The More The Merrier, Right?

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[With the contestants]

Moldy: That was a pretty hard fall, is it really bad?

Lantern: I think I might pass out-

Scenty: His leg is broken so I would say that it's really bad.

Magazine: Why did you even jump?

Nail: Well we all thought that if we hit the floor at the same time, we'd all be up for elimination.

Magazine: I can see that but couldn't you have slid down the pole so this didn't happen?

Nail: That...would have been a better idea...

Moldy: You all are idiots.

Scenty: Can we not fight or anything right now, everything is bad enough as is.

Moldy: Sorry.

Backpack has been sent back to the Plane and approaches the contestants.

Backpack: Can you all move so I can put on this cast?

They do as he says. Backpack sits on the ground next to Lantern and opens his side zip to get the cast, closing it after.

Backpack: Alright, I'm going to need to straighten that leg of yours to put on the cast.

Lantern: What!? No, no, no, no, it's fine, I don't need it, it can heal itself, TRUST ME I DON-

Without a warning, Backpack had pulled Lanterns leg forward to straighten it, causing extreme pain to Lantern. He then slid the cast on his leg.

Backpack: It looks and feels sh***y but it will have to do you. Also take these so you can actually walk.

Backpack reopens his side zip and takes out two wooden crutches and hands them to Lantern. Backpack stands up wanting to see Lantern try himself. He tried his best and as soon as he got to his feet, one of the crutches broke, causing him to fall again.

Scenty: Do you need some help?

Lantern: Yeah.

Scenty helps Lantern to his feet and helps keep hold of him until he gets the hang of things.

Airy: Is everything sorted out now?

Moldy: What do you think, AiRy?

She had said that with a tone that Backpack didn't like.

Backpack: Hey! You shouldn't talk to him like that! He deserves your respect because of how amazing he is.

Moldy: Shut up simp.

Backpack is behind with the times and doesn't know what the actual f**k Moldy had called him. Was it an insult?

Backpack: The f**k did you just call me?

Moldy: Want me to say it again, simp?

Scenty: Maybe we should all calm-


Moldy: Did you lose him!?

Airy: Calm down. Tomato is fine, he was eliminated and is back home. Anyways, we are going to have new contestants joining today.

Backpack: Oh, that sounds great Bry- I mean Airy! *He does that nervous smile face that he's memed about, you know what I'm on about*

Airy: Now let me just bring them in.

Lantern: *whispering* I wasn't the only one who heard him mess up Airy's name right?

Magazine: *Also whispering* He said it loud so I'm pretty sure that we all heard it.

Airy: And here they are.

A seat, a tray, a container of whipped cream, a bass, some sort of packaged food and a contact lens(lense?) appear infront of everyone but they didn't have any faces or limbs. Everyone was very confused by this.

Scenty: Hey Airy, are you sure that you sent the right people in?

Airy: Yeah, just give them a second, they're from a whole different place then you.

Lantern: Different place? What do you mean by that?

Not soon after the new six gained their faces and limbs, it was almost like it was normal for them to do so, all of the contestants were shocked about this, Backpack as well, he didn't expect this at all.

Airy: Hello new contestants, my name is Airy and you're here to compete in my competition called ONE. You will receive your new names now as I don't have any name tags left.

Airy lines all the new contestants up and tells them their new uncreative names. Subway Seat, Tray, Whippy Creamy, Bassy, Airline Food and Contact lens(lense).

Tray: Woah, a competition, this sounds fun!

Whippy Creamy: This sounds wrong, my name just sounds wrong.

Bassy: What's the prize, if you don't mind me asking.

Lantern: It's a wish for anything, like anything.

Backpack: Well since the new contestants are here, why don't we introduce ourselves to them? I'll start. I'm Backpack, your co-host for this competition, it's lovely to meet you.

Backpack does some small bow while he's speaking to them.

Moldy: Wow, he's actually being nice.

Backpack: Well Airy wanted me to be a tiny bit more nice to you guys and of course I'd follow his request.

Moldy: You really are a simp.

Backpack ignores the comment that Moldy made and looks at the contestants, trying to show them to introduce themselves.

Scenty: Fine, let's get this over with. I'm Amelia but these guys want me to be called Scenty.

Airline Food: Wait, you guys have human names?

Nail: Human names? What even is that?

Backpack: This is what Airy meant by different places, allow me to expl-

Magazine: I don't think we need you to explain, I think we just need to get this over with. Anyways, I'm Magazine.

Everyone eventually gets around to introducing themselves and they learn about eachothers worlds. The old five were interested in learning about humans, Backpack wasn't that intrigued about any of this, he knows about this already. He learned all of this years ago when he first met Bryce but he decided that now's not the time to be thinking of past events, there's a competition to host.

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