Team Quarrel

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Scenty: What the hell is your problem!?

Scenty shoves Moldy, who was in front of her.

Moldy: What do you mean my problem? Someone had to show that stuck up simp that he can't just be a total ***hole, he can't fully die here anyways!

Bassy: H-hang on, what happened? All we heard from your pool was shouting about letting someone go.

Nail: Moldy drowned Backpack, that's what happened.

Airline Food: You drowned him!?

Moldy: I don't get why everyone is making a big deal out of this and it isn't even your teams business what happened.

Scenty: I'm sorry guys, can you please leave while we have a talk between our team?

Subway Seat: Yeah sure Scenty.

And with that, the team of the new contestants left the area, possibly to explore the Plane while Scenty and her team have a talk.

Lantern: Do you not even feel guilty about killing someone?

Moldy: ...It isn't a big deal...

Magazine: What even gave you the idea to drown him in the first place?

Moldy: Can we not keep talking about this?

Scenty: What do you mean "Can we not keep talking about this?"!? Moldy you just KILLED a man! You can't just do that to someone if they were a bit of a jerk!

Moldy: Him and that host are keeping us here against our own will and he's making light out of any of the bad things that have only just happened and yet he's only a "bit of a jerk"? For all we know, he could have damaged your leg more!

She had pointed to Lantern as she said that last part.

Moldy: You have a chance at being right, that drowning him was bad but I needed a message to go through to his head that we won't put up with his bulls**t.

Lantern: He could have damaged it more but at least I can still walk...sort of but we could've reasoned with the guy, talked to him ya'know. We could have helped him not be an a**.

Moldy: He doesn't seem to be the talking type, isn't that right Nail?

The rest of the team turns and looks at Nail.

Scenty: What does she mean?

Nail: Well...last night I decided to talk to Backpack, he seemed lonely and I wanted to check on him.

Scenty: Aaaand?

Nail: He didn't seem to want to exactly talk, he suggested for me to leave but I guess I might be stubborn because he eventually let me speak with him.

Magazine: And that's it? He didn't want you checking on him?

Nail: I did initially only want to talk to him for answers about some things but I figured that he wouldn't budge. He swore a lot when he talked to me and he had a p*ssed attitude.

Moldy: See, we can't talk to him, he's just a d***head!

Scenty: You could be right but Airy said that they were working on it and if I'm being honest, it feels like these two haven't had proper object interaction in a long time, so that could explain it.

Moldy: I bet those two bring people here all the time just so they can play with them like they're toys.

Lantern: Well we don't know that, that might not be true.

Moldy: But it could be.

Scenty: *sigh* Alright this clearly isn't going anywhere, Moldy, you can have your own opinion on what you did and we'll have ours.

Moldy: Fine but just know that I am in the right.

Scenty gives her a look of disappointment but she turns to Nail again.

Scenty: If you don't mind me asking, what did you want to know from Backpack?

Moldy mutters something under her breath but is ignored. Nail is hesitant to answer.

Nail: I wanted to know who he was because of how familiar he was to me. I guess I sort of also wanted to know about the competition but it didn't fully cross my mind. The only thing about it was our names.

Magazine: What do you mean by that last part?

Nail: I wanted to know why we couldn't use our real names but I forgot to tell you guys that we could, only Backpack and Airy would refer to us by our new ones.

Scenty: So I don't have to go by Scenty? I can go by Amelia?

Nail: I guess.

Moldy: This isn't exactly fun to talk about, I'm going to explore this place.

Lantern: Wait, can we know your name before you go?

Moldy didn't respond, she just left.

Magazine: I guess we just tell our names then?

The team would go on to tell their names to one another, while Moldy would be walking around the empty Plane.

Moldy's P.O.V

'This is so stupid, I'm in the right, I did the right thing.........didn't I? Why am I doubting myself? Of course I did!'

Moldy would continue to walk the Plane, doubtful thoughts flooding her mind. Could they have been right? Was it really necessary to drown the poor guy just to show that you aren't going to put up with bulls**t? She already made it clear that she had to be in the right. Was it her pride that was getting in the way? Was it her pride that made her think that she was right?

Was it her pride that led her to do stupid things, to not follow rules, to not want pitty?

It couldn't have been. It just couldn't, why would she doubt herself like that? She knows what she's doing, she knows that she's perfectly capable of doing things herself but the look on his face when he was back, what if it is just an act?

'Maybe I did go too far. Maybe he is reasonable, he wouldn't want to try to reason with me now after that but that stupid smirk he gives me when he knows that he's p*ssed me off, it just makes me want to punch him.'

Moldy had been walking for who knows how long, it was turning dark and she hadn't a clue of where on the Plane she was, it was so barren.

'I'll just sleep on the ground here, no point going back tired, I don't think they'd want to see me anyways.'

She laid on the ground trying to rid of any thoughts in her head just so she could sleep for the night. Most left but some would not go. Why would they not go? Was it because she felt...


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