Chapter 2 :)

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A/N-- Hiya people, so basically in the last chapter Kim is in hospital but only for a Night, Duncan stays over night in the hospital to stay with Kim and they have a cute conversation as you do with your partner. In this chapter they go back to college and get back to 'Normal', I this is a very long chapter, so I'm sorry in advance. I hope you enjoy :)

Rhea's POV

Me and Liv arrive and I'm trying to comfort Liv because Kim and her foot and stuff, I'm sort of doing okay, she has calmed down...for now. *Bring Bring Bell Noises Bring Bring* "Time for first class, Bye Liv" I hugged Liv tightly and I knew she knew I was telling her it was okay "Byeeeee"

Time skip to break

Kim's POV

Me and Dunc' got into college at break, Dunc' helped a lot, if he wasn't here, I'd be freaking out "Kimothy, come meet my friends, you'll love them!" Dunc' was so excited, Awww little cutie "Okay!" I replied with just as much as enthusiasm as him. We started walking towards the group I saw Duncan with yesterday, the women with the blonde hair and the boy with the brown hair but this time there was a man with ginger hair and "slight" beard. (Guess Who?!? XD) "Hello Guys, meet Kim!!" Dunc' startled his friends and they turned around and waved at me "Hi Duncan and Kim...that has a nice ring to it, *Lewis (spoilers) looks to Hannah (spoilers again) and Simon (spoilers 3) and smiles cheekily, they smile back (it's a spoiler because I never actually told you who the character were, just let your minds guessed XD)* you two ever thought about dating?" "Yes, Lewis, a matter of fact we already are" Lewis looked gob smacked "This is Lewis, as you probably know already. This is Hannah and Simon" Duncan chirped while waving to the two "Hello" I replied shyly, Hannah just laugh a little "You don't have to be shy, we won't bite, promise...well Hoot might, I'm just kidding" She said laughing even more as an owl swooped down and starting floating beside her. I don't know why, I've just met them but I feel that I have been best friends with them forever and that I can trust them. Cool!. "Hey, how about we go early to next class, Magic?" Dunc' suggested "Yeah, I'm up for that!" Me and Dunc' said our goodbyes to Lewis and Simon, Hannah was in our Magic class so she just came with us.

Rhea's POV

Me and Liv were just walking through the hallway to go to Magic, when Liv shouted "Rhea, Watch out!" and before I could react I walked straight into somebody... What a Jer-oh my gosh he's gorgeous!!! "S-sorry, I-I-it was my fault, sorry" I stepped out the way of the boy and picked up my books, the boy bent down and picked up the same book as me, our hands touching in the process, I instantly blushed and he smirked, we stood back up and the boy's voice was as nice as his looks "Hey, what's your name?" "R-Rhea" I stuttered "it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you" he chuckled slightly "I'm Smiffy, well Alex, nice to meet you Rhea" "nice to meet you to, this is Liv" I said gesturing over to Liv that was standing beside me "Hello Liv" they shook hands keeping eye contact and smiling...oh no they have fallen in love... "Rhea, me and Smiffy have already met" Liv said giggling a little. Oh that's why they were smiling...silly me. "we used to be best friends" "used?, no we still kinda are I just haven't seen you in ages, how's Kim?, oh me and Trott broke up, but it's okay we're still good friends" Wait what?!? What was happening here!! What is Smiffy's sexuality? "Yeah, it's been too long" Liv and Smiffy embraced which made me a little jealous but not much, I knew they were just old friends "Kim is good, she has a boyfriend, they are so cute together, aww that's too bad for Troffy, well maybe Alea" Alea? Is that? It is! That's me and Smiffy's ship name I couldn't help but laugh, Liv was always the first person to just make a ship right there on the spot, I love having Liv as my best friends. "Oh yeah, I met this guy who I think would be perfect for Kim, his names Duncan. And yeah maybe we should be a thing" Smiffy had put his arm round me, I was blushing so much, he kept his arm round my waist while he continued speaking to Liv "Funny you say that...that's who her boyfriend is" Liv laughed more because of two reasons, 1: my red face & 2: the coolness of how Smiffy thought Duncan was perfect for Kim as did mostly everyone. "Smiffy...I think you have a question for Rhea" Liv confronted making Smiffy rub the back of his neck awkwardly "Rhea, I know we just met and stuff but would you like to go out with me?" He asked removing his hand from my waist and placing it in his pockets along with the other one. WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING?!?!? "Yeah, I'd love to" "Great, I've got to go but...Bye babe... Byeee Livino Bambino" Liv and Smiffy laughed and hugged, Smiffy also hugged me and kissed my cheek and left...OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!! "Oh my gosh... My feels just jumped out of the window!!" Liv said jumping up and down hugging me, Liv is a very cuddly and kissy friend although she isn't kissing me now, she really is like a mother or a really nice and good sister (Liv kisses her friends on the foreheads if their upset and stuff, just saying XD)

