Chapter 1 :)

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A/N-- Hiya People, this is chapter one! WARNING! WARNING! EXTREMELY CUTE CONTENTS! When Kim & Liv meet Dunc' and Rhea ! FUN! I don't know about you but I am so bad at setting a good first impression, they always think I'm too quiet XD, anyway on with the story, I hope you enjoy :)

Kim's POV

Me and Liv got to the college, i had to be social today...YAY! I really don't mind being social it's just like...Nope *pops the P*... Today maybe it's because I'll be spending a few years with the same people, I saw a few people who looked cool, a girl with blonde hair, a guy with brown hair and another guy with quite long blonde hair. *Bring Bring Bell Noises Bring Bring* it was time for first class, Science. I came here to specialise in magic and Science, Liv came here to specialise in Magic and Art, me and Liv were very alike, loved the same stuff, our skills were quite alike too but I was better at Magic and She was better at Art, but we'd teach each other when we could, I went of to Science "Bye Liv, see you later!" "Bye Kim!" Great now I'm alone, hopefully there is someone I can talk to here.
I got into Science and got assigned a seat, I was sat next to the blonde boy I saw earlier (try guess who is it? XD I know you know) "Hello, I'm Lalna but you can call me Duncan, nice to meet you." "Hi, I'm Nano but you can call me Kim and to you too" the class went past rather quickly it was really fun, especially with Lal-Duncan whispering funny comments in my ear. He is so cool, glad I met him first I guess. After Science it was English, Liv was in my class for that, thank goodness.

Liv's POV

I walked into English we were assigned seats, I sat next to a really pretty girl with brown hair going down to her elbows, she was really nice too. "Hello." She said before I sat down "Hiya, I'm Liv, it's nice to meet you." I extended my hand out for her to shake, "Hello, I'm Rhea, to you too, not to sound weird but your really pretty" we shook hands, aww she is really nice, I have a good feeling about this friendship "Aww thank you I was thinking the same...for you of course...sorry" I mumbled, no one ever knew what I was saying when I mumbled but it was just a thing I always done, only Kimothy knew what I was saying. Speaking of Kim where is she?. A lot of other people walked in not late, because I was early, Kimothy walked in with a guy, aww their height differences are soooo cute. Oh my gosh, Kim and the boy got seats next to me and Rhea, I introduced them. "This is Kim, my big sister, and Kim, this is my friend Rhea" they smiled and replied "nice to meet you" Kim introduced me and Rhea to the boy "This is Lal-Duncan, Dunc' here...well he's my-" "Boyfriend." Duncan added in then Kim hit him playfully, Awwww!!!! "He's not, I've only known him for about maybe an hour or 2. Anyway Dunc' this is Liv" Kim replied blushing so hard "Love knows no time. And Hi Liv" Duncan again added something else and waved at me. And again Kim hit him playfully "right you two, I'm sure it'd make us-" I looked at Rhea and smiled she smiled back like she instantly knew what I was going to say "make us both happy if you two went out, your obviously soo cute together, Please Kimothy??" I begged, seeing her face and how red it was, was amazing, she and Duncan looked at each other smiled and blushed even more and looked away, I turned to Rhea and Whispered quite loudly so Kim and Duncan could hear me "We need to give the love birds time" I turned back to Kim and smiled.

Time skip to break

Duncan's POV

Kim's sister Liv is so cute, like Kim, you can see the resemblance. I couldn't get Kim out of my mind, wait what was that cute thing Liv called her? Kiminty? No...KIMOTHY! That's it "Hey Kimothy" I walked up to Kim and stood with my shoulder leaning on the lockers next to her's "Hello Dunc' trying to play it cool for the ladies?" She giggled, her giggle is sooooooo cute!!!! "Wait and did you call me Kimothy?!?" She asked still smiling and giggling "yes, darling" i said in a posh-ish accent she laughed even more at that. She got her books out her locker, "you ready for Magic?" I asked her, still smiling down at her, "only if you are" she replied looking up to me, gazing into my blue eyes and me gazing into her brown eyes, they had tints of purple in them but that made her even prettier, if that was possible "of course I am ready. Race you!" "Noo Dunc'" I already started running away the corridors were quite quiet it sounded like she was running behind me then I heard Kim's screams for help, and i instantly turned around running back to her. "Kim what happened!!?!?" I asked in my voice you could hear i was concerned. "Duncan, I've hurt my foot" oh god, Kim! I need to help her...I'll carry her to my car and take her to the hospital "Okay, Kim stay calm, put you arms around my neck, ad I'll take you to my car" she done as I told her to. I picked her up and carried her Bridal Style to my car people whistling when we walked past, I lay Kim in the passenger seat and she still had her arms around my neck, she was so beautiful...I just wanted to kiss her. "Thank You Dunc', your the best" "It's not a problem, my beautiful princess" she giggled and pulled me down to her lips and kissed me, it was soft, short but long enough to fall in love with. This is the start of something amazing

Time skip to the hospital

The doctors took Kim away to check on her foot, I left to call Liv, i thought she should know we're at the hospital. "Hey Liv, it's Dunc', Kim's hurt her foot and we're at the hospital getting it checked out, we're Okay, i need to get back to her but I just thought I'd tell you." "Oh Dunc' your the best boyfriend Kimothy could ask for, if she gets kept in please tell me an I'll come up and visit, tell her me and Rhea ship you two, an that I'm sending her all the kisses and cuddles...since I'm not there, you will need to provide her with the kisses and cuddles" Liv laughed and I just knew she felt like she was being smart and cheeky "Gladly" I could just imagine her jaw drop at my comment, "Bye Liv, Kimothy needs me and I need her" I laughed and hung up just thinking about Liv freaking out and hyperventilating. I went back to Kim and kissed her forehead "hello gorgeous, what did the Doctor say?" Kim giggled "Hello Handsome, she said it is just strained but they want to make sure by keeping me over night...I know we only met like 4 hours ago, but please stay with me, I don't want you to leave" at the end of her sentence she looked really sad "I'm never leaving you Kimothy, love knows no time, I love you Kim" "I love you too Dunc'" she smiled up to me and I kissed her again soft but sweet this time longer, we pulled apart "will you be my girlfriend?" i smiled as did she "Of Course my crazy little scientist" "Cutie...i'm taller than you though" i laughed "Oh shut up and just kiss me you idiot" we laughed then kissed for longer again, it was so nice to just kiss her, every time we kissed i just fell in love with her even more. well that went better than expected, first day at college and I already have a girlfriend who is the most beautiful I have ever seen ever, and that's not an exaggeration.

A/N-- I really did freak out while writing this, I hyperventilated :) , I hope you enjoyed it :)
I hope you have a Fabulous Life and goodbye :) ~ Liv

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