19) b u s t e d

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Ash was never going to hear the end of the bickering now that his friends had seen him smiling at Miles. He was painfully certain about that, but his slip had made him realize something else as well: it felt good to smile.

Especially when it made Miles sit up straighter and hold his chin up, face beaming brighter than the sun. That was worth all the games and jokes Steven and Eli would make about it. It also helped that he knew they didn't do those things to hurt him, they were just being their goofy selves.

At that moment Steven and Eli's focus was on Miles. They kept asking him subtle questions, trying to fish information about him and Ash. They circled around Miles like sharks, already sharpening their teeth. Ash sat on the edge of the couch, ready to get up and steal Miles to safety in case things escalated.

But soon enough Ash realized he was worrying over nothing, because Miles had nerves of steel. He wasn't going to crumble under the pressure.

Instead he downed more drinks and participated in the games and jokes. When he got up to dance with Eli, Steven and Dam-Bi, Ash couldn't help but laugh. His friends were a bad influence, always up to no good. Not that Miles needed much persuasion, when he was the one jumping around the floor and jamming to the music like nobody was watching.

He laughed, grinned and swiped his hair off his face only to have it falling straight back. Eli turned up the volume when some fast song with thumping bass started playing, and he and Steven took Miles' hands to swirl him around at a dizzying speed. They kept that up for a good while, seeming like nothing could tire them out.

Judith was back to chatting with Jeremy Preston and Shirley had moved on the floor to sit with her brother, both glancing at the dancers every now and then. Benjamin was looking at Eli, a fond smile on his lips, when Eli turned to look at them like he could feel Benjamin's eyes on him.

"Dance with me, mister?" He said and reached out his hand to Benjamin. As Benjamin just kept grinning, but made no effort on getting up, Eli coaxed him: "Come on, I know you want to."

And apparently he did, because he let Eli guide him amongst the other dancers. Miles wrapped his arm around Benjamin's shoulders, whispering something to him and making them both crack up. Just by looking at them, people who had not long ago been total strangers to him, filled his chest with warmth.

When Eli had first brought Benjamin to their table a couple of months ago, Ash didn't think much about it. He had been certain Benjamin was just another handsome guy for Eli to charm and take to his home, until he had showed up again a couple of weeks later and Eli had seemed genuinely delighted to see him.

And, of course, Benjamin had brought friends with him. Ash was yet to decide what to think about Judith or Jeremy Preston, who kept their distance and mostly only talked to each other. He still wasn't sure if he particularly wanted them as a part of their group, but about Benjamin and Miles he had made his decision a while ago. Those two were just what they needed in their group.

Benjamin was good for Eli and Miles, with his overflowing kindness and ability to make people relax around him, was good for everybody.

Why? Because Ash was certain that deep down all his friends were miserable, and they needed more reasons to smile. They needed laughing fits, the kind that made one's stomach ache and eyes fill with tears. They needed good things and kind people in their lives.

"Come on, Ash, you're missing all the fun." Miles started pulling Ash up from the couch, while Ash put all his effort on not to get pulled up the couch.

Miles' skin was sweaty, his hair a tangled mess and his eyes almost shut when he grinned at Ash so widely. At that moment, more than ever before, Ash realized how different they were; poles apart, no, miles apart.

"I don't dance." Ash grumbled, yet somehow he found himself standing up. He was starting to understand the meaning of the saying opposites attract. Miles was impossible to ignore, to say no to, when he smiled like that.

"Oh, I know." Miles nudged him towards the other dancers. "Just like you're not all sweet and cuddly."

Then they had joined the others, and true enough, Ash found himself swaying his body to the beat. Steven and Eli were gaping at him for the second time that night, but there wasn't much point to hide it anymore: they had realized what was going on between him and Miles the second they saw him smiling.

"If you're dancing, then so is Shirley!" Dam-Bi exclaimed, rushing away to get her girlfriend. Shirley gave a slight resistance, but gave in once she decided it was a perfect opportunity to torture her brother, whom she dragged to the dance floor after her.

Brandon didn't dance and he just stood there awkwardly with a beer in his hand, but something Eli said made his tensed up shoulders relax. He mumbled something and they both laughed.

Eventually Judith and Jeremy Preston joined them as well, and they danced, bounced and/or swayed to the beat until even Miles, Steven and Eli's batteries ran low. Then they continued talking and drinking for another good while, before people started to scream home one or two at a time.

"Thanks for the dance." Miles grinned at Eli while pulling on his denim jacket. With his drunk state even such a simple task turned out to be a challenge and he managed to get the sleeve tangled up with the collar. Ash helped him out by untying the knot and guiding his arms into the sleeves.

"No, thank youuu for the dance." Eli slurred and squeezed an arm around Miles' shoulders. They whispered something to each other and snickered quietly, while Ash and Benjamin turned to look at each other.

"They make me feel so old sometimes." Benjamin shrugged, leaning his side against the hallway wall. "I seriously don't know where they get all that energy."

Ash hummed in agreement, and started nudging Miles out of the apartment to the stairway. Before Ash could find the switch in the dark, to get rid of the gloomy shadows, his heartbeat accelerated. He had always feared the unfamiliar, which his imagination had no difficulty to fill with unimaginable creatures.

Then the hallway was lit again and Ash saw Miles waiting for him at the elevator, making Ash's previous fear feel silly like a nightmare you think about in the morning. Ash followed Miles into the elevator, his heart still fluttering restlessly inside his chest.

"I like your smile." Miles breathed in Ash's ear as soon as the doors slid shut. He placed his palm on Ash's chest and guided him backwards until his back hit the wall. Then he leaned closer to press his lips against Ash's, having to rise onto his toes a little to make up the height difference. They kissed, and Ash lost himself in the taste of Miles' lips and the faint scent of his expensive aftershave.

"Well, don't get too used to it." Ash chuckled into the kiss, circling his arm around Miles' lower back. He liked this bold, drunk version of Miles, and he decided to make it his mission to help Miles find that kind of confidence, preferably without a drop of alcohol.

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