Unfamiliar Yet So Similar

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Moldy: Why are you here?

Amelia and Backpack were finally allowed into the house and the three objects were currently sitting in Moldy's living room. The place looked nice to say the least.

Amelia: We followed the notes Stone gave Backpack, one of them being your address. The rest could help stop ONE and I just want your help, Mold-

Moldy: Charlotte. Don't call me that anymore.

Amelia: Right.. Doesn't seem reasonable to call you that anymore since..

Charlotte: Since I'm out of ONE and don't have the mold? Yeah, it does.

The conversation was awkward to start with and it'll continue to be that way.

Charlotte: Listen, I don't want anything to do with ONE because just being in that place made me rethink about my life. I'm making it up to people and I'm trying to not be so sh*tty. I'm not going to let some silly notes ruin this, and besides, what makes you think these lead to anything?

Amelia: Lead to anything? These notes led us to your exact address! Yet you think they don't mean anything!?

The candle had stood up from her spot on the couch, the bread doing the same right after. They were both looking at eachother.

Charlotte: But don't you think that Stone was a little weird to begin with? How do we know that just because they knew my f***ing address means this can stop ONE? Huh? Does that seem real to you?

Amelia: Does any of this seem real to YOU!?

An argument was soon to break out between the two, back and forth on the notes. Backpack was backed into the arm rest of the sofa, knees up to his 'chest' and watching this all go down. He doesn't like the idea of stopping the show but he wants to get back, leading him to not have a choice but to comply. He also didn't know what to do about the arguing but he knew he'd have to diffuse it.

Backpack: Both of you shut up! Fighting isn't getting us anywhere..

The pair quiet down and stare at the backpack. One more annoyed than the other.

Charlotte: Why is he here anyway?

Amelia: According to him, he accidentally sent himself back with me with a computer.

Charlotte: Right.. *sigh* Amelia, I don't want to take part in this, okay?

Amelia: Charlotte, please. Can you please just look at the notes. You may be able to help to us at least..

To help her or don't. It's tough, isn't it? After all these months, do you want to mess something up? You only made up with Parker but what can a little peak do?

Charlotte: Fine, show me them.

Amelia handed her the notes that she had previously taken from Backpack. She didn't have a good look at them before.

Charlotte: This one with the laptop has a word or perhaps a name on it. I don't recognise it.

Amelia: I didn't really look that well at the others, only skimmed through them. Can you show me?

Charlotte: Sure.

Charlotte hands her the laptop note but keeps the rest in her other hand.

Amelia: Wait... I actually recognise it! It's the last name of an old friend of mine.

Charlotte: Okay, why don't you go to them?

Amelia: Hehe... There's just one problem, they live in a different state.

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