Peace Outside The Plane

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(Heads up!: This chapter mainly focuses on Liam and Bryce and will have Sodapack in it)

The challenge had ended, both Liam and Bryce were in the cave sitting on the two chairs, huddled up to one another.

Bryce: Are you alright? Do you wanna talk about it.

Liam: ...

The pair was silent. Bryce knew what was going on. Liam liked to act like he was a tough guy but he could be sensitive in a lot of cases, this was no exception. Liam did decide to talk.

Liam: It reminded me of when I was a teen again, back in that damn room for the first time in ten years...I felt scared? I don't know...

You could clearly see tears forming in Liam's eyes.

Liam: I think it was the thought of being alone in there, without y-you or anyone for that matter after all this time. I-I don't know...

Liam went quiet again, he tried to smile when he looked at Bryce.

Liam: I hate for you to see me like this.

Bryce: Liam, it's totally okay to cry or talk about your problems, I'll always be there to listen and help you. You know that.

Just by hearing Bryce's words, Liam's face lit up, he was grateful to have someone like Bryce in his life. Bryce wiped away any tears that he saw on Liam's face.

Bryce: It's starting to turn to night, do you maybe want to watch the stars to calm your mind?

Liam: Sure, sounds nice.

Bryce stands up from his seat and offers Liam his hand. After taking Bryce's hand, Liam was picked up by him and they left the cave. They knew a spot just through the trees, it was open and had a great view of the lower forest and stars. When they arrived there, Bryce placed Liam down and they both sat down beside one another. Bryce wrapped his arm around Liam and they began to watch.

Bryce's P.O.V

'It's been about I'd say an hour since I came out here with Liam, he definitely seems more calm than before. He's more leaned up against me, is he asleep? *Pauses and looks* He is. I'll take him back to the cabin and I'll let him sleep on the bed, not gonna stay out here all night with him.'

Bryce smiles and proceeds to carefully pick up Liam and brings him back to the Cabin. He carefully places Liam on the bed and leaves for a moment. After about 20 minutes Bryce returns and gently slides something into Liam's front zipper, trying to not wake him.

'He'll probably want that for when he returns to the Plane. Don't want that happening to him again...'

Bryce begins to also get in the bed, it was late and he was tired. He still had to get some things ready for the contestants such as housing and food. He'd get to it in the morning.


'What time even is it? I'd have to check that sh***y clock I made to see. 5:38am? I'd usually get up at 6 but this will do.'

Bryce gets up and out of bed, trying his best once again to not wake Liam and leaves the cabin with a fishing rod.

'It's the only other food here other than some berries, so it would have to do. I'm not going all the way out in that forest nor sending Liam out there to find any alternatives. We'd get lost with how big it is! And anyways, there's always a sh*t ton of fish down at the waterfall, loads of them fall down here. I'll catch two per usual, prepare and cook them. I'll find something to cover Liam's with for when he wakes up, he usually wakes up a while after me.'

Bryce finishes his little fishing trip and cooks the fish over a fire. He places Liam's on a big leaf and covers it with another to try to keep it warm, he places it in the cabin with a note. After finishing his own, Bryce proceeds to go and check on the Plane and its contestants. They seem to be...fine? It's hard to tell, most of them are separated. Did something happen after the challenge?

'How would I make houses for these guys? I guess I can make something out of sticks, vines and reeds. Might as well try.'

Bryce leaves the cave and goes around to gather as many sticks and vines he can find. He put everything outside the cave entrance and looks up at the waterfall.

'The reeds are up there...we don't usually go up there unless it's necessary, the bridge over the fall can be soaking from time to time and you could slip off the thing. I'll just do my best to get a decent amount of reeds.'

With that being said, Bryce had made his way near to the waterfall where a type of slanted stoney edge was, they used the edge as stairs to get up to the higher parts of the forest, it was the only way. Bryce made his way up and stopped at the bridge, he was hesitating.

'They are the only thing here that's soft enough for bedding, I just need to not be a p**sy and get this over with. It isn't that slippy, right?'

He makes his way across the bridge, being extremely careful and follows the path to the reeds. Once at the small body of water that's filled nearly to the brim of reeds, Bryce takes a whole ton of them and begins his journey back, crossing the bridge again without any accidents.

He finally makes his way back down to the cave and brings everything into the cave. All he needed to do was to make some houses and he can always shrink them down to size, he can make them whatever size is easier.

About thirthy minutes later and Bryce has made five mini houses, some of the contestants would have to share but he's sure that they'll understand.

'Well that's done with, although they look like a toddlers crappy arts and crafts project, it should do the job. All I need to do is shrink it and bring it down to them.'

He places the houses on a different planet that was around the computer, removing the plug from the Plane and placing it into the other planet. Bryce types something in, most likely a code and the planet shrinks in size along with the houses. He removes them and goes to turn on the microphone.

Bryce: Hey guys, sorry to interrupt anything but I have a surprise for you!

You can't make out what the contestants are saying but Bryce can hear them as clear as day.

Bryce: No, it's something better.

He places the houses on the Plane.

Bryce: You guys have houses now. :D You will have to share them though, hope you don't mind.

They weren't excited about that. They thought that the surprise was being home again. Why would they have such high hopes for something like that? Bryce could only hear groans from the contestants. The smile on his face had lowered but he didn't want to pay any mind to that.

Bryce: I'll announce the third challenge in an hour or so, I need to...uh..prepare it.

Muting the microphone once again, Bryce just sat in his chair and watched the tiny objects investigate their new houses. He didn't have a plan for a challenge, he never did, all he did was make something up on the spot but his mind was blank. What could he do?

Don't know what to do for a challenge?

Someone spoke behind him, he turned around and there was someone there. Someone who he knew, someone who he trusted, someone who he cared about, someone he loved.

It was Liam.

Liam: Oh and before I forget, thanks for the breakfast.

Liam made his way towards Bryce and sat down beside him in the vacant seat.

Bryce: You're welcome and I guess I am, my minds gone blank.

Liam: I think I might know something to do.

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