Chapter 28

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We don't know anything. Mia and I have busied ourselves with alternating between Holly and the baby while Everly stayed unconscious in a room a floor below us. It took everything in me not to stay by her side, but I need to keep both my mind busy and also make sure Holly and Kade don't stray away from the happiness of the birth of their son, Carter.

Before we found out that Everly was very much alive, Holly had her heart set on baby names and Kade was right behind her on it. I remember her saying that if she had a daughter she'd name her Everly and if she had a son then she'd name him Carter. It was her way of honouring her best friend and keeping her memory alive in whatever way she could. They were platonic soulmates after all.

I know they're both going to kill me when they find out what happened moments after we arrived at the hospital, but in this moment of time the arrival of Carter is more important to them. They're officially parents and the little baby in the NICU is their world.

Alex took it upon himself to make sure Carter was well taken care of. He stayed by his side, held his tiny his little hand, and spoke to him. Mia made herself comfortable in their room, running in and out to get things for Holly despite not even being told. That's just Mia being Mia, my sister has been a worry wart since before we were even born. But I realised that it wasn't just her being a worry wart, she was trying her best to fill in an absence that no one could fill. She didn't want Holly to feel the lack of her best friend and sister, but there's only so much she could do. We made it an hour till she started asking about her.

It was difficult to steer her away from it, but the doctors made it easier by telling her she needed to rest. Kade however wasn't buying it till we sent him on his way to sit with his newborn son while Mia stayed with Holly. I, however, was pacing back and forth outside Everly's room waiting for Ben to get here.

Alex had called him not long after the whole thing happened and he's still not here, three hours later. I have a feeling creeping up inside me and I don't like this feeling. Ben is the type of person to drop every single thing and come running for Everly's sake. He'd run here if he had to yet he's still not here.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I quickly sent a text to the family group chat letting them know she was still asleep. I then tapped on Ben's contact and held my phone up against my ear while looking through the small window in the door to Everly's room.

No answer.

Sighing, I shoved my phone back into my pocket before quietly pushing open the door and walking in. I walked around the bed and took a seat on the small stool at the side of her bed before taking her hand in mine.

I took it upon myself to Google about seizures while my mind was running wild. Google said that seizures are caused by anything that interrupts the normal connection between the nerve cells in the brain. What if something triggered a switch in her brain and it was so overwhelming that she seized? What if that trigger was so shocking that everything is gone again? Or everything is back?

The almost inaudible sound of the door opening caught my attention and snapped me out of my thoughts. I instantly felt my body relax when I noticed Ben closing the door behind him and walking into the room. The worry lines on his forehead were a lot more prominent than they were from earlier today.

"Do you think she'll remember anything when she wakes up?" I asked, hoping and praying he says 'yes'.

"There's a chance, yeah." He whispered, sitting down on the opposite side to me and holding her other hand.

Releasing a shaky breath, I closed my eyes and gently squeezed her hand. Thinking if the endless amount of things she'll remember. What parts of her life will she remember? What if she only remembers the first ten years of her life? And even then people don't know anything from at least the first five years of their lives anyway.

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