Chapter 20

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Gabriel had yanked her from the back of her shirt within seconds as she set the first foot out of the room. She had started screaming again, begging for help, the façade of her calm demeanor shattering as she tried to claw at his hand with her nails but Gabriel was indifferent as he pushed her onto the bed and straddled her, pinning her hands above her head.

Carlisia continued to struggle.


Gabriel's voice was loud, Carlisia stopped as she stared at him, doe-eyed.

"Enough" He repeated his voice back to the deadly calm it always was.

Gabriel glared at her and then pushed himself off of her.

"Go, freshen up. The bath is ready. I'm right here."

There was no room for protest.

Carlisia currently sat on a table her hand clasped around a mug filled with chamomile tea. Gabriel sat across from her, his large hand around a similar mug filled with coffee, eyes completely fixated on the girl in front of him.

Carlisia knew she shouldn't test her luck and chose to stay quiet, finding the specks of wood on the tabletop very interesting.

He lazily trailed his eyes to the clock behind Carlisia's head. It was 8:00 pm. Not that late. Besides, no one was expecting her anyway.

A burst of courage came and she took a deep breath,

"You can't force me to stay here," Carlisia said with finality but when she looked at Gabriel's face, her confidence shattered into a million pieces, and his eyes bore into her.

"Technically, in werewolf law, I can."

Carlisia choked on her tea; her eyes wide as they dart to Gabriel in record time.

Gabriel was smirking, his eyes gold.

"It's against human law." Carlisia gulped as Gabriel tilted his head to the side.

"Luckily you are in werewolf territory, human laws don't apply."

Carlisia's breathing was ragged as a new sense of terror filled her being.

Gabriel kept her gaze, a smug look on his face as he took another gulp of his coffee.

Why wasn't his damn coffee finishing?

"I want to go home, Gabriel," Carlisia said with finality, mustering all the courage she could.

Gabriel looked at her, he loved the way his name rolled off her tongue.

He could only imagine how it would sound when she would be screaming his name in pleasure.

Gabriel's eyes turned darker as he clenched his hand into a fist.

The things she did to him without even trying.

"Relax, I am not going to force you into anything," Gabriel said but it gave Carlisia little closure as he continued to speak,

"However, since you are now more aware of the circumstances of our relationship. We need to try and make things work." Gabriel finished.

"We have no relationship."

"I'm letting you go butterfly, don't test me otherwise I'll keep you locked up here," Gabriel said, the threat loud and clear.

Carlisia stared at him for a moment longer before opening her mouth to speak,

"What do you propose?"

"You will stay with me during the weekends."

Carlisia's face paled. She couldn't stay with him during the weekends, she didn't want to stay with him at all.

"I don't think that would be a good idea."

"I'm not asking," Gabriel replied dryly.

"Right." The word trailed off her mouth, stupid of her to assume so.

What would a weekend with Gabriel even look like? Carlisia paled at the thought but chose to stay quiet.

You are my mate

She remembered Gabriel's words in the forest when she was screaming and shouting for help.

No one would dare, Carlisia.

Her eyes began to get red with tears. She didn't want this. Gabriel was older than her, she wasn't ready for this. Even though she wasn't a virgin by any means but the idea of Gabriel was off-putting.

Carlisia paled even more.

She peeked a glance at Gabriel to see him staring at her.

Today was Friday, could she even go home today or would she be forced to stay here right now?

She didn't realize she was crying until a wet drop of tear trailed down her neck.

Carlisia quickly wiped her face as she looked at Gabriel.

His jaw was tight. His eyes were flickering between gold and the usual brown before he took a deep breath, and closed his eyes.

When he opened them, they were brown.

"Come on." He said getting up and Carlisia followed without another word out of the front door, to the car.

Gabriel's knuckles were white as he clutched the steering wheel. He knew Carlisia was upset, it didn't take a lot to put two and two together. The car ride was silent, as soon as he stopped the car in her driveway the front door opened.

Carlisia was out of the car in record time as she ran towards her mom.

Gabriel's jaw tightened when he heard her sob.

Maria was silent as she stared at Gabriel, her arms protectively around her daughter.

"We need to have a talk, Maria," Gabriel said calmly, he was still holding Carlisia's bag.

Maria felt Carlisia's muscles tighten when she heard Gabriel's voice.

"If it is okay with you, may I tend to my daughter first, Alpha?" Maria asked and Gabriel gave a small nod as she took a sobbing Carlisia inside.

Gabriel could feel her scent getting lighter, Maria had probably taken Carlisia to her room.

The petite woman returned minutes later,

"Please come in." She said and led him to the lounge, it was the same as last time.

"She knows," Gabriel said as he set the bag beside himself on the sofa.

He noticed Maria's face was getting paler as she opened her mouth,

"Did you-"

"No," Gabriel replied, sharply.

He knew exactly what Maria meant; of all things, Gabriel wouldn't force himself on her.

Relief flooded Maria's features, but it was little.

"She will spend weekends with me. I will come and pick her up every Friday night and drop her to school on Monday. After that, she is free to return here."

Maria felt bile rise up her throat.

What did he plan to do with her daughter over the weekends?

Maria knew she had to choose her words carefully,

"Carlisia has always been a stubborn girl, just like her father. If you try to force her into something she would run in the opposite direction."

"Are you trying to deny your Alpha, Maria?" Gabriel's voice was cool, the threat lingering.

"No," Maria said, her voice small.

"Then I shall see you on Friday. Please make sure her bags are ready by the time I come to pick her up."

Maria nodded, getting up with Gabriel.

She walked him to the front door and it was only after he had left did she close it, resting her back on it before sliding down, a mixture of fear and sorrow brewing in her chest.

If she had known the consequences of Carlisia coming here, she would never have let her.

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