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"I always knew he was going to be the first of us to marry." Miles hummed, turning the card in his hands. Ash walked to him, curious to see what was written on the card, and circled his arm around Miles' waist.

"Who do you think will be next? You, Judith or Benjamin?" Ash murmured, trailing the fingers of his free hand along the letters on the card. It was natural white and elegantly decorated with a print of wild flowers. 

"Can you imagine Eli married?" Miles chuckled, tilting his head up and to the side to grin at Ash.

"A fair point." Ash agreed with an amused tone, but then, after giving it another thought, he decided: "Actually, with Benjamin, I think I can. But I still think Judith's going to beat him to it."

"What about you? Can you imagine yourself getting married?" Miles teased, but the look in his eyes told Ash he was curious about the answer. 

"Well.." Ash began, turning Miles to face him and then lifting him up to swirl them around in the kitchen. "If it's with you, then maybe."

Even though Ash had never thought much of the idea of getting married, it didn't feel half as bad if he imagined doing so with Miles. Married or not, Ash knew he wanted to share his life with him. To grow old, gray and wrinkly together. He didn't need a piece of paper or a ring around his finger for that. He was already in, a hundred percent.

"I imagine it's going to cost a fortune." Miles pointed out in between the kisses, completely spoiling the romantic atmosphere and making Ash chuckle against his lips. When Ash let him down, he took another look at the card and wondered out loud: "What do you think they mean by 'a day when everyone dresses in wild flowers'?"

"I bet it doesn't mean what you're picturing it to mean." Ash chuckled again, seeing the evil smirk on Miles' face. He knew Miles was already picturing everyone wearing just enough flowers to hide their intimate parts and nothing else.

"Well, that's a shame." Miles grumbled and then barked out a laugh.

The next few weeks they spent looking for something to wear from flea markets. Miles, who was used to getting his suits tailored, surprised Ash with his excitement about scouring through all those dusty stores like they were a treasury to him.

In fact, Miles found a lot more than just an outfit to the wedding from those, enraptured by each item he could bring to their home. Instead of mourning the loss of his previous lifestyle, it genuinely seemed like Miles didn't mind the lack of luxury. 

To Ash's puzzlement, Miles had only recently worn out his first piece of clothing to the point of tearing. It was all new to him, the everyday occurrences of those who couldn't buy a new one as soon as the old one was no longer brand new. 

Miles had had to give away so much, yet somehow he managed to seem like he had gotten much more in return. In just a matter of months he had become less guarded and anyone could see the difference. It was like he was standing taller, daring to take more space, and Ash loved that for him.

Whereas Miles kept getting better and better, Ash wasn't sure he could say the same about himself. He still thought about Eliana every day and the longing for her was ever-present. But the grief no longer swallowed him whole whenever a passer-by reminded him of Eliana or when a certain scent brought a memory of her back to his mind. It had gotten duller somehow, softer from the edges.

There was no getting over the loss of his mother, but there was accepting and learning to live with it. In time the grief was going to get softer and softer, even if it was never going away entirely. He didn't even wish to let it go, he just wanted it to hurt less. And he knew that it would, someday.

"Are you ready?" Miles asked, turning to face Ash. The warm light of the late spring sun turned his hair golden, and the corners of his eyes crinkled as a beaming smile spread on his lips. He had never looked more handsome than he did then; in his relaxed button up shirt, which had a pattern of wild flowers, its hem tucked loosely in his warm beige slacks. 

"Damn, you're hot." Ash approved, giving Miles an once-over.

"Thanks." Miles breathed, smirking. Only the redness of his cheeks hinted that he still struggled to accept the compliment. Then he made a show about checking Ash out and whistling. "You're not so bad yourself."

Ash was wearing a dark blue shirt with a vest that had alstroemerias embroidered in it. They weren't wild flowers, but Ash hoped that wouldn't get him turned away from the wedding, as it was the best he could come up with. Flowers weren't really his style, but the vest looked nice paired with black chinos and dress shoes. All second hand, but with no holes or worn-out patches.

"I know." Ash agreed, giving Miles a lopsided grin, and walked to him. "And yes, we should get going."

The wedding was held outside by a small river, and by the time Miles and Ash arrived, the yard was already filled with clamor. They slipped into their seats on the middle row, next to Judith and her fiancé. Ash could see Eli and Benjamin whispering, leaning in so close to each other it looked like they were scheming, in the next row. 

The place was packed with people. Friends, co-workers, family and probably a few half-strangers as well, because who could possibly know that many people? But then again, Jeremy Preston and Laurel weren't all that close with Steven, Brandon, Dam-Bi or Shirley either, and yet Ash knew for a fact they had all been invited.

"Hello." Steven sunk on the seat next to Ash, trying to catch his breath like he had been running. He was wearing another one of his garish flower shirts with black slim fit slacks, and somehow still managed to pull it off. He glanced around, clearly looking for someone as well, but quickly dropped it as the wedding ceremony began.

Jeremy Preston was biting his lower lip as he joined the other people gathering to the make-shift altar under an ancient three. He was looking remarkably handsome, yet rigid with nerves, in his tailored suit. The nervousness melted into a fond smile as soon as the flower girl, their first born, Heather, skipped to the altar.

"Oh my god, I swear it was just yesterday when I heard Heather had been born.." Miles wondered under his breath, staring at the girl. She was wearing a garland and her light brown hair bounced wildly around her shoulders as she jumped up and down, grinning at her dad. She must have been at least three years old.

The look of pure adoration on Jeremy Preston's face, when he saw Laurel walking towards the altar, was priceless. The dress she was wearing only barely hid the growing bump underneath, and maybe it was the pregnancy which made her look like she was glowing. She was smiling, more than ready for the rest of her life with Jeremy Preston.

Ash entwined his fingers with Miles', smiling at the sight of their joined hands. Perhaps he had always been this smiling, laughing guy, but he had just needed to find the right person to be those things with. Grieving or not, he had never been happier. He had so much to be happy for: his friends, a mother who had loved him with all her heart, his still living dad and, above all, Miles.

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