9 - Strawberries with cream

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"Yeji? Where are you?"

She asked as she walked down a long hallway with white walls, all the doors were closed and the sound of a baby crying got louder and louder, every time she took a step.


She heard her voice in the distance, but the more she walked, the longer that hallway became. The lights started to flicker and then her legs started to run.

The short-haired girl ran and ran while she only heard that cry echoing all over the place, her heart was racing, she felt that she was looking for her, but now she seemed to be escaping... But running away from what?

"Look for her... Look for her..."

Now she heard a different voice, the baby's cry made her stop because now Yeji was in front of her, holding something in her arms.

"Y... Yeji..."

She swallowed dryly and tried to walk towards her, but suddenly, a hand on her shoulder stopped her, pulling her backwards, making her fall down sitting on the ground.

The brown-haired woman turned and walked away, as she screamed her name and the baby's cry faded away.


"That's enough!" That voice...


Ryujin suddenly stood up with her breath hitching and the sweat running down her forehead, made her realize that it had all been a nightmare. But the look she received from her best friend, made her react.

"Did I hear right? Or did you say Yej-" The short-haired girl immediately got up from the bed and rolled her eyes.

What? Why had she dreamed about her? What was going on in her head lately? She seemed to be thinking about that girl now more than when she saw her every day and it was starting to bother her. Why was that?

"Shut up... What are you doing here?" Winter chuckled and sat down on the bed, shrugging her shoulders.

"Well, I came to see how you were doing.... You left the party yesterday without telling us and your mom let me into your room..."

The short-haired girl tossed her hair back as she looked out the window of her room, that dream or rather nightmare had felt so real, it had left her a little nervous.

"How late were you at the party?" Ryujin asked still staring at the view.

"Well, the party was over at 3 in the morning, so, at that time I left with Chaeryeong, took her home with Lia, because the bitch was really drunk, then I went to my place and that's it..." Ryujin turned her gaze to her friend, eyes narrowed, because she couldn't believe, she hadn't been with some girl last night.

"I see..." Was all she could say.

"Well, I came because I have some very good news to tell you and of course, I couldn't do it over phone..." Ryujin walked around the bed and sat down next to her, throwing herself on her back on the bed, she could still feel a little headache.

"If by good news you mean more alcohol today? I'll pass" Winter rolled her eyes and punched her a little in the belly.

"None of that, bitch, although that would be very good news.... The important thing is, yesterday a guy who is a Somi's friend and who is also a producer said he wanted to talk to us and that we could go see him today"

Ryujin immediately stood up with her eyes as wide as saucers and grabbed Winter by the shoulders.

"Really? You better not be messing with this, because I'll kill you!" The black-haired girl denied smiling and Ryujin jumped off the bed from the joy she was feeling at that moment.

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