Chapter 16

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Ben is a complete wreck. It's the only way I can put it and even then it barely describes how he really is. He's spent every free second in his hotel room and refuses to leave. The time he spent with Everly only made the cut deeper. I could see the guilt, the anger, and most importantly the sadness on his face more than anything else. After we dropped Aiden off at the building site, Everly, Ben and I went for dinner.

He spoke to her every minute of the two hours we were out and I could tell how much it was hurting him. She asked him a million and one questions about his job and he told her a million and one stories about his surgeries from when she was a kid. Surgeries she should remember. Surgeries she should know about.

The entire dinner he was the happiest I've seen him in the last four and a half years. He was laughing, smiling, and talking nonstop. However the second I dropped her off to her friend Lizzie's house, he became dead silent. The entire drive back, neither of us spoke a word and when we got to to our rooms he didn't bother saying or doing anything other than walking into his room.

It's currently 2:15 AM and I have a feeling all four of them are wide awake in their rooms staring at their ceilings, because I am. I haven't spoken to Austin and Elijah after we left earlier but I have a feeling they've locked themselves in their rooms the entire time

Sighing, I threw my blanket off of me and grabbed my phone from the nightstand. The second I picked it up, I got a notification from Everly Rose herself.

Can't sleep :/  - Everly

Why couldn't the toilet paper cross the road? -Everly

It rolled.  - Mason

Nope. It got stuck in the crack  - Everly

What kind of drink can be bitter and sweet? - Everly

Coffee - Mason

Nope. Reali-tea  - Everly

Are you high? - Mason

Are you boring?  - Everly

A stupid fucking grin was on my face reading through her messages. Instead of replying, I tapped on the FaceTime icon in the corner of the screen and waited for her to pick up.

"How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?" She grinned the second her face popped up on the screen.

"Ten-tickles." I chuckled.

"How do you know? Have you ever tickled an octopus before?" She asked, a playful look on her face as I rolled my eyes and shot her a glare. Now she wants to use logic.

"Can't sleep?" I asked as I walked out of my room and to the small kitchen.

"No I'm asleep, this is just me sleep talking." She said as she closed her eyes and threw her head back so she was half hanging off her bed.

"Well I guess I should let you get back to sleep."I sarcastically smiled and watched as she snapped her eyes open and shot me a glare.

"No, I'm so bored." She groaned, her lips pouted and her gorgeous eyes staring into my soul.

"What have you been doing this entire time?" I asked in confusion. I expected her to be completely knocked out a while ago, but at the same time she's a night owl. She never sleeps.

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