Time skip to lunch

Hannah's POV

Everyone was here, Me and Lewis, Simon, Sips and Sjin who we met yesterday, Kim and Duncan, Kim's little sister Liv (Kim is only 4 months older than Liv) and her friend Rhea, Smiffy and Trott and Ross, Rythian, and last but certainly not least Zoey and Fiona. It was nice to talk to everyone, I really love talking to them all. "FiZone! LewHan! DunKim! Sjips! Alea! Tross! SiMandrew!" Liv said and everyone just laughed, that was random just shouting out our ships names... wait Rythian wasn't in any...Awwww*says in a sympathic tone*...Wait neither was Liv...Awwww*says in a mischievous tone* "Liv, do you have a partner?" I was going to say boyfriend, but that's a bit mean because I don't know what sexuality she is so that would be kinda mean to just presume she is straight. "No, I'm an independent woma-WoMUN, I don't need no man" Simon laughed at the fact that he had nearly everyone saying mun instead of Man, an a lot of us laughed at the fact she said I don't need no man "Rythian, do you have a girlfriend at the moment?" I know that Rythian is straight because I've been fiends with him for about 1 year and a half now and he always mentions girls and stuff. "No, unfortunately not, why?" Duncan and Kim had noticed what I was trying to do because they were smirking and slightly giggling at how 'perfect' this was going, Duncan and Kim had they're fingers intertwined as usual. It was cute. "Rythian, how about you and Liv go out, you both don't have partners so why not?" It was kinda of awkward but cute seeing both their faces go bright red! "Okay actually... I dare you, to attempt going out together and see if you like each other, you probably will be too scared to do it though" if Liv was anything like Kim then she wouldn't like being limited, like When someone says 'you won't be able to do it' Kim does it just to prove the person wrong, she doesn't like being limited, I learned that about her in magic when the teacher said she is just a girl and she won't be able to control the Flux (She might get infected, she might not...Mwhahahahahahahaha) and she did it just to show the teacher wrong. Lets just hope Liv's like this as well. "Challenge Accepted!" Liv replied. YES!! "Sure, why not?" Rythian was up for it too? COOL!!! "Yayyy!!! *claps*" we all clapped and cheered for the new couple, but we stopped when Liv's face went bright red and she ran away from the table hiding her face. Rythian ran after her. What did I do?!

Rythian's POV

Liv and I have spoke a lot and we have became quiet close in like the space of 2 days, I know why she ran away, she can't handle that much attention, she just can't handle it, so she needs to run, I found her, crumpled up on the floor next to the lockers in a very very quiet hall way, I sat down next to her and put my arms around her and she leaned into my chest, "Sorry, if it was me who embarrassed you" I played with her hair and kissed her head, she buried her self into my chest more, obviously trying to hide her blush, "it wasn't you, it was just like the attention, you know I can't-" "I know, it's okay, we're alone, we're not with them anymore, you can calm down a bit and if you want we can go back later" "yeah please. you love me?" I lifted her head so she was looking at me "of course I do, not because of your appearance, but because you are caring, adorable, loveable, funny, geeky, cute, brave and many more, plus you are beautiful, how much better can I get?" I kissed her on her lips and she kissed back, it was long and sweet. I really loved being here with Liv. We broke apart when we heard quiet giggling and quiet "Awww's". We looked over at the other side of the corridor and there was Duncan and Kim standing, looking at us, holding each other close in each others arms, and they were the ones who were 'fan-Girling' over me and Liv "I told you, they'd be fine" Duncan 'whispered' to Kim, loud enough for me and Liv to hear.

Before Ryth & Liv got found

Kim's POV

"Duncan, can we go find Rythian and Liv, I'm kind of worried" I whispered in Duncan's ear, he smiled and whispered back "Dont be worried, they'll be fine, but of course, my beautiful princess, lets go" I smiled at his cuteness "be back in a while" Duncan announced before squeezing my hand a little and standing up and we walked away from the table hearing a few Awww's. we looked for about maybe 5 minutes then we turned a corner and saw two people sitting on the floor. Wait that was them, they were cuddling on the floor. I looked at Duncan and he looked at me, we both smiled and leaned in for a sweet kiss, gosh darn I really love this boy. We broke away and smiled again before turning our attention to Liv and Rythian sitting on the floor kissing, Rythian with his arm round Liv's waist, very much like a hugging position but they were kissing, me and Dunc' automatically just said "Awwwww" and giggled then we saw Liv and Rythian break from the kiss and turn to look at us, Then i heard Duncan 'whisper' "I told you, they'd be fine" Awww I can just tell me and Liv's life's are getting so much better already. I just hope it keeps getting better.

A/N-- So sorry for that being 'quite' long, 2005 words so far from this point • This was a fun chapter to write, I really hope you enjoy this :) . I Hope you have a Fabulous life and Goodbye :) ~ Liv :)

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