Hayden - film industry

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You meet Hayden at a Party

/edited once/

Word count: 1113


To say I was bored was an understatement. I hated those kinds of parties. They were just shitty events where everyone thought they were "special" and had to act like a robot with no absolutely no chance of personality. The only questions you got asked were always either about your last movie but only about the premier and stuff, the weather, the newest gossip, but in a very mean way, or what sport routines you had.

Not once was someone really interested in a nice conversation or anything. These were times where I wished that I would have none of the fame I had gained in the last years. I mean I liked it, a lot, I got to do everything I always wanted but the price of fake friends and no privacy was something I was not really prepared for.

Currently, I was sitting on a small chair in a room a bit aside from all of the chattering. I held a drink in my hand, slightly moving the liquid inside staring at it. I knew it must have seemed odd from another point of view but it was definitely more interesting than being asked about the weather for the tenth time in a row.

Letting out a sigh I leant back against the cold white leather sofa and put one of my legs over the other. I began looking around the room for something I could distract myself with.

As I looked to my left I saw a man staring at me, startling me. He was really handsome and looked kind of familiar. Probably because he was famous as well. I really hoped that he was at least more interesting than the liquid in my glass but that thought was probably pointless since that never happened to me.

"Hello" he formally greeted me, coming closer to where I sat. "Hello", I replied not really knowing what to say other than that. "Sorry if I scared you. I'm Hayden Christensen, you're Y/N Y/L/N, right?" He noticed and I nodded at that. "I have to say I loved your new movie. It was great and I must have seen it at least three times in the theatre. Your acting is such an inspiration for me." He added and I blushed a bit at the nice comment from the handsome man infront of me. "Thank you. I really appreciate that. No one has ever said something that kind about my acting before." I admitted looking down at the glass in my hand. "How could that be? You are amazing! I mean you are even nominated for an Oscar." He asked confused. "Yeah I mean, I guess? All they ever say is something about how lucky I am to be in a movie with anyone or how lucky I was to kiss someone or asking me about any love interests like my love life is the only thing that matters. I mean, I am really proud of the nomination but the first thing I was asked after that was not about how I was feeling or anything, no, it was about who I am gonna bring as my plus one and what I am going to wear... and oh my god I realized I again talked way too much. I am sorry. I didn't mean to throw all that at you." I said feeling embarrassed, with a laugh and an attempt of hiding my face.

"Please don't apologize. I understand that. You know how many times interviewers wanted to know if I was single rather than what I think about anything? Or the attempts at touching my hand or my shoulder instead of asking me about my movies. And I am not even that famous compared to you. The industry is honestly just a piece of trash with the only good thing being the money and getting to do what you like. This made me rethink my choices pretty often already and questioning if it was even worth it." He confessed and I was stunned. Another one thinking just like me? That couldn't be true. Not at these kind of parties.

"You don't know how much I relate to everything you just said", I laughed slightly and so did he, "not to sound rude but in which movie did you stare in? I know you look familiar but I cant quite put the pieces together." I admitted and he kindly smiled.

"Oh yeah of course. I uh played Sam Monroe in Life as a house or Scott Barringer in Higher ground. Currently I am on press tour for the role of Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: Attack of the clones." He informed me and know I knew why he looked so familiar. "Oh now I know the connection", I laughed,"I loved you in Higher ground! But I also really liked the trailer for Star Wars, huge fan of the other films. Sorry I didn't make the connection before but I didn't think I would meet you here. Besides you look a lot more mature than you did in Higher ground." I told him and he chuckled. "Have you got any other projects coming up?" I asked and he nodded. "Actually yes. I just got the approval for a movie called Shattered glass." He revealed and I scoffed as I couldn't believe what I heard. "No way! Me too!" I also revealed and his eyes kind of lit up. "Thats honestly the best news i've got in a while", he admitted with a slight chuckle, " so I guess I will see you around a lot in the future." "I think you will" I announced.

We talked about our shared upcoming project and everything possibly else till we noticed the crowd outside began to vanish, meaning the party was over. I gave him my number and we had agreed on meeting again as soon as possible. Even if the filming would start in a few weeks.

He was the first friend I made in this industry and will probably stay my only one, which I would never complain about.

Honestly I even started to see him as more than a friend and so did he but we both agreed to take it slow. So no matter how much I hated the film industry, it brought a few more perks with it than I thought for a long time.


I don't know what to think about this chapter but it was kind of an gap filler as I work on a few other things right mow but didn't want to not update for too long haha

I hope it was not too bad and makes sense

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