/{14} [He Knows]\

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"I know you're here, Duri.." said gempa as duri started to shivers due to how serious gempa was and how gempa knew he was here the whole time... "How... Do you know?" Ask duri.. "let's just say someone was suspicious of you and started to spy on you these couple of days... I didn't ask them to do it tho..." Duri ask in confusion, "them?" He ask as gempa tries to come closer to Duri by locating where his voice was... Soon gempa was really right infront of him.. gempa crouch as duri started to feel sort of... Scared... "Yes.. them.. I'm sorry duri.. it's all my fault, it always been my fault... Im a failure... Im a bad brother, I made this all happened..." Duri quickly hug gempa back... He didn't like to see his brothers cry.. it was painful for him to watch... "It's my fault... I did this... I caused this... Big brother hali told me so... I'm the problem.." said duri as gempa sob even harder.. "NO! This isn't your fault! If I was there for you and never underestimate your powers, none of this would happen!... I don't want to lose you too... "
(How smart of me to use the title of this book as his dialogue 😐)
"... Have you lost anyone else before?" Ask the little element.. "I... I lost my big bro halilintar... He isn't the person I used to know, he completely changed after he got his second tier.... He becomes very stressed, rude, short tempered... And most of all... Ego... But duri..." He Sigh and took a deep breath as duri continue hugging gempa tightly... " I can't bare the same pain again by loosing you... Please... Don't be someone who you aren't... Don't listen to him... Listen to who you are..." Finished gempa as he broke the hug... "I promise gempa..." Duri said... Solar who was passing by saw gempa talking alone... "Gempa, have you seen duri yet?" He ask.. " he's next to me.." reply gempa. Solar stares at gempa as he lift his eyebrows, "yeah like I'm going to-" suddenly he felt something hug him as his clothes were slowly getting wet.. (yo you're sus) "s... Solar..." Solar heard it and immediately recognize the voice.. he crouch down and hug the invisible elemental... "What is wrong with you! You shouldn't do that to me! I'm so sorry.. it.. it's m... My fault... Everything... H. . happened..." Duri didn't say anything and keep on hugging solar cause he miss solar so much... "Why did you do this?..." Ask solar. "I don't want to kill myself or die... I just want to disappear until I feel okay again..." Replied duri as solar could hear tiny sobs from him... "Will you forgive me and give me one more chance...?" Ask solar... "Merge back and forget about this... " Slowly the little element was now visible... Solar smiled that indeed, duri forgive his unforgivable action... "I love you duri .." whisper solar... "Same goes with me..." Said duri as he slowly drifted off to sleep... He was tired... "Well took you long enough to realize your mistake.. heh" said taufan as he was walking into the room... "Well thanks for making me realize it soon taufan... If you didn't tell me about duri's condition... He might be depressed for who knows how long..." Said solar thanking taufan.. ice soon join them and went to gempa, "told you he was here..." Gempa chuckle a little, "of course you knew... Hihih... You been spying him for some time now..." Said gempa smiling...

"So everything back to normal?" Ask ice looking a bit less lazy .. "not quite..." Said duri as everyone was shock because they thought duri was asleep.. "hali... We need to help abang hali..." He said as he tries to get up with solar's help...

"Abangggggg haliiii!" Shouted taufan in excitement, "wut?" He ask as he felt being hug by others... "What's going on?" He said panicking.. "we love you, please don't hide things from us... Abang hali, we love you!" All of them said together. Halilintar tried hard not to feel embarrassed but failed... "I love you all as well..."

"Except solar..." Said halilintar teasing.. "hey I heard that!" Said solar angrily... "I'm joking jeez .." reply hali as he hug them back ..

I Don't Want To Lose You Too... (Duri Freaking Angst) [Complete]✓Where stories live. Discover now