28) p r o p o s e d

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Miles inhaled a lungful of the crisp autumn air. He could feel a smile spreading on his lips, when his eyes took in the view of the city. The streets were crowded and they buzzed with artificial light. Bright neon signs of the bars and the yellow of the streetlights mixed into one pulsing energy, almost warm to the touch. 

He stuffed his hands deeper into his pockets and buried his chin under the thick scarf. It was so cold he could see his breath forming a cloud of vapor, but he was in no hurry home. He couldn't wait to see Ash, but something about the night made him feel.. alive. 

In the end, the warmth of his home and seeing that the lights were already on, waiting for him to come home, made him hasten his steps. When he opened the door, the yeasty aroma of dough combined with melted cheese and herbs made his mouth water. He tore off his scarf and jacket, tossing them on top of a dresser with haste.

"Pizza?" Miles asked, peeking from the door chink. His eyes shone with excitement and he was smiling like a kid in a candy store.

"Hello to you too." Ash chuckled, taking Miles' hand and pulling him to the kitchen. 

"With extra cheese?" Miles asked, his eyes still glued to the pizza. 

"Like I would order it any other way?" Ash feigned offense. His lips were pressed together and their corners comically turned downwards, making Miles wonder how he had ever thought Ash to be humourless. 

"I'm going to marry you and we'll have a beautiful house and a dog. No, two dogs and a cat!" Miles exclaimed, embracing Ash tightly. Then, after he realized he had actually said that out loud, his face turned so hot you could have fried an egg on it. "I was so not planning on saying that."

"I wouldn't mind any of it." Ash laughed. "Except, I'm allergic to dogs, so cats will have to do."

Miles gave it a moment, for once thinking before saying anything he would regret. Then he pulled away from the hug, looking up at Ash. His heart picked up a faster pace and he allowed himself to wonder about his nervousness for a second or two. Then, finally, he blurted out the words he had been dying to ask for months.

"Would you like to move in with me? Like officially?" Miles watched how the words sank in, his worry growing when Ash didn't answer right away. "It would be more.. cost-effective, don't you think?"

"More cost-effective?" Ash repeated, keeping his face deadpan and studying Miles' expressions. Then he remarked, sarcastically: "How romantic of you."

"Well, if you don't like it —" Miles began, starting to feel hurt and embarrassed by even asking anything in the first place. But Ash cut him short by capturing his lisp into a heartfelt kiss. He even went as far as lifting Miles up from the floor and swirling them around.

"Yes, stupid, didn't I just say I'm going to marry you and live with you and our cats?" Ash scolded Miles, but it was lacking any real reproach. "Besides, I've been thinking about it for a while now, having two flats isn't cost-effective."

"For real? You want to move here? To my fancy mansion?" Miles was so excited he jumped up and while clasping his hands together on his chest. His heart was racing and he felt like it could burst with joy.

"You really are one of a kind." Ash pointed out, his voice filled with amusement. "Yeah, for real, let's move together." Then he set his hand on Miles' shoulder, guiding him to the table. He opened the pizza box, making the mouthwatering aroma grow stronger. "But first things first. I want to eat while it's still warm."

They clinked together Miles' energy drink can and Ash's glass of water, feasting with the pizza and telling about their days. Later on the conversation turned to their friends and how exactly they had ended up to the point they were currently at. 

"It used to be just me, Brandon, Shirley and Javier Muños against the world. We all grew up poor, and I guess it was just easier for us all to find a target to blame for our inability to fit in. For Brandon and Shirley it was their poor excuse of a dad, to Javier Muños the entire human race and to me.. the rich." Ash explained, his gaze faraway.

Miles was soaking in every detail, finding his affection for Ash only growing the more he got to know about him. It wasn't their first time talking about their childhood or their friends, but there was still a lot left unsaid. At least from Ash's part.

"I think the difference between me and them is that they learned to let go. Brandon and Shirley let go of their hate for their dad when they moved away and Javier Muños learned to see the good in people in the middle of all the bad. My anger towards the rich only grew when mom got sick." Ash shook his head slightly, letting his eyes fall shut for a beat. "I hated them, because they could afford to waste money when I couldn't even gather enough to save mom."

Miles felt a twinge in his heart and he averted his gaze to hide it. Ash no longer thought he was spoiled, but it did make him feel guilty for having all that money he had taken for granted most of his life. While he had all the comfort money could buy, some people could barely get by. 

Ash placed his hand on top of Miles' over the table and shook his head before continuing: "But you have made me realize it's never black and white like that. Having money doesn't automatically make you bad or selfish, and no money could save my mom. It's unfair as hell, but it's no one's fault."

Miles studied Ash's face, thinking about how far he had come from the guy who had gotten angry about being treated with coffee. He still didn't like to take Miles' money, but the thought of living in the fancy area of the city didn't revolt him either.

"So." Ash cleared his throat. "Did you talk to Daisy yet?"

"Yeah.." Daisy had texted Miles the previous night that she had something she wanted to discuss with him. It had been something she didn't want to write in a text, which had worried Miles to the point he barely slept that night. Miles frowned, fiddling with the pull tab of his energy drink. "She just wanted to ask me if dad has mentioned anything about the company having financial issues."

"Has he?" Ash knitted his eyebrows.

"No, but he never talks to me about that kind of stuff." Miles shrugged with a heavy sigh. God forbid if Anthony ever mentioned any of his shortcomings. He was fast to judge anyone else, but effusively proud of his own ego. "But it's his company and if he doesn't want to talk about it, it's none of my problem."

"Yeah." Ash agreed and started clearing up the remains of their dinner. "It's getting late, so how about we find out what it's like to sleep in our bed?"

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