Name Known, Stupidity Shown

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The next day had come around, objects were waking up from their slumber and making their way out of the houses that sat on the Plane, they were waiting for Airy to speak but instead were greeted by the green backpack, their co-host of this god forsaken "show".

Backpack: Good morning contestants! I've got an announcement on Airy's behalf. Before I continue, is everyone up and out?

Bassy: Yeaaah- 

Bassy's words were stretched as a yawn came out of her mouth. Backpack nodded and continued.

Backpack: Alright so, there won't be any challenges today beca-

Amelia: Are you guys letting us finally go home!?

Backpack turned to the smaller candle who was near the front of the group with a slightly annoyed face. This wasn't how he planned to spent the morning but anyways.

Backpack: I would greatly appreciate if you don't interrupt me...but no. There won't be any challenges today because we both have decided to give you guys a break from them. This doesn't affect the elimination though as it will be taking place in a few minutes.

Circle: Is that all you wanted to tell us?

The backpack nods to the circle and looks around for the soon to be eliminated contestant. He can't find them.

Stone's P.O.V

'The Plane is so barren that you can't even tell where you are. The only things that show your location is everything at the main area or the plug at the bottom. That doesn't matter, I need to get this message to everyone, I'm glad I took the notes and pencil from Nail's team. Everyone needs to know what's going on, everyone needs to-'

Stone was teleported to the main area of the plane, not alot of the objects were around. They heard Airy's mic make a noise. They knew they were leaving.

'! I can't leave yet, they need to know this!'

Stone starts quickly writing on the notes while flipping though them as Airy is counting down. Right before they leave, the notes get thrown into the air and float to the ground.

The contestants that were around just looked away. All but one.

She made her way towards the scattered notes and they spelled out a singular sentence.


She had to tell her team, so she turned around and looked for her two other members.

After the note incident, about five hours had passed. Everyone was off doing their own thing and only kind of enjoying their free time. Airy hasn't been heard from during this time, he said that he'd also take a break to do whatever it is he does while Backpack keeps on eye on the contestants. This of course gives someone an opportunity to pry the bag open.

Our fabric friend was sitting on the grass examining some of the triangles that were on it until something had pulled him up from his handle. Startled as much as he could be, he couldn't exactly react, whatever had his handle was pulling him somewhere. Although his entire body should go limp when picked by the handle, it only occurs when he's off the ground otherwise he'd be stumbling around like a drunken man, which was the case. He has no choice but to follow whatever is dragging him, he isn't entirely sure of what's going on until he is finally let go of. Backpack's body gives off a small shake as he registers what's just happened, he then looks forward and has found what dragged him or in this case, who dragged him.

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