Update :(

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Hiya Bambinos, I might not be uploading for a while as I'm sick :( and my work isn't good when I'm sick because my mind goes "Mehh" and doesn't like function properly so I don't want to post anything extremely bad that I'm going to regret later so I'll just do this, inform Bambinos why I'm not updating and stuff but yeah. I'm sick. My brothers is sick and when I say sick for me, I mean like feeling sick, sore throats, bad coughs and stuff when I say my big brother is sick I mean that if he gets worse he will need to get an operation that has a high risk of killing him...so yeah, I'm honestly petrified, imagine losing your bestest friend in the whole world, for people who have serious trusting issues such as myself imagine losing one of the only 3 people you trust in this world, it's not the most fun thing to have in your life, I take care of my brother a lot when I can and thats only one of the big massive terrifying events happening in my life, i have lots, so yeah. I'm still being my positive self though :) keep smiling it gets better :)
I hope you have a Fabulous Life and I hope you don't have to ever go through anything as bad as this or worst than this ever, see you later bambinos <3
~ Liv

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