Chapter 14 :)

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A/N-- Hiya Bambinos, this chapter is Simabel and LewHan :)
WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: 2 sad events happened: Simabel: not being able to have kids.
Jami: Jackson passes away.
But there is also some cute stuff to redeem the sadness because I couldn't leave my Bambinos broken <3
I hope you enjoy :)

Simon's POV

Me and Isabel were at the hospital waiting to get the results. Waiting ever so patiently. If I was to wait longer I'll go on a murderous rampa- "Ms Peculiar Lane (what a cool second name :D imagine it if she was like a detective or something XD) and Mr Lane" "YAY!!" I whispered to myself, We followed the doctor into a room, he sat us down and spoke "Ms Peculiar La-" "it's Mrs Lane" Isabel interrupted, the doctor nodded "Mr and Mrs Lane, unfortunately the result say that you are not able to carry child...we're terribly Sorry, there not much we can do, would you like us to leave you alone in a room for a while? Maybe get you a cup of tea or coffee? I know it's terribly upsetting but if your willing can always adopt? There's an adoption centre just next door for reasons like this, I could get you an appointment easily if you wanted?" I looked up to the doctor, tears escaping my eyes and nodded "That'd be lovely thank you, we'll go over to the centre in 20 minutes, we'll just calm down, Thank You Sir" the doctor smiled weakly "I know how you feel, me and my wife had to adopt and it's not as bad as people say, it's just like having any other child, I wish you well, good sir, and you two ma'am" he patted my back and left us in the room...the suddenly freezing cold room...

Sami's POV
In the hospital (not the same one as Simabel though)

He was lying in the bed, asleep but his heart beat was very slow, I don't want to lose him...not now, Jamie is only 5 he can't live without his dad, that's something no child or adult should ever have to go through... "Your doing really good Jack, you being strong, I just need you to fight longer, please? Fight as much as you can and if it's not enough just know you haven't failed us, we still love you with all of our hearts, Simon loves you too although you haven't seen the prick in 2 moths he still loves you, your like his little brother, your like his family and I know that he wishes he was here right now, Stay with me, because you and Jamie are all I need" Jackson's hand went cold and his motor stopped, No! No! No! No! "Nurse!! Doctor!!" Half a dozen nurses and a doctor came in, all moving too fast for me to keep track...i was getting really dizzy just watching...I know I was a nurse too but I haven't been at work, I've been with Jackson and Jamie the whole time..."Jackson...don't leave...I lo-" suddenly everything went black...

Simon's POV

We were walking through the wards of the adoption centre, poor kids...not having parents that look after them, I wish I could adopt every single one of them, we stopped and looked at this child (that sounds creepy XD) he was gorgeous, he had dark brown hair, jade green eyes, he was adorable, Isabel and I instantly took a liking, "Hello little man" I tickled his tummy making him giggle, "hello sir and ma'am is there anythi- Simon?" I turned around to see Hannah, did she work here? "Hey Hannah, do you work here?" "Yeah, i'm like a baby sitter for some of the kids but I also help people who come seeking to adopt, is that you two?" I looked at Isabel and smiled weakly "Yeah, can we have this little rascal here?" I gestures to the beautiful baby boy, "Sure, are you only looking to have 1? I look after Drew's older brother that is a lot like you Simon, I think you'll love him, he is also the only relative of him" Hannah gestured to the baby we've been adoring, Isabel looked really excited and smiley, I'm glad this is making her feel better, "sure lets go see him" we filled the information out to adopt Drew, then we went to go see the older boy, we walked in to the 3+ section, we walked along the corridor and stopped outside the room that said "room 101" Hannah knocked on the door and opened it "Hello little guy, there somebody here to see you" the little child ran straight up to Hannah hugging her tightly "Hey Han, who's here, are they here to adopt me and my little brother?" Hannah bent down to him and ruffled his hair, smiling "They already adopted Drew, and now they're adopting you, in you come Sim and Isa, Daniel won't bit, will you Dan?" He looked so innocent "No I promise I won't, I don't even do that to Karen anymore" "Karen is the head of this place, she's not very nice to him" "ohhh, well Hello Daniel, I'm Simon, I heard your a really cool guy?" I bent down to him and he smiled "yeah, I'm also very brave, when Wendy and David used to hurt me and Drew, I used to shout at them and tell them to only hit me not my little brother" oh my gosh, Hannah whispered to me "Wendy and David was his birthing parents" I nodded and returned to Daniel "well I can promise you Daniel, there won't be any hitting in our house unless it's a high five" I raised my hand and he closed his eyes ready to get slapped, oh my gosh he really was brave, this poor child "Daniel it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you, a high five is this" I took his hand but he was hesitant and hit our hands together "that's a high five" he laughed "cool, Simon could you please adopt me? Your really cool, I want you to be my dad" Oh my gosh he is adorable "Of course we can, let's go adopt then shall we?" I raised my hand and he high fived it "That's my boy" I stood up and he took my hand, we walked to the front desk and signed all the forms and Hannah finished her shift, "hey want to come back to me and Lewis' for a bit, you can meet Jade our daughter?" "Sure, I'd love to" we got to Lewis and Hannah's we were just about to go in when my phone was Sami UGGGHHH!, "you go in I've got a call to take okay?" Daniel and Isabel nodded and went in.
"Hello, Sami? Are you okay?"
"No, Simon, Jackson passed away...Me and Jamie are in the hospital now, don't bother coming up because you won't get in, his funeral is tomorrow, I need your support, after the funeral I'm moving back to America with Jamie to live with my parents for a while, to let this all settle in, Jamie needs a father he wouldn't survive without a da-" "all respects to you and Jamie and stuff and don't mean to be rude but Jamie doesn't NEED a father, he could have another mother and he would get on just fine, don't bring your homophobia into this, Jackson loved all people and I'm sure he wouldn't like hearing you talk about people the way I do. Sami, Jackson was my bestest friend and he was like my brother, but I'm not going to be at the funeral, I'll pay my own respects when I want, I have a family of my own. My kids don't NEED me as their father they just have me, Your kid doesn't NEED Jackson as his father he just did, Fiona and Zoey's kids don't NEED a father to be happy, their more happy than any kids I've ever met, so just go shove your homophobia up your backside because I don't want to hear it, I hope you have a fabulous life, see you later ShitLord!" I hung up on her, I never liked her, I looked to the sky "I'm sorry Jackson I know you may have loved her but she wasn't very nice to my fri-my family, love and miss you Jack" I don't even know if FiZone have kids, I was just trying to prove a point...hopefully they do and I get to see them and i bet they are the happiest kids ever, I hope all of the Yogs' kids are happy along with the Yogs. I walked into Lewis and Hannah's house and sat on the sofa next to Isabel "Hey Simon, are you okay? You look a little...frustrated, upset, pissed off and happy at the same time... How does that even work?" Lewis always knew how to make me better, even from just being with me it made me better, "Come ere' ya bugger!!" I gave Lewis a big bear hug and we both laughed "same old Simon" "you thought I'd change, never!" We all laughed "hey where's Daniel and Jade?" I wanted to meet this girl who is probably beautiful as her mother is Hannah and her father is Lewis. "Upstairs playing, want to come meet her? She's beautiful" "just like you and Hannah then?" They laughed and we went upstairs, i walked into a cute little light Blue and light red room, there was stars all about her room as well as owl, gosh it's adorable, "Jadie, this is Uncle Simon" she only looked about 2 and a half, Daniel was only 3 and a half but he spoke like he was about 6 or 7, "Hello Uncle Simon, I'm Jade, are you Daniel's dad?" Oh my gosh, she 's like pro at talking, she's so adorable with her little British accent, "yes, I am, your a very beautiful girl, you look just like your mother and father" she had bright blue eyes, Although she had waist length Dark Brown hair she still looked like Hannah especially with her prominent dimples, she was gorgeous, she even had some of Lewis' features but that only made her more beautiful, she giggled "Thank you Uncle Simon" "your ever so welcome gorgeous little lady" I ruffled her hair and she laughed again as did Me, Lewis and Daniel. We were here for hours just as well we only lived next door, what a relief, me and Isabel is literally new to this street so we didn't even know they were here, silly us "Lew, we best be off" I stood and hugged him "goodbye, friend" I hugged Hannah and then lifted Jade up "Goodbye my gorgeous little niece, it was lovely meeting you" she giggled "Can we see you tomorrow? I want to play with Daniel again" Lewis and Hannah nodded "yes, sweetheart, we can all go to the park or something tomorrow, goodbye darling"
We left. As soon as we put the kids to bed, we fell asleep in our own bed almost instantly, tomorrow will be nice.

Narrator's POV

The Yogs were asleep and sound,
They thought they'd never be found,
By their best friends and family they hold so dear,
But tomorrow is the day they'll see not they're fear.

A/N-- Hiya, I really hope you Bambinos are loving this story, this is the second last chapter :) I can't wait for Chapter 15, I think you guys are going to explode with feels :)...hopefully not literally because I love you and I don't want you dying but as a metaphor sure :)
I hope you have a Fabulous Life and Goodbye :)
~ Liv :)

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