Chapter 10

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"I need a favour, like a big big favour." Aiden asked as he sat in one of the chair opposite my desk after storming in as though the place was on fire.

"Sure what's up?" I asked as I quickly sent off an email and turned to face him. It's my first day back at work after taking a week off to move in. It took a lot longer than I originally expected, however Mia and Max were a lot more helpful then I expected.

"I understand if you say no, but it's only for three days." He said as furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, waiting for him to continue. "Remember the London project? There have been too many setbacks and I feel like they're taking advantage of the fact there isn't anyone there." He said as ran a hand through my hair in realisation.

"You want me to go to London for three days?" I asked as he nodded and turned to check on the sleeping twins on the couch. "I don't want to leave them here for three days, Aiden. Besides, London is the last place on earth I ever want to go back to." I sighed.

It's true, the last place I ever want to go to is London. There are too many memories associated with that place and both good and bad. However, the bad overrides the good ones any day.

"I know, and I would go myself but Hayley's pregnant. It's a lot more complicated this time and we had a scare the other day." He whispered my eyes widened in surprise.

"How far along is she?" I asked. It's definitely news to me, I don't think they've told anyone yet.

"Almost two months, we didn't want to tell anyone till after the three month mark." He said as I nodded and kept my eyes on the kids.

"Congratulations, I'm happy for you guys." I grinned as a small smile made its way to his face. "I'll go." I sighed as he jumped up from his chair and rushed around the desk before throwing himself at me. "I'll have to ask Ben or mum if they can watch them for me." I said as I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"Already done, Athena's trip got cancelled so they both are more than happy to have them." He grinned as he grabbed my face and kissed my cheek as I shoved him off and rolled my eyes in amusement. "Your flights in two days British boy." He said before rushing out of my office.

Two days.


"Dad!" The twins whined as I hugged them tighter, not wanting to pull away or even leave them to begin with.

"You're not leaving forever!" Elle giggled as I pulled away and pouted, trying my absolute best to make them even the slightest bit upset that o was leaving for three days.

It's as if they could care less! The second I told them about it they packed their bags the very same day and had them tucked in the corner of their rooms ready to go. At first I assumed they misunderstood me and thought they were coming to London with me. However, when I cleared the nonexistent misunderstanding they laughed in my face and said they were excited to stay with their grandparents for three days without boring old me to bother them.

I felt like cancelling the entire thing right then and there just so I could be 'boring' on purpose and teach the little shits a lesson.

"You're not going to miss me?" I sniffled as their grins dropped.

They immediately wrapped their tiny arms around my neck squeezed me as tight as they possibly could.

"You know we will, silly." They said as the same time before kissing my cheek.

"I'll call every single day and I'll be back before you know it. Please be good for Papa and Gigi or I'll tell them to put you on a flight right to me." I warned as they both rolled their eyes, calling my bluff.

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