Left With Nothing

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We're in the forest and we see Bryce laying in the cabin on the bed. Liam had made a sh*tty cast and bandage for his arm and side. Why? You may recall seven months ago, he just straight up disappeared. That was because the soda bottle slipped and nearly tore his face off by falling on a stalagmite in the cave. Stupid if you ask me. Anyways, the backpack had been taking care of his partner, completely forgetting about ONE for a hot minute, or seven months, until Bryce brought it up. But now the bottle was slightly concerned. He hadn't heard from Liam for a bit and that wasn't like him and despite what the backpack told him, he got up and went into the cave and found nothing. Bryce looked towards the Plane and saw that the contestants had mixed emotions. Some angry. Some worried. Some careless. What happened? Where's his backpack?

Bryce: Hey.....guys... Wher-


Bryce: I was gonna ask about that... I haven't seen him for a while. Does anyone know about that?

Owen: All we know is that he stopped responding to us after Scenty was eliminated.

Bryce: I'm gonna look for him.

Circle: Are you seriously gonna leave us again!?

Bryce: I'm not having my b-...co-host be missing. I'm going.

The soda bottle didn't speak another word. He walked out of the cave and brought his right hand the the side of his mouth.

Bryce: LIAM!? YOU HERE!?

No response.

Bryce: God damnit Liam! Where are you, love?

Scenty's P.O.V

Scenty: -ADY!

'I open my eyes and I'm back in my studio. I'm actually back. I can't believe this! I see something from the corner of my eye. Is that..what was his name. He was my friend...uhm...oh yeah, Garrett! Is that him? It's green so ma-...'

'That's not Garrett.'

There was indeed a green figure beside the candle but it wasn't the one she was hoping for. Why is HE here? Oh, she wanted to yell at him so bad for what he's done, really go at him but she couldn't. It wasn't because she didn't want to, she did, really. She just noticed that he was staring at his hands, his shakey hands with wide eyes and his breathing quickened.

Scenty: Backpack...?

The green bag flinched at his "name" being called. He looked up at her and they both locked eyes. You could really see the look of pure terror on his face. Scenty went to reach her hand out to the backpack but he took a step away from her, eyes still locked, hands and legs shakey and breathing still quick.

'Is he..scared of me? Why? We've been face to face before, why would this be any differ-..... It's not me he's scared of, it's his surroundings. I..should help him calm down and even though I'd love to yell at him, I'd feel bad to do so while he's like that..'

Scenty: Backpack, calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you, you're fine. Just breathe with me okay? Follow what I do.

Scenty inhaled for five seconds and exhaled for five seconds. She used her fingers to show the bag how long to do it for. It took a few minutes before he managed to somewhat follow what the candle was doing and eventually he stopped shaking as much. Still scared but..better. (idk man, I can't write this stuff well.)

Scenty: You feeling alright now?

Backpack: Yeah...? I guess...

Scenty: Now, what happened? Why are you here?

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