~{4} [I'm Here For You]~

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"fools... Underestimate your fellow element is really a wrong move .. but got to admit... You made my job easier..." As duri laughed... Solar knew it's the end... He might be smart, but he wasn't smart enough to bring duri back... He can just blast duri but he was afraid to hurt the real duri... He gave in... Suddenly he heard a voice...
"Solar, no matter what... Promise me you will protect me!" Solar shake his head.. no .. he couldn't... He had broke the promise... "You're... Going... To give up?.... On me?" Tears started to fall on solar cheeks... It hurts to see duri's cry... Solar knew he had to do it... He needed to hurt duri ... He has too... He focus all his energy as he blast duri's vines using his powers... Some of the lights hit duri as he scream in pain .... "Ughhhh noo...." Solar started to think... "Darkness can be defeated with light!" He shouted as he ran and hug duri tightly... "Duri please remember me... You don't have to do this, stop hiding your problem away from me!" Duri only stand still.... Trembling.... "Yeah duri, don't hide things from us... Listen to us than that darkness guy..." Answered taufan... Taufan then noticed that duri's eyes slowly turning brown... Same as his hair... "I... Just someone to notice how useful I can be... B.. ut... Everyone... Keep seeing me a...as a child...t...that can't do anything alone... Thinking I'm an innocent child even if I am... Your age... I might may be straight as line... But it hurts.... To be seen like that... " Answered duri still trembling on his knees... "I understand duri..." Said solar as he gave duri a big warm smile... "Thank you sola-" duri couldn't finish his sentence as he felt pain all over his body... The burning sensation was still felt by duri... Duri fell as he started to whine about the unbearable pain.... "Ow help it hurts! Solar....!" He scream... Solar went to duri and wrapped him around with some few leaf that duri had gave him the other day... The leaf was capable to remove pain and bruise in a short time... "It's ok duri... The pain will soon leaving you alone..." Smiling at duri as duri smile back but rather a very weak smile... Soon the leaf did it's job and the nature element was no longer in pain... He had passed out because of all the energy from him was drained... "You did great duri... Im proud of you" solar carried duri as they went back to the spaceship... Meanwhile taufan and gempa continue the mission... When solar arrive, he place duri on his bed as he took duri's hat off... "So...lar..." Whisper Duri... "Yes duri, what is it?" Ask solar as he sat besides him.. "am... I a burden to everyone?" Ask duri. "No.... You're not... You're more like the family's joy.. you are my cute, happy, positive big brother... Duri's eyes were filled with stars, "thanks solar..." Solar smile... "Alright get some rest.. if you need me, just call me.." said solar as he left the room...


Such cool drama...

I Don't Want To Lose You Too... (Duri Freaking Angst) [Complete]✓Where stories live. Discover now