he'd smack me in the face or kick me in the balls?"

"Both. Definitely both." Eli snorted, but gave his friend a curious glance. Steven was a trickster and not exactly known for serious relationships, but there was no trace of banter in his face then. "So, for real?"

"Uh-huh." Steven confirmed and nodded several times. The smile on his lips was uncharacteristically coy, shy even. "I don't think he believes I'm being for real, or else he's just really not into me."

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