Chapter 17

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Erwin said, "you're pregnant?". Eren nodded. Levi said, "that's great babe"? "It's a surprise to say the least, but we love you very much", Erwin said. "I love you to", Eren said. The three were happy that they were having a family.

A month later, Eren was working in the cafe as he would  take orders, his stomach has a little bump as he would answer with, 'gaining weight', but only his regulars know the secret.

This went on for another 2 months, Eren started getting hormones, swollen ankles as well as hungry a lot. Levi was working on a room for the babies as they found out it was twins, a boy and a girl. Levi smiled as Erwin helped out.

A few weeks later, the room was done as Eren said, "I am home honey". "Upstairs love", Erwin yelled. Levi finished hanging a photo on the wall, saying, 'Our baby girl' and one saying, 'Our baby boy'. Eren got upstairs and saw the room. Eren said, "You two did this?". "yeah it was a surprise for you, which is why, we kept making you leave the house", Erwin said. Eren teared up and said, "I love it". "It took a few weeks to get it done", Levi said. Eren said, "It looks wonderful". Levi said, "Come on, I will cook your favorite tonight". Eren nodded and they went to the kitchen. Eren laughed softly as Erwin said, "I am so exhausted". Levi said, "big baby". "Try me", Erwin said. Levi said, "Fuck you". " Oh god, just no", Eren said.

Another 2 months later, Eren was getting closer and closer to the due date in 4 months... Eren had to stop working for awhile because of the pregnancy, he left the cafe up to the others...he would check once awhile, making sure no one causes a fire or something like that. He trusts Mikasa since she works part time as well as her designer career.

Eren was reading a book as he felt his stomach pain for a bit.  Eren said, "Levi the babies kicked!!". Levi walked in and placed his hand on Eren's stomach, the babies kick
again as Eren smiled. Levi Kissed Eren and said, "I can't wait to meet the brats". Eren laughed and said, "Really babe, brats?". Levi said "yes". Erwin said, I'm home". Erwin said, "How are my four people doing? ". Eren said, "we are good".

As Erwin, Levi worked. Eren would do small chares that won't hurt the babies. Eren said, "Have we thought on baby names?". Eren was folding clothes that Levi cleaned before he left for work. Eren put the clothes on the couch by him.

Later, Eren was cooking dinner until he felt pain in his stomach, it was 1 month away from due date, but the babies had other plans....

Eren called Erwin at the drive to the hospital that Hange is driving him and Eren yelled, " Erwin pick up the damn phone!!". Hange said, "Damn it...".

Erwin got a call from Armin, " Eren is in labor!!". Erwin told Levi as they went to Sina ER....

2 hours later, Erwin and Levi were at the hospital with the others, outside of the room. Another hours later Levi was the only one awake still. Levi checked the time, '4:30pm'.

It was a long labor that it was around 10:43pm when they heard baby cries. The doctor came out and said, "they are healthy and their mother is alright". Levi nodded and woke up Erwin. They went in the room, Eren said, " meet Ymir and Farlen". "They are beautiful", Erwin said. Eren nodded and said, " Yeah... They are ".

The Next Day, Eren was discard from the hospital with the twins... Levi said, "you should rest that C- section took hours". Eren nodded as Erwin picked up Eren bridal style and took him to their room as Levi took the twins to their room.

Levi headed to bed and saw his husband and wife sleeping. Levi laid down and joined their cuddle session.


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