✓{3} [Unexpected Guest]✓

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"shit... This area is full of thick plants and trees... I can't seems to reach them.. ok.. calm down gempa... Just stay calm..." Said gempa as he kept walking in circles... "I think we're going to dieeee" whines taufan as he shaked duri unconscious body. "NO ONE'S IS GONNA DIE IDIOT!" Shouted gempa impatiently.. duri finally regain conscious as he looks at his surroundings... "Are we dead?" Ask duri smiling.. "No we aren't!" Shout gempa annoyed.. "wow we're still stuck here?" Ask daun sarcastically, "shut the fuck up! I'm trying okey!" Shouted gempa... He then realized what he had said.. "fuck?" Ask daun.. "just ignore that duri, what matters now that you're finally awake" said taufan as he put his hands on duri's shoulder... Duri nodded and stood up.. but there were a sharp pain was felt in duri's legs.. he growled in pain as he collapse on his knees... "Ow... My legs..." Whisper Duri...
What is wrong with me... I didn't deserve someone like him...
"Let me help you..." Said taufan as he lift duri and gave him the branches he took from earlier.. "where did you get that?" Ask duri a bit concerned... "I found it lying around on the ground obviously.. heh..he..." Lied taufan.. he knew if he told duri the truth, duri would strangle him to death... "Right... So shall we continue walking till we find somewhere that has any internet connection?" Said duri all hype up... "Yeah.. than I'll call solar to help us... You're to fragile for this mission.. duri..." Answered gempa... "Oh..." Was the only thing that had escape from duri's mouth... He felt like chocking but play it cool...
Am I not special enough?
"Ok then let's go... Right gempa, duri?" Ask taufan but felt unsure of duri's behavior... He looks sad and hopeless... Gempa's word really hurt him... "Uh.. yeah.. yea taufan... Let's go..." Said duri after snapping out of his thoughts...

Hour and hours.. they been walking... They took some rest as gempa tried to call the others... Duri then took his sticks and walk a bit.. taufan was confused, "duri where you going?" He ask... Duri ignore and continue walking, so taufan decided to follow... Duri went to the place that taufan never recognize before.. "what are you planning to do?" Ask taufan... Duri ignore and sat at a nearby lake... Taufan only observe duri actions... Duri then took his legs and gently place them in the water... Soon smoke started to form... As if... It was burning it... "Duri!!!!" Shouted taufan.. duri face taufan and smiled... "I'm useless.. I'm better of not existing at all..." His eyes weren't the kind of eyes that taufan ever seen... It was full of pure torture...
What's... Happening...
Duri take his breath and dive into the water... The hot acid slowly burns duri's skin... Duri ignore the burning sensation and kept diving down...
They're too loud...
Meanwhile with taufan was too stund... He didn't knew what he should do .. either help duri or tell gempa... Then suddenly someone as fast as light dive in straight to the lake... It was solar! Duri was losing his breath but continue on...duri then felt he was pulled upwards as he started to lose conscious... He felt the touch of someone's hand... Someone he ... Knows... Taufan soon saw solar drag duri out of the lake... Duri's skin was badly injured as solar also had a few injury due to the heating acid... For solar, duri was his number one priority... He cares for duri so much but he just didn't show it... Sure duri might be a dumb and naive kid, but he'll do anything for duri's sake... "Duri .. can you hear me .." but no response... Solar started to sob louder... Taufan was shock because he never saw solar cry before... "Heh solar... When will you learn?" Solar look down and saw duri smiling... "Duri?" Ask solar... "Heh... I'm not duri..." Solar started to get confused... "Wha-" duri then kick solar as he stood up perfectly fine... Taufan was double confused... "I'm borrowing your friends body because he had overwhelming negativity... He'll feel the pain not me😊" said duri smirking.. as duri lift his arm and summon vines and trap both taufan and solar... "Ugh... It won't budge .." said solar.. "I thought his vines were weak" exclaimed taufan...
Please... Don't hurt them...
"You really underestimate his power do you?..." Said duri smiling as he eyes stare dead at solar .. "who are you?" Ask solar... "Well.. I'm duri's spirit... I'm part of his being.. actually I'm part of his negative feelings.. he let me take over his body because he was too tired to live..." Solar shook his head, "no! I known duri for some time now, and he wouldn't do something stupid as this!" Solar stare at duri... Duri's eyes wasn't green and slight brown anymore... He's eyes were completely red with a shade of black... His hair was brown with a shading.. white... White?....
Solar... I don't want to die yet....

I Don't Want To Lose You Too... (Duri Freaking Angst) [Complete]✓Where stories live. Discover